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I cant help but notice the growing number of pumped up, brainless, steriod nuts coming to Pattaya. They are on every corner. Ok everyone likes to be in shape but surely this is some kind of psychological disorder.

What do you think?

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Agree with the OP, and they seem to think they look good with their fake muscles when in fact they look ugly and unattractive especially those with tattoos.


I know a guy from the UK that i didnt see for about 12 months and he has been using steriods, yes hes big and muscular but its aged him about 10 years in the face and hes got arrogant, i now avoid him,.whats the point ? it seems its only other men that like this, is it a gay thing ? :o ,..we call him orange john, he walks about like hes holding 2 oranges under his armpits :D


zodiac "with their fake muscles when in fact they look ugly and unattractive especially those with tattoos"

so you prefer guys with "real" muscles and no tattoos :o

I've noticed lots of old fat farangs recently. There seems to be more than one on every corner.

Oh sorry, should I start a new thread about this ?



Yep people who have real muscles and no tattoos are generally better than the pumped up steroid users.

Why not start a thread about the fatties on every corner, at least most of them are not "users", right?!


The only blokes I see hanging around street corners in Pattaya have long black hair, big t1ts and short skirts :D . I never realised that steroid use did that to a man but what the hel_l it's their life :o .

The only blokes I see hanging around street corners in Pattaya have long black hair, big t1ts and short skirts :D . I never realised that steroid use did that to a man but what the hel_l it's their life :o .

It does apparantly make your genitals shrink..........maybe you're on to something there :D


The cost of the roids is door sun. When your girl goes whats dat pointing at once was an enhanced member mow 1/3 the size. And once your off the roids if you don't work out forever- all the muscle mass sags- not to mention I think the brain shrinks as the Ego increases. Where is snap kick to the head at anyway......surprised not to see him posting!

zodiac "with their fake muscles when in fact they look ugly and unattractive especially those with tattoos"

so you prefer guys with "real" muscles and no tattoos :o

I've noticed lots of old fat farangs recently. There seems to be more than one on every corner.

Oh sorry, should I start a new thread about this ?

Have we hit a nerve ? :D . muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit ,in fact its usually a weakness in another area that causes these types to pump up,.however it does seem to be some sort of uniform in pattaya,.
muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit

Making comments like that is certainly a sign that the brain has not been engaged.

This thread is an excuse for all the out-of-shape people to show their insecurities.

I issue a challenge to anyone. Take lots of steroids and stay at home drinking beer...I guarantee the result will be zero muscle gains.

Steroids, good food and a LOT of dedicated hard work are required to develop the physiques that so many of you secretly envy.

The people I pity are the guys who get around looking 9 months pregnant....too numerous to count.

I cant help but notice the growing number of pumped up, brainless, steriod nuts coming to Pattaya. They are on every corner. Ok everyone likes to be in shape but surely this is some kind of psychological disorder.

What do you think?

I've never taken steroids. But I exercise regularly, eat well and am naturally athletic, which makes me as strong as the guys on the juice, though not as muscle bound.

I'm more ripped and I think I look much better than those guys anyway.

But guys like me (naturally athletic) and these guys on the juice all look better than guys who don't work out at all.

It's you guys with the flabby arms and jellybellies that I feel sorry for.

Most of the "steroid nuts" have a pretty good looking girlfriend in tow.

Now to my main point. I've never taken steroids but might consider doing so in moderate amounts when my body begins to decline (i.e., I begin to lose strength)

I suspect this might begin to happen in my mid to late forties, at which time I'll consider giving myself an advantage, to slow the decline.

I've read that steroids/hormones, if taken in moderate amounts for correct purposes, can be much more beneficial than detrimental with only a small risk of side effects.

But for me it's going to be strictly on a "need to use" basis. And that is sure as hel_l not yet.


Congratulations! You've just cut n' pasted a host of negative side effects of steroids....and amongst it there is so much nonsense it would take hours to cover it all...particularly the one I've highlighted in red. Many do, but to say most people experience this is a gross exaggeration. Most over weight people in their 40 and above develop breast tissue due to higher estrogen levels as their own testerone production takes a dive.

Most of what you posted here was written to scare people into not using them.

They can also be used safely without any side effects by intelligent users who know what they are doing and do careful blood work.

The positive side effects are many too.

Here as some significant ones:

1. They will improve strength and performance in just about every sport.

2. They will improve the sense of well-being in most people over 40.

The bottom line is that they work. If they were openly allowed in sports, most world records would improve dramatically.

I use steroids for HRT at age 49, and one side benefit is that my pre-diabetic condition has totally normalized. Being able to push weights like I'm still in my 20's doesn't hurt either. I hadn't touched steroids until I was 47 but I wish I had started ealier.

I cant help but notice the growing number of pumped up, brainless, steriod nuts coming to Pattaya. They are on every corner. Ok everyone likes to be in shape but surely this is some kind of psychological disorder.

What do you think?

Ignore them WSE, they may think they look good, but.....

Far from being in shape, they are a walking disaster and are reducing their chances of reaching old age, big time.

Do not be fooled by their appearance, it,s what in on the inside that matters, especially the vital organs, the heart in particular.

Physical disorder i,m sad to say is the end result of steriods and their like.

In their defence from my perspective.....

Many of the ones i,ve come across are usually quiet and non pretentious when you talk to them, nice people on the whole, belying their outward appearance.

No one should feel intimidated by this outer appearance either IMHO, most are just ordinary and decent individuals.

marshbags :o

I've never taken steroids. But I exercise regularly, eat well and am naturally athletic, which makes me as strong as the guys on the juice, though not as muscle bound.

I doubt this.

The strength gain from using steroids can be extremely dramatic. It's hard to believe you can lift what juicers do no matter how athletic you claim to be.

True or not, you should be able to increase your key lifts by 100 lbs or more with one decent, well run course.

I've never taken steroids. But I exercise regularly, eat well and am naturally athletic, which makes me as strong as the guys on the juice, though not as muscle bound.

I doubt this.

The strength gain from using steroids can be extremely dramatic. It's hard to believe you can lift what juicers do no matter how athletic you claim to be.

True or not, you should be able to increase your key lifts by 100 lbs or more with one decent, well run course.

Okay, maybe not quite as much. But I'm up there, maybe at 70-80% of what those guys can do.

And I believe you about the 100 lb increase, but that's never been my goal.

I have natural athletic strength. I can do 30-32 chin ups in a single set, 40 dips in a single set.

I mention these because to this day I've never seen another guy in a gym I've been in, even come close to me on these.

Okay, maybe not quite as much. But I'm up there, maybe at 70-80% of what those guys can do.

And I believe you about the 100 lb increase, but that's never been my goal.

I have natural athletic strength. I can do 30-32 chin ups in a single set, 40 dips in a single set.

I mention these because to this day I've never seen another guy in a gym I've been in, even come close to me on these.

30 - 32 chin ups is very good for sure, but how much do you weigh?

Most strength athletes are not concerned with high reps. Once you reach 15 - 20, even very strong individuals can find the going tough because endurance becomes the primary factor. Most world record pullup/chinup champions are skinny.

How much can you deadlift, squat, bench press and military press are the questions I'd be asking?


I was a drug worker in the Uk and, ran a steroid clinic for 5 years in Earls Court. The majority of my clients were gay men caught up in the body image thing. A small percentage were straight men body building. Guess which group abused steroids.

The thing with steroids is that if they are used correctly with up and down cycles (ie take for 13 weeks dont take for 13 weeks) and are combined with working out hard and a good diet they will give good results with little side effects. The problems start when people want that bit more and ignore cycles. Those that take steroids and dont exercise or diet also get nil results

2 Colleagues of mine ran a steroid clinic in Soho. One used steroids and one didn't and you would be hard pushed to know which was which.

The bottom line is use them wisely and heed the advice available. I should stress i do not and have never taken them nor do I advocate drug taking

muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit

Making comments like that is certainly a sign that the brain has not been engaged.

This thread is an excuse for all the out-of-shape people to show their insecurities.

I issue a challenge to anyone. Take lots of steroids and stay at home drinking beer...I guarantee the result will be zero muscle gains.

Steroids, good food and a LOT of dedicated hard work are required to develop the physiques that so many of you secretly envy.

The people I pity are the guys who get around looking 9 months pregnant....too numerous to count.

That's what I though it was all about, blokes looking good for other blokes.

I respectfully decline your challenge but cheers anyway.


Comfortable with my natural mid-age spread.

muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit

Making comments like that is certainly a sign that the brain has not been engaged.

This thread is an excuse for all the out-of-shape people to show their insecurities.

I issue a challenge to anyone. Take lots of steroids and stay at home drinking beer...I guarantee the result will be zero muscle gains.

Steroids, good food and a LOT of dedicated hard work are required to develop the physiques that so many of you secretly envy.

The people I pity are the guys who get around looking 9 months pregnant....too numerous to count.

well im neither,but i reckon i can run further than one of them musclebound gorillas, sure some muscle is required, perhaps i didnt make it clear, you dont need to be like arnold swartzaneiger to lift a flowerpot !. and size is not a factor in strength, ask the girls, its tecnique :o ( and to all you school teacher types, yes i know i cant spell )

Moderation is the key to success in ANYTHING you do. I'd say toned is where most people would like to be. However if being ripped is your preference than UP TO YOU. :o

muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit

Making comments like that is certainly a sign that the brain has not been engaged.

This thread is an excuse for all the out-of-shape people to show their insecurities.

I issue a challenge to anyone. Take lots of steroids and stay at home drinking beer...I guarantee the result will be zero muscle gains.

Steroids, good food and a LOT of dedicated hard work are required to develop the physiques that so many of you secretly envy.

The people I pity are the guys who get around looking 9 months pregnant....too numerous to count.

Catching sidelong glances of my beer-belly this evening, after taking a shower, I felt slightly depressed.

Now, after reading your risible post I feel curiously elated.

"Secretly envy"; are you having a laugh?

Steroid-Body-Builder types are not all bad, I know quite a few, but I have concluded that nearly all (of them) have personality disorders.

Observe yourself: Narcissistic Personality Disorder


I see people on various street corners and it really annoys me as well !

Some are tall, some are short. Some are fat, some are skinny. Some have short hair, some long, some no hair. Many are obviously from different ethnic backgrounds, and speak different lanuguages. Some wear socks and sandals. Some need a bath (really badly). Some are drunk, some are sober, some are in between. Some dress decently, some are wearing a pair of baggy shorts and nothing else.

What is it with these people ? Why can they all just disappear, so us good looking, well dressed, well mannered, (well bathed) people can drive our motorcycles on the sidewalks without worrying about brushing some of those "other" individuals and getting our bikes dirty ! :D

I mean, really. Can't they all just go somewhere else, with others just like them. Maybe to Phuket or Chiang Mai or Brighton ? It's just such a bother to have to see those people every day. Next thing you know, they'll be shopping in our stores, drinking in our bars and (gasp) looking at our women !

Dang tourists. Why is it when we have Deer season, Moose season, Bear season, etc, we can get a permit and hunt those animals, but when it's Tourist season we can't ?

I know their pelts ain't worth <deleted>, and the meat is barely edible for the rats, but then, you could say the same for some other varmints and we can hunt them.

(some will say it's already Open Season on tourists in Pattaya. If that's the case, maybe we should increase the bag limit !) :D

(the above remarks were meant to be "tongue in cheek" and humourous, for those of you that just don't get it.) :o

(then again, maybe they were serious. Or not. But then again.......)

The cost of the roids is door sun. When your girl goes whats dat pointing at once was an enhanced member mow 1/3 the size. And once your off the roids if you don't work out forever- all the muscle mass sags- not to mention I think the brain shrinks as the Ego increases. Where is snap kick to the head at anyway......surprised not to see him posting!

are you drunk?? or has my steroid abuse made me so brainless that i cant understand simple posts.by the way the old chap(penis)doesnt change during steroid use ,its the nuts(<deleted> to you) that shrink as they are the little blighters that make your own natural testosterone therefore they shrink due to lack of work...just like the brains of retired people

its funny how people comment on things they know nothing about.

by the way if someone is a <deleted> before they take steroids then they are still a <deleted> on steroids just in a bigger body....dont blame the drugs.the problem is that as they are bigger than average then they stand out if they are a <deleted> but the smaller guys with attitude arent so noticeable at first.

lets be honest here though most guys are a bit jealous of the guys with a bit of muscle(not the freak size) or at least wouldnt mind getting the ladies they get!!!

The cost of the roids is door sun. When your girl goes whats dat pointing at once was an enhanced member mow 1/3 the size. And once your off the roids if you don't work out forever- all the muscle mass sags- not to mention I think the brain shrinks as the Ego increases. Where is snap kick to the head at anyway......surprised not to see him posting!

lets be honest here though most guys are a bit jealous of the guys with a bit of muscle(not the freak size) or at least wouldnt mind getting the ladies they get!!!

ohmygosh!!! another legend in his own lunchtime!

All together now...

"I'm too sexy for TV, too sexy for TV,..... " ad nauseum.


was just passing through and found this topic ..had to sign up just to point somethig out

yous are all so buisy staring out all the big guys and writing blogs about steroids 'n' all

all the average joes ( me ) are snappin up all the hunnies !!!!

keep up the good work fella's cos were havin a ball !!!ohh yea incase yous are gona come back with a

"your probly a skinny wimp themonk20 :D " youd be wrong again cos lucky enough god :o thought it'd be a geat

idea to give me an athletic body without me bustin my balls every other day in a gym ..cheers lads

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