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Long story - cut short (the following is a true/live situation).

Guy goes to LOS.

Meets and falls in love with Thai girl.

They marry (properly - marriage recognised by UK).

It takes him 6 months (or thereabouts to get her over to UK).

2 years after the marriage and 18 months after her arrival in UK the marriage has broken down.

Will she now get kicked out of UK, as he is telling her?

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If she was given leave to enter the UK as his Spouse and there has been such a change of circumstances since the leave to enter was granted it can be cancelled. I know of one girl recently who went home to Thailand in similar circumstances and returned via Heathrow and was refused entry to the UK as her husband had in fact withdrawn his sponsorship.

Has the marriage broken down due to domestic violence ? as leave to remain maybe extended whilst this is being investigated. The rules are complex

and I'm sure other people on here have dealt with these issues a lot more than myself and will advise accordingly.

Long story - cut short (the following is a true/live situation).

Guy goes to LOS.

Meets and falls in love with Thai girl.

They marry (properly - marriage recognised by UK).

It takes him 6 months (or thereabouts to get her over to UK).

2 years after the marriage and 18 months after her arrival in UK the marriage has broken down.

Will she now get kicked out of UK, as he is telling her?

I dealt with a similar situation for a friend last year. Does the Thai lady have any children?

Has the marriage broken down due to domestic violence ? as leave to remain maybe extended whilst this is being investigated. The rules are complex

and I'm sure other people on here have dealt with these issues a lot more than myself and will advise accordingly.

Well, she turned up at our place (Chez Battersea) today, covered in bruises and scratches after he attacked her last night (he won't get a job and lives off of the State and his parents) and also drinks too much and was under the influence of other substances when he beat her up, but it seems that that is his usual state.

She doesn't want to involve the police (I find it hard to disagree with her on that score as they are generally disinterested in "domestics").

But the marriage seems pretty much over.

Long story - cut short (the following is a true/live situation).

Guy goes to LOS.

Meets and falls in love with Thai girl.

They marry (properly - marriage recognised by UK).

It takes him 6 months (or thereabouts to get her over to UK).

2 years after the marriage and 18 months after her arrival in UK the marriage has broken down.

Will she now get kicked out of UK, as he is telling her?

I dealt with a similar situation for a friend last year. Does the Thai lady have any children?

No. No kids in thailand and no kids with her UK husband.


In this stage she doesnot want to go to the police, but have her go to see a doctor so he can `record` her bruses/scratches/whatever.

You never know, this may come in handy for her later on.


This situation is very similar indeed, with the exception of a child. A Thai lady friend of mine married a UK man in Thailand, she was pregnant and had the child in Thailand without the pressence of her husband stayed in the UK. Four months later he brought her over to the UK, and just like your friends, 18 months later the relationship broke down. She overstayed in the UK for 3 months while trying to get help, she had no success. He refused to support her, and his child and subsequently she returned to Thailand with no money or help for their son.

Without going into all the details, I was told by a lawyer in the UK that it would be very difficult for her to return there, even though she had a son, as he was born in Thailand, they didn't register their marrage or there son in the UK. I was told however that even though thier marrage had broken down, and that it took place in Thailand, she is still legally entitled to half of his estate. The catch unfortunately was that she wasn't entitled to any form of free legal help, and had to pay for a lawyer in the UK to represent her, she didn't have the money to persue it.

From what i understand, because your friend's marrage is recognised in the UK, she would be entiteld to free legal help if she can't afford it, and likewise she is entiteld to a proption of whatever estate he has. If she can also claim that she will be destitute should she have to return to Thailand, then their is a possibility she maybe be able to apply for PR, baring in mind she has been there for 18 months.


As things stand, the woman can lawfully stay in the UK until her current visa expires but as the relationship has broken down, an application for either an extension or indefinite leave is unlikely to succeed.

However, if, as you report, she is the victim of domestic violence, she can make an application for indefinite leave now. She will have to demonstrate the DV, though, which will include reporting it to the police and going to hospital to have any injuries documented.



That just about sums up your options : the domestic violence must have been documented as Scouse has said over a period of time leading to the breakdown of the relationship. The visa will expire shortly and she will have to return home to Thailand.

Good luck


Once again! All I see is one side of the story. Does anyone think it just happened too be at the end of her visa. Get off your thumbs and wait for the other side............

Once again! All I see is one side of the story. Get off your thumbs and wait for the other side............

I have a feeling we are only going to get one version

Does anyone think it just happened too be at the end of her visa.

That would suggest it was planned..... or someone arranged it on her behalf

Get off your thumbs and wait for the other side............

I would suggest this is a good idea, but how? You can only work on the information that is known to you at the time and that is what is being relayed, whether it is right or wrong will only be justified in time,

Whatever the other side is, it DOESNOT justify beating her up !

Absolutely, if it is the alleged character doing the beating.



There are two sides to every story, maybe where hearing just one side or maybe not.

But bashing up the mrs is no excuse, but like I said, there are two sides, maybe fake, maybe not, who knows.

This bloke, has he always been sponging off the benifits? getting rat arsed etc? cos if he has, it amazes me how he provided evidence as to sponsering and getting the spouse visa granted on benifits.

Something fishy here :o


Whatever the other side is, it DOESNOT justify beating her up !



We do not know and will never the other side of the story unless the guy is a member of this group and chooses to give his side.

It is possible that we have heard the truth, equally is is possible that she have met up with some Thai ladies who have been her some time who have enticed her to join them in their escort business, she wouldnt be the first to do so.

It is possible the husband is responsible for her bruises but equally possible she could have got them from another male or perhaps a female for that matter.

The husband is Innocent until proven guilty so lets keep an open mind on this topic please.

As the lady has a child in Thailand one can understand she wants to provide for that child but what skills does she have that would assist he find employment here in the uk?

I suspect that she knows the score about domestic violence and I would be suprised if she did not travel that route to stay in the uk, domestic violence is unacceptable but we are all human and from time to time people do act out of character when under stress and emotional pressure.

Not an excuse, just a possible alternative view.

Roy Gsd

As the lady has a child in Thailand

No, no kids at all - as previously stated. You misread somewhere.

Not a criticism, just pointing it out so others don't equally misunderstand the girl's situation.

Seb d, reading one of your previous topics I understand you have a license for a gun.

Well I hope you aint gonna do anything stupid ah kid :o

LOL. I got a fist, too, but don't care to use it.

On a more serious note, the lass is not faking (I believe I'm old enough, cynical enough and a reasonable judge of character, to tell - maybe I'm wrong.....but I'd lay odds....).

I've also got other evidence of his abuse towards the girl but can't say too much on open forum as I understand he reads the boards - maybe this one, maybe not, but care is called for.

There's always two sides to every dilemna.

I, too, only really knew her side until tonite and I'm always prepared to take a step back and remember that there IS another side. But something ocurred that casts her testimony in stone as far as I'm concerned.

I wouldn't waste the board's time otherwise.

Thanks guys for some useful insight and tips.


The best thing is for her to get legal advice, she will be entitled to legal aid unless stated in her visa. If she has been beaten it does have to be documented as some have said. One thing i will say is during the time i was helping a lady with similar issue, i did contact a law firm that advertises here, and their advice was very different to the various solicitors I received advice from, with the exception of the documented evidence of domestic violence.

I contacted womens rights in the UK who were quite helpful and pointed me in the right direction of a very good solicitor that had already dealt with a similar case.

It took me 3 months to get the right help as there were so many solicitor that said she could not stay in the UK, although entitled to a portion of her husbands estate, likewise many solicitor did say she had a good chance.

My advice would be to contact woman rights in the UK first. They are very difficult to get through to but the advice is pretty good.

Whatever the other side is, it DOESNOT justify beating her up !

Again 2 sides to every story. How many here have had the pleasure/displeasure of meeting a wild and passionate woman? you know the type, the one that ties you to the bed, bites scratches, drinks beer with the boys and plays pool and speaks her mind. I used to be wild about an American girl like this and we hooked up and moved in. Now this naturally escalated into wild fights on a regular basis and she had an unusual habit of slapping and then daring me to hit her, me 6,4" and her 5'7". Lets just say I ended up in jail in Washington D.C and charged with assault and battery on what was clearly self defence. Lets not be to quick to judge this guy without his version

Whatever the other side is, it DOESNOT justify beating her up !

Again 2 sides to every story. How many here have had the pleasure/displeasure of meeting a wild and passionate woman? you know the type, the one that ties you to the bed, bites scratches, drinks beer with the boys and plays pool and speaks her mind. I used to be wild about an American girl like this and we hooked up and moved in. Now this naturally escalated into wild fights on a regular basis and she had an unusual habit of slapping and then daring me to hit her, me 6,4" and her 5'7". Lets just say I ended up in jail in Washington D.C and charged with assault and battery on what was clearly self defence. Lets not be to quick to judge this guy without his version

You hit her?

Should you be commenting on this thread (or, indeed, this forum?).


Now where did I say that? At least read my post before you go on the attack. No I pushed her away and she landed awkwardly. But that wasn't her story and there is always an issue about truthfulness in domestics, don't you think?


Of course there is always 2 sides to every story. As we can only hear 1 side then any advice given here can only be based on that side.

Just to add to your point. I did find out sometime later that the woman i was helping was unfaithful to her husband. She also claimed he was a bad man but never claimed she had been abused. I regretted helping this woman after i found out what she was like, but that's my story and not the OP's

Now where did I say that?

"Now this naturally escalated into wild fights on a regular basis ..."

Before telling me to read carefully, perhaps you should construct your narative so.

I can only read what you write.

Your post started as almost titillation in atmospehere but ended all defensive.

Who's fooling who?

Pardon my observation but you suggest we should deal with nothing short of facts regarding a girls genuine circumstances yet retreat behind innuendo regarding your own.

Merely my observation. Apologies if I've read your situation wrong (but I only got your half of the story).

Now where did I say that?

"Now this naturally escalated into wild fights on a regular basis ..."

Before telling me to read carefully, perhaps you should construct your narative so.

I can only read what you write.

Your post started as almost titillation in atmospehere but ended all defensive.

Who's fooling who?

Pardon my observation but you suggest we should deal with nothing short of facts regarding a girls genuine circumstances yet retreat behind innuendo regarding your own.

Merely my observation. Apologies if I've read your situation wrong (but I only got your half of the story).

Relationship broken down! She wants out! Funny thro, you don't mention she wants to go home to Thailand?

But wants to stay there....? interesting

True only one sided story, not saying he didn't do it, but, having been with my wife for nearly 8 yrs , I know Thai womend have a flip side, that can become very bad! they can push push smash smash and take you over the edge very quickly, and like any man I will put up with nearly all of it. But< I have on three occassion in 8 yrs had to go on the defensive, then it becomes 'the mans fault' but we keep going 'cause we do care for each other very much.

She should go back to Thailand, start again. Not use the situration to feather her own nest. If she needs money to get home, then she should seek legal help. But, if he is on SS, only how the hel_l did she get here in the first place....? someone is not telling us everything! sounds like he is working cash in hand.

Now where did I say that?

You hit her?

Should you be commenting on this thread (or, indeed, this forum?).

You assumed SebD. As they say your making an ass-u-me. My original post was not meant to provide you with all the juicy details and my main point is clear on there being 2 sides to a story especially in domestics


We are best friends these days and she bailed me just for your info and if you need more details pm me this is not my thread


Can i just say who cares who did what and when; the guy asked for some help or advice he got his advice. The only way she can stay beyond the visa is going down the domestic violence route if she can prove this is the case or asking the sponsor to apply for FLR/ILR on her behalf it they can patch things up.

The end

There's always two sides to every dilemna.

I think you'll find there are three sides.

Her side, his side...and the truth :o


As things stand, the woman can lawfully stay in the UK until her current visa expires but as the relationship has broken down, an application for either an extension or indefinite leave is unlikely to succeed.

However, if, as you report, she is the victim of domestic violence, she can make an application for indefinite leave now. She will have to demonstrate the DV, though, which will include reporting it to the police and going to hospital to have any injuries documented.


Correct there is every likelyhood she will be able to stay. I would add though that the immigration rule dealing with domestic violence is very liberally interpreted. Get the ball rolling now. Get her to a GP now. Introduce her to the local womens domestic violence organization. Get a good ( legal Aid ) Immigration solicitor or go to the Immigration Advisory Service. Its helpful if there is a police report but it is not essential. Anyone who has seen the injuries can be a witness in any application to the Home Office.

Good luck


There's always two sides to every dilemna.

I think you'll find there are three sides.

Her side, his side...and the truth :o


many a true word said in jest, :D

the truth isnt always what the want to hear though

Roy gsd

If she was given leave to enter the UK as his Spouse and there has been such a change of circumstances since the leave to enter was granted it can be cancelled. I know of one girl recently who went home to Thailand in similar circumstances and returned via Heathrow and was refused entry to the UK as her husband had in fact withdrawn his sponsorship.

Was she admitted on a tourist visa?

Correct there is every likelyhood she will be able to stay. I would add though that the immigration rule dealing with domestic violence is very liberally interpreted. Get the ball rolling now. Get her to a GP now. Introduce her to the local womens domestic violence organization. Get a good ( legal Aid ) Immigration solicitor or go to the Immigration Advisory Service. Its helpful if there is a police report but it is not essential. Anyone who has seen the injuries can be a witness in any application to the Home Office. Good luck Richard

Finally a lucid reply.

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