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Bob4you Got Lucky Tonight


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Bob4you got lucky tonight

Thanks to Pattaya Police Department

It is now 11:30pm and I was awaken by knock at my door @ 10:45pm. My usual time line is awake by 5:30am and asleep by 9pm, this was a normal day except I was on line last night with friends and associates from 1am to 5am, up at 7 and played golf today so I was in a deep sleep when there was the loud banging at my door. I am staying at my country home on Phoenix golf course road 1 Rai of land with small house sitting back 300 meters from the road. I feel safe because I have 14 dogs (9 small dogs, Yorkies, Min Pins and Maltese, 4 medium sized, Cocker, Schnauzers, Shitzu, 1 large black lab mix). Yes my wife and I love dogs and parrots, the dogs are a deterent from strangers but only act as Watch dogs not guard dogs. ie. Bark but don't bite.

I have burglar bars on all windows, a heavy wood front door with slide lock, key lock then burglar door inside with padlock that can be moved from front side to rear when I am inside, reasonable protection. Having been awaken from a deep sleep by the loud knocking, I unlocked the burglar door and opened the wooden front door to find a Thai man standing there holding one of my small puppies saying "your dog"?

Thinking (or not really thinking clearly)one of my dogs somehow got out I took the dog from him and thanked him, he walked into the house and proceed to hug me and tell me how much he loves dogs, then how he loves me (that scared me at first). He spoke a little English, more than I spoke Thai. I soon realized that he was a mentally deranged, probably homeless man in his underwear and t-shirt.

He never threatened me but did not want to leave. My wife was at our Pattaya townhouse as she worked all day at Mini's Aviary while I played golf, she elected to stay in town and I at the country home so I tried to call her to talk to the guy, after 4 attempts and no answer I realized that she had gone to sleep upstairs with her phone on charger downstairs and no matter how many times I tried to call it would do me no good, what the fxxx am I to do now. I tried to offer him B100 to go get a drink, but he wasn't drunk and didn't seem to want my money.

While we were talking I noticed flashing red lights at the entrance to my p front gate, managed to get him out on to my porch, locked the door and walked the 300 m to the locked gate where 6 police, 2 civilians stood with flashlights. I let them in, they rushed by me, by the perp and shining lights all around the house. I pointed the perp out to them and told them he was harmless but I really wanted him off of my property. They cuffed him and led him to the road.

I asked one of the civilians (maybe plain clothes police) how they happened to be in front of my house with red lights flashing, he told me (sign language as I don't understand Thai and he spoke no English) that he saw the perp climb over my fence and called the police.

After they left my property I called him back and gave him B1000 with my complete gratitude and said, buy everybody a drink or two.

I have read many complaints about how ineffective the police are and wanted to give credit when credit is due.


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That'll teach you - life on the dark side - ha!

And your dogs were not barking?

Just your visitor - he was barking mad.

But the local filth do do their job more often than people allow - just hope they don't come round checking-up every night from now on. Ask your wife to contact them and explain all the circumstances, otherwise they may put you down as a drug dealer.

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Sure the dogs were barking but I am hard of hearing and a sound sleeper so the loud knock at the door 6 feet from my bed did wake me up. The police were very friendly and are welcome to come round every night if they like, I might even stock some more beer if they do.

As far as my visitor while he had a few loose screws in no way did I ever feel threatened, just worried how I was going to get him out of my house and off of my property.

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