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Mozilla V Firefox


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And what are the major differences between the two? I am running Mozilla on my old win98 machine and every once in a while it just freezes up, usually if I try to click to fast on too many different things. Probably a memory issue but would Firefox work better? And how about for my winxp machine?

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I have been using NetCaptor available at Download.com. This adds several desirable features to MSIE, including Tabbed browsing and is a free for home use program.

So far it looks pretty good but have only been using it for about a week now. I have used it for banking and credit card activity with no problems of any kind showing up. I do like the tabbed browsing and the easy smooth install.

I have had problems with both Firefox and Opera when downloading pages that contain any type of WordArt in them in that they do not load the word art but sub it with some text of their own. I have also had problems with things like counters not showing up in a proper format to permit viewing them. None of these problems happen with NetCaptor and in fact it seems to utilize MSIE settings as a base.

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Firefox is from Mozilla but the Mozilla browser and the firefox browser are not the same things, I believe. I definitely downloaded a Mozilla browser and saw different download button for Firefox.

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Firefox is from Mozilla but the Mozilla browser and the firefox browser are not the same things, I believe. I definitely downloaded a Mozilla browser and saw different download button for Firefox.

Yeah, 100% correct sbk.


Mozilla was the original code name for the product that came to be known as Netscape Navigator, and later, Netscape Communicator.

Later, it came to be the name of Netscape Communications Corporation's dinosaur-like mascot.

Now, we intend to use the name Mozilla as the generic term referring to internet client software developed through our open source project.

Netscape Communications Corporation holds trademarks on the names Netscape, Navigator, and Communicator; it has not yet been decided what, if any, restrictions Netscape will place on the use of those names. However, a generic term for browsers is still needed, and "Mozilla" is as good a name as any.

So, Mozilla is a set of technologies, but not a specific (in biologic terms, Mozilla is a genus; a particular product is a species). And mozilla.org (pronounced Mozilla Dot Org or The Mozilla Organization) is the group of people who coordinate the project.


More info at http://www.mozilla.org/mission.html .


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I have both Firefox and Mozilla. They are different. Firefox seems to be easier to use and faster. I think that Mozilla is still under development and effectively all Mozilla releases are still betas to be used for development purposes. This may have changed recently, as I haven't checked in some weeks.

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I haven't tried either since Opera works fine enough for me. It's fast and not as virus-prone as IE and has tabbed browsing, which are enough for me. Of course, like all IE alternatives there are pages that it cannot display properly, but I have IE for that purpose (well, you can't uninstall it anyways).

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Mozilla is the one based on the code that Netscape released. (and, in turn is now the code base on which later versions of Netscape itself are based).

Firefox is generally faster as it was basically a rewrite to produce a smaller, faster browser. But Firefox is just a browser, the larger Mozilla also has the other components that Netscape communicator had - email, newsreader, etc.

I prefer Firefox as a browser, simply because it tends to be faster, (and as the code is smaller, and generally simpler, it tends to get updated more frequently than the older Mozilla code).

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Mozilla is the one based on the code that Netscape released. (and, in turn is now the code base on which later versions of Netscape itself are based).

Firefox is generally faster as it was basically a rewrite to produce a smaller, faster browser.  But Firefox is just a browser, the larger Mozilla also has the other components that Netscape communicator had - email, newsreader, etc.

I prefer Firefox as a browser, simply because it tends to be faster, (and as the code is smaller, and generally simpler, it tends to get updated more frequently than the older Mozilla code).

bkk_mike is right on all accounts. The Firefox people have also developed what is said to be a very good email client [alternative to Outlook Express], called Thunderbird, that is Open Source and thus freely available for use.

If you use a PC experts advise you should be using Internet Explorer as your browser of last resort. Here to advocate that point, and published in no less an authoritative source than Microsoft Certified Professional magazine, is one of the best non-technical [okay, maybe a wee-bit techy] articles I've read on the issues and implications surrounding the IE/Windoze hegemony. Read on: Time to Dump IE?

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mozilla.org will answer all your questions.

Thunderbird 0.9

Thunderbird, our latest email program, includes intelligent spam filters, spell-checking, security, customization, and newsgroups support.

Mozilla 1.7.3

Web-browser built for 2004, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing made simple.

Firefox 1.0PR

The safer, faster, better web browser featuring tabbed browsing, integrated search and live bookmarks. Stop pop-ups, spyware and viruses. Get Firefox and spread the word! “I suggest dumping Microsoft's Internet Explorer” — Walt Mossberg, Wall Street Journal, Sept 16

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So, firefox uses less memory than the larger Mozilla/netscape browser? Do you think this would solve my memory problems on my old computer? I hate to get rid of it just cause it's old and running win98, the thing is a workhorse that hasn't let me down for years (nearly 5 now!) and it's been right next to the sea for all those years (we live on the beach and the computer room isn't ac).

So, should I uninstall mozilla and install firefox or just leave it on there and install firefox? What do you think?

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I've got the disk space, it's mainly a secondary computer. I have noticed when clicking through on too many sites with Mozilla sometimes Mozilla just freezes. I don't need a full-featured browser suite, just the browser. So, perhaps using a browser that takes up less memory will help. I will give Firefox a download later and let you know how it goes. Thanks for the tips!

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My problem with IE on my old computer is it cannot load my yahoo account and I frequently get error messages which cause IE to close, seems to be flash based but I can't get it to stop.

I have had no problems with Mozilla opening my Yahoo mail account and the freezing is not as often as IE closing (which is within 2 minutes of opening it).

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you have win 98 running on your old machine.

If you want to give it a makeover you might want to try win2k as your OS, it does not require much more on the resource front than 98 and it manages the RAM better than 98 so you might even see it run faster than 98.

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It seems to me that the silver bullet fix for what is basically a Win98 problem will not happen by just installing Firefox.

It seems to me that the real issue involved in the Mozilla / IE debate is why you should not use IE. That answer is very simple. Security! IE is the browser of last resort.

Where it gets slightly more complicated is when you want to access the MS update page. For that you will still need IE installed on your computer.

I personally use Firefox for everything except updates. For that I use IE. I also use Mozilla on my Linux installation.

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