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Bangkok Voted World's Best City In Travel Poll


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I agree with Micky,Bangkok is the best and is #1. I cannot believe anyone would think NYC is better, it is a sxxthole. Yanks go home please!!!!

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and I think that includes cities. :o

Respectfully...One may look at a slum and see poor homeless and starving people, yet another may see potential wealth. I believe it is in ones perspective that we may not agree. :D

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:o Heck yes, I've lived here two years and I'm more than sick of it...I hate this goddamn place. I don't know how this can not be a joke...and ranked 3 last year even...wow...it's as if these people just pull city names out of a hat without taking the time to go there and spend a month or two...

Yeah but this poll was based on travel and leaser. Not expat life, imagines traveling a week with a 5 thousand bucks to blow. I see this poll is accurate.

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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:o Heck yes, I've lived here two years and I'm more than sick of it...I hate this goddamn place. I don't know how this can not be a joke...and ranked 3 last year even...wow...it's as if these people just pull city names out of a hat without taking the time to go there and spend a month or two...

Yeah but this poll was based on travel and leaser. Not expat life, imagines traveling a week with a 5 thousand bucks to blow. I see this poll is accurate.

Good point Rak

But let's look from the other side of the spectrum. What if you were standing on a street corner with no money..where would you rather be? I think that would be more accurate :D

Edited by ETC
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ha- i was just thinking what a crappy city bangkok is compared to NY and making plans to leave it soon.

I was thinking that the poll was not taken by an English-speaking-only driver trying to get on Rama VIII on Monday morning. Suddenly I realized and told my friend in the US, The Thais were fine before I came and will probably not even notice when I leave in a few months. Where else could I have the experience of this Tuesday morning at 6:45, sitting at a red light that did not change for 20 + minutes, staring at the ramp that would take me to Rama VIII. I finally followed a few brave cars going the wrong way in the diamond lane so I could get back to work in Ban Pong.

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:o Heck yes, I've lived here two years and I'm more than sick of it...I hate this goddamn place. I don't know how this can not be a joke...and ranked 3 last year even...wow...it's as if these people just pull city names out of a hat without taking the time to go there and spend a month or two...

Yeah but this poll was based on travel and leaser. Not expat life, imagines traveling a week with a 5 thousand bucks to blow. I see this poll is accurate.

Good point Rak

But let's look from the other side of the spectrum. What if you were standing on a street corner with no money..where would you rather be? I think, in my humble opinion, that would be more accurate :D

My answer to my own question would be, "Thailand"... as I could always find something to eat and a friendly smile. AS for BKK...My Thai wife and I own a large home in BKK and a smaller home in Lopburi and we much prefer the home in Lopburi. But then again.. we are not into the night life scene. I think Lopburi should be high on that list. :D

Edited by ETC
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ha- i was just thinking what a crappy city bangkok is compared to NY and making plans to leave it soon.

I was thinking that the poll was not taken by an English-speaking-only driver trying to get on Rama VIII on Monday morning. Suddenly I realized and told my friend in the US, The Thais were fine before I came and will probably not even notice when I leave in a few months. Where else could I have the experience of this Tuesday morning at 6:45, sitting at a red light that did not change for 20 + minutes, staring at the ramp that would take me to Rama VIII. I finally followed a few brave cars going the wrong way in the diamond lane so I could get back to work in Ban Pong.

Sounds a bit like NY, LA and Phoenix to me. 555555555555 :o

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Sorry to see all of the anti-american sentiment, you guys are getting really cranky in your old age. But I have always found that there are those who have to step on someone's head to stand a little taller. I live in New York, half of the year and Chiang Mai the other half. I judge a place by how many folks want to get there and the US is still yearned for by many. Hope that your pissy attitude changes, for your own happiness. Joe

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I understand that the big stinky mango has a huge "exotic" appeal based on what people know and project onto it, like the Royal Palace, Thai Food, the river setting, shopping, luxury hotels, the nightlife and markets. And that's why it was rated so highly.

Having lived there for 4 years, there are probably few cities in the world where the gap between visiting and actually living there is greater, imho. And this gap becomes wider with each thousand baht note you don't have to spend. I'm sure I'd move back on a pumped up expat salary staying in a beautiful condo on Sukhumvit, say around Soi 63 and eating in the best restaurants or meals prepared by my own chef.

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surely the poll by a travel company means that maybe the bookings are down for Bangkok this year so lets give it a boost ~ or is that too sarcastic

Probably more truth then fiction. If Dubai can make the list anything is possible. :o

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Ambergris Cay, Belize

Ah yes - I remember it well 30 years ago before all those fat walleted Yanks discovered it and spoilt it

Bottle of Caribbean Appletons Rum and four cokes for US$2.00 (including a bucket of ice)

Hotel rooms at $4 a night all-in with Brit breakfast (that was just over a quid back then)

EMPTY beaches and natives so friendly they made today's Thai's look like depraved Mongols on the warpath


Sigh again

Why did the Americans have to discover the Belizean Barrier Reef?


Looks at the Sangsom bottle and wishes it was Appletons


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surely the poll by a travel company means that maybe the bookings are down for Bangkok this year so lets give it a boost ~ or is that too sarcastic

Probably more truth then fiction. If Dubai can make the list anything is possible. :o

I figure at my advanced age, to much excitement would give me a coronary and to little would cause me to die from boredom. By my calculations, Thailand is just right for me and I would miss it if I had to leave. Just to many good points for me. Besides, I couldn't find an adventure like this back home. :D

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He !!

they asked someone !!

NY is great !

Amis can't accept some other are better !!

Maybe not better but different in a good way. :o

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sure mickybangkok, we're all yanks watching tv in our condos and you're one of these disgusting bald headed slobbering farangs hanging out in nana every single night. Get over it...try a new city on for size, this one is the epitomy of dirtiness. It isn't just that either, it's funny because Bangkok isn't even the best city in Thailand let alone the world. Chiang Mai is much nicer, less polluted (though it's getting worse), full of more interesting shops and restaurants and in general just a refreshing breath of decently fresh air...I wouldn't rank Bangkok in the top 50 in the world...this #1 thing is a sham. I love Thailand, but anyone who says they love Bangkok is either lying to themselves or would enjoy living in a landfill if not for its lack of nightlife.

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From what I have seen of Bangkok, my travelling along the southern coastline, (Hua Hin and 200 Km beyond) trips up to Khon Kean, Kalasin and over to the north-east border, give me Thailand any time in comparison to NY and beyond. America is too commercalised, the extremes between those with wealth and the areas which the have-nots inhabit, are more marked than in Thailand. Whilst crime pervades both enviroments, the levels of it are far greater in the US.

Some people I am sure, take their holidays and retire in Thailand because it is a lot cheaper than elsewhere, but then moan and groan that it isn't as sophisticated, they can't buy the range of things they can 'back home'. However, if they were 'back home', they would then moan even more, that living there is far too expensive and riddled with high levels of crime. Life is about making compromises and not expecting that you are entitled to access all the facilities that a 1st world country delivers, in one that hasn't the same levels of economic power and development. Both have their failings, it just depends which you are willing to put up with, and not moan about!

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sure mickybangkok, we're all yanks watching tv in our condos and you're one of these disgusting bald headed slobbering farangs hanging out in nana every single night. Get over it...try a new city on for size, this one is the epitomy of dirtiness. It isn't just that either, it's funny because Bangkok isn't even the best city in Thailand let alone the world. Chiang Mai is much nicer, less polluted (though it's getting worse), full of more interesting shops and restaurants and in general just a refreshing breath of decently fresh air...I wouldn't rank Bangkok in the top 50 in the world...this #1 thing is a sham. I love Thailand, but anyone who says they love Bangkok is either lying to themselves or would enjoy living in a landfill if not for its lack of nightlife.

"One man's junk is another man's treasure"...and so goes life. :o

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SamsSauce1949 Posted Today, 2008-07-10 22:58:11 From what I have seen of Bangkok, my travelling along the southern coastline, (Hua Hin and 200 Km beyond) trips up to Khon Kean, Kalasin and over to the north-east border, give me Thailand any time in comparison to NY and beyond. America is too commercalised, the extremes between those with wealth and the areas which the have-nots inhabit, are more marked than in Thailand. Whilst crime pervades both enviroments, the levels of it are far greater in the US.

Some people I am sure, take their holidays and retire in Thailand because it is a lot cheaper than elsewhere, but then moan and groan that it isn't as sophisticated, they can't buy the range of things they can 'back home'. However, if they were 'back home', they would then moan even more, that living there is far too expensive and riddled with high levels of crime. Life is about making compromises and not expecting that you are entitled to access all the facilities that a 1st world country delivers, in one that hasn't the same levels of economic power and development. Both have their failings, it just depends which you are willing to put up with, and not moan about!

This isn't the point at all, Samsauce, it's about BANGKOK, not Thailand. I love Thailand. I can't speak for retirees as I'm 27 years old and teach English over here, but I can definitely say I love this country and will really miss it, but I'll never for a second miss Bangkok...just a few of the restaurants. I am from the States and I don't feel like living back there at all, but I would take the fresh air any day from any city other than Los Angeles and replace it with the sickness I live amongst here. You get a common cold in Bangkok and it's not over in a few days...sometimes it's not over until you actually leave the city.

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I agree with Micky,Bangkok is the best and is #1. I cannot believe anyone would think NYC is better, it is a sxxthole. Yanks go home please!!!!

you think NY is a shithole but bangkok os squeaky clean or what?

Bangkok is the world's best city, but all it has going for it is its nightlife (which used to be much better).

Now why are all these guys really here?

exactly... if you are here for the girls maybe bangkok is great, or if you are a tourist and want to see chatuchak and the grand palace and do some shopping, ok... but living here otherwise, bangkok has little to offer anyone else. it does not attract the best element of people- whereas NY attracts the best of the best (artists, musicians, writers etc.) bangkok has very little progressive or creative energy. horrible problems with traffic/electric work/technology infrastructure/sewage management/etc. etc. i like to visit bangkok for a short time, but i do not plan to live here long. i am only here because it is cheaper for me than NY right now.

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if you are here for the girls maybe bangkok is great, or if you are a tourist and want to see chatuchak and the grand palace and do some shopping, ok... but living here otherwise, bangkok has little to offer anyone else.

Speak for yourself, not "everyone else"

Bangkok is a great city which just as much culture and stuff to do as your beloved New York

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if you are here for the girls maybe bangkok is great, or if you are a tourist and want to see chatuchak and the grand palace and do some shopping, ok... but living here otherwise, bangkok has little to offer anyone else.

Speak for yourself, not "everyone else"

Bangkok is a great city which just as much culture and stuff to do as your beloved New York

lets not get derailed from the OP or degenerate into 'my city is better than your city'

the title of the thread is .. Bangkok Voted World's Best City In Travel Poll - that means for tourists, so yes they are probably right..

if it were a 'BKK is the worlds best city to live & work in' poll, then number 1 i think it would not be.. (that accolade would go to Chiangmai.. :o or am i biased..)

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a good day is any day I don't have to drive into that black hole of a city.

Can't imagine what people like about it. When my friends arrive I apologize for Bangkok and hurry them out so they don't get depressed.

The travel poll is likely based on advertising dollars spent. Obviously Thai airways is a big contributer.

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lets not get derailed from the OP or degenerate into 'my city is better than your city'

the title of the thread is .. Bangkok Voted World's Best City In Travel Poll - that means for tourists, so yes they are probably right..

if it were a 'BKK is the worlds best city to live & work in' poll, then number 1 i think it would not be.. (that accolade would go to Chiangmai.. :o or am i biased..)

travel is the keyword here! light travels faster than sound! if you travel faster than light...........bkk is the top travel destination

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