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Excuse the 'The end of the world" post above.. It is just one symptom of systemic Candida. Anxiousness and clouded thoughts are daily and come and go.

I am very interested in MMS and I have made contact and am waiting for a response.

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I realize you are disillusioned with doctors, but suggest you consult one specializing in Chronic Fatigue Symptom as that sounds more likely.

I know there are a lot of books/websites saying otherwise, but there is in fact no evidence that candida (which is normally present in some parts of the body and held in check by other normal bugs) causes the kind of symptoms you describe.

Systemic candida is indeed a serious disease, but very rare except in people with serious immune deiciencies, and it causes severe sepsis; this is not what you have.

I realize you are disillusioned with doctors, but suggest you consult one specializing in Chronic Fatigue Symptom as that sounds more likely.

I know there are a lot of books/websites saying otherwise, but there is in fact no evidence that candida (which is normally present in some parts of the body and held in check by other normal bugs) causes the kind of symptoms you describe.

Systemic candida is indeed a serious disease, but very rare except in people with serious immune deiciencies, and it causes severe sepsis; this is not what you have.

With Respect Sheryl, you are far from right on this.. I have studied this daily for about 4 months on the net and I actually think it is one of the worlds biggest problems, that is overlooked.. Chronic fatigue in alternative medicine is thought to be systemic candida also.

have a read below, its only a copy and paste of an article I have, but it fits me and no other doctor has came close at diagnosing me correctly.. Since I diagnosed myself and changed diet and taken colon cleansing etc, I am a little better.

Some of the most frequent Candida symptoms are:

  • abdominal gas
  • headaches
  • migraines
  • excessive fatigue
  • cravings for alcohol
  • anxiety
  • vaginitis
  • rectal itching
  • cravings for sweets
  • inability to think clearly or concentrate
  • hyperactivity
  • mood swings
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • hyperactivity
  • itching
  • acne
  • eczema
  • depression
  • sinus inflammation
  • pre-menstrual syndrome
  • dizziness
  • poor memory
  • persistent cough
  • earaches
  • low sex drive
  • muscle weakness
  • irritability
  • learning difficulties
  • sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals
  • cognitive impairment
  • thrush
  • athletes foot
  • sore throat
  • indigestion
  • acid reflux

The brain is the organ that is most frequently affected by Candida Symptoms, but it also has profound negative effects on these systems:

  • digestive
  • nervous
  • cardiovascular
  • respiratory
  • reproductive
  • urinary
  • endocrine
  • lymphatic
  • musculoskeletal

Candida symptoms can vary from one person to another and often move back and forth between systems within the same individual. One day you may experience symptoms in the musculoskeletal system and the next day it could be the digestive system ,etc.


Just because something is on the internet doesn't make it proven or true.

If your tongue is truly coated with thrush then you have either had recent exposure to large amounts of antibiotics or your immune system is seriously compromised. Candida will not overgrow to that extent unless something kills off the normal flora or the immune system is seriously deficient.

Be sure to check your HIV status if you haven't already, and good luck


As I said in my earlier post, I have stomach ulcers and the drug dealers at Bumungrad filled me with all types of drugs, including 2 courses of antibiotics.

I havent just thrown a dart at a board here, I have actually studied night and day to try and diagnose my conditions and I would say I was in bad shape and still am fighting..

The internet is a wealth of information and should not be looked at as an alternative approach.. Doctors are drug dealers, they work for big Pharma and are great if you want stitches or a bone mended.. They should not at anytime be put in charge of peoples health.. I wish i learnt that a lot earlier.

Your body is meant to heal, its made that way.. Its just finding the right ingredients to make it heal faster.

Thanks for the best wishes and my HIV status is nil as is most anything else you can throw out there as I checked everything at 4 hospitals in bangkok, until i gave up and diagnosed myself... since then i now at least have a goal to heal to.

  • 3 months later...
Hi, I've been using MMS for about 5 days now. Its seems to working as advertised. I did not purchase it on line but bought the chemical needed to make it, here in Thailand. This informaton is available free. 28% sodium Chlorite by weight with distilled water. I have an excess of the solution. It cost me about $2.50 to $3 a four ounce bottle to make. That includes bottles and distilled water. It was recommended to me by a forum member in the post about leptospirosis. He has been taking it for a while, no ill effects, but no chronic conditions that I no of. So I'll let you know how things are going. I also have to book by Jim H. on it, Free on CD or I can email them to you, if anyone would like to read them. Aloha Rick

Hi Rick,

Today is 18/january/2009...

I live in Chiang mai and would like to know if u continue to use mms, and if you found the results to be really good and disease preventive as claims jim humble.

I never tried it, but Im interested, you seem to be very much into it. I would be happy n thankfull to you if you could share a light on it, from your personal experience on how you feel today, as you started taking mms a while ago.

do u know where i can find it here in CM? I've been looking around without success...



Admittedly and understandably there are lots of profiteers out there now trying to make a fast buck on a substance that can be purchased in a chemical supply house by the kilo...that's human nature and internet business. And it is a relatively new discovery...

And lots of skeptics will be and are turned off by the inventor's name of the product [Miracle] and his amateurish presentation [i'm laboring thru the 1st installment]. He is not a doctor and has little scientific [medical] background, but that's not to say that he could have [accidentally] stumbled onto an important breakthrough. Sometimes major breakthroughs take simple people and simple solutions. look at pasteurization and the 'discovery' of sanitation in operating rooms, CH. Not to mention my all time favorite the discovery of side effects of a heart medication which led to Viagra.

I have a liver condition [hep c] that medical science can't offer me a cure for with more than a 50% chance of recovery after an expensive year long miserable treatment of interferon and other nasty anti cancer drugs, I will try to have an open mind to some alternative treatments and this one [so far] holds the most hope.

I've almost convinced myself to go in for a round of baseline tests, then go for the MMS treatment and follow treatment up with another round of tests to see if I have cleared and I will share my findings on this forum and other health related forums as well as my aggressive doctor that wants me to spend 10's of thousands of $'s for a 50% chance of recovery.

Jaidee,may i ask how you contracted hep c please


Contracting hep c is only by blood to blood.....not sexual.

most common is transfusion or iv drug use [shared needles]

other means of transmission are use of the air gun in mass vaccinations in military and unsterilized tattoo needles.

less common means is shared razors and toothbrushes

If you have any of the above to be suspicious of, then I suggest that you get tested....it's cheep and easy and painless and then you will know and you can take precautionary measures or go for the treatment, which I declined.

the odd thing about this nasty virus is that it can remain dormant and asymptomatic in your body for 20-30 yrs or more, then rear it's ugly head.

Doctors are drug dealers, they work for big Pharma and are great if you want stitches or a bone mended.. They should not at anytime be put in charge of peoples health.. I wish i learnt that a lot earlier.

Yep, licensed, highly trained drug dealers applying rigorously scientifically tested treatments, that you can even sue if they screw up.

I found a supplier in Thailand I have ordered and will update when arrives.

Yep, an unlicensed and quite likely untrained drug dealer that sells untested treatments and who has no legal obligations regarding your health.

Good luck. Try not to poison yourself with it.


I can not help but to urge extreme caution in taking this substance. The signs and symptoms some of the posters above attribute to a "Herx" reaction may actually be toxicity to this compound.

From the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency):

NPI rank (National Pollutants Index)

Approximately 400 substances were considered for inclusion on the NPI reporting list. A ranking and total hazard score was given based on health and environmental hazards and human and environmental exposure to the substance.

Chlorine dioxide was ranked as 41out of 400. The total hazard score taking into account both human health and environmental criteria is 3.3.

On a health hazard rating of 0 - 3 chlorine dioxide registers 1.8. A score of 3 represents a very high hazard to health, 2 represents a medium hazard and 1 is harmful to health.

On an environmental rating of 0 - 3 chlorine dioxide registers 1.5. A score of 3 represents a very high hazard to the environment and 0 a negligible hazard.

Factors taken into account to obtain this ranking and these scores include the extent of the material's toxic or poisonous nature and/or its lack of toxicity, and the measure of its ability to remain active in the environment and whether it accumulates in living organisms. It does not take into account exposure to the substance. Environmental exposure is reflected in the NPI rank for this substance (see comparative data below). A substance that scores highly as an environmental hazard is oxides of nitrogen at 3.0 and one of the lower scores is carbon monoxide at 0.8. A substance that scores highly as a health hazard is arsenic at 2.3 and one of the lowest scores is ammonia at 1.0.

The reports on MMS are all anecdotal; I found no scientific study on this. A reference to a study done on "Malawian prison" inmates can not be regarded as either proof or anywhere near the truth as far as I am concerned.

I do not want to enter into a debate on alternative vs conventional medicine but only again want to urge potential and current users of this substance to be really objective and very mindful of the potential longterm side effects of this. At least have blood tests done to monitor any changes in your red blood cell morphology while on this.


Second the points made by FBN

This is an old thread which in part provided the impetus for the new Health forum specific rules which have been posted under the pinned notices.

Please review these. Thread now closed as MMS is clearly neither proven nor part of any recognized established system of alternative medicine.

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