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Farangs With Guns!


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....what if....

What if....

WHAT IF....!

What is it with all the "what ifs"??

Good point...... but what if one night a team of highly trained ninja assasins intent on cutting me up into little pieces and raping my wife and cows, use a rubber mat get over my electric fence, poison my hunger crazed man eating tigers, uses a boat to get over the crocodile infested moat, disable the automatic laser cannons and kill the teams of ex-navy seals that randomly patrol the house.

Would'nt a gun be useful then :o

Yeah, preferably a big fcuker with many rounds!!

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Good point...... but what if one night a team of highly trained ninja assasins intent on cutting me up into little pieces and raping my wife and cows, use a rubber mat get over my electric fence, poison my hunger crazed man eating tigers, uses a boat to get over the crocodile infested moat, disable the automatic laser cannons and kill the teams of ex-navy seals that randomly patrol the house.

Would'nt a gun be useful then :D

OK, you got me. I'll admit that in that case, a gun would be useful. But for anyone who finds themselves in that situation, I'd recommend one bullet and a mirror :D.

Your biggest mistake, however, was not using pirates. Everyone knows that Ninjas and Pirates are natural enemies. So if you had a gang of tick-infested drunken pirates with scurvy, you'd have been completely safe from Ninja attack.

Geesh, I thought everyone knew that. :o

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Anyway, I've been involved in this argument this people many times, and eventually I've learned that people who want guns (for whatever reason) will not listen to any reasonable argument that they are faced with. But I have to be honest and admit that I don't listen to their arguments either, because I believe that it's safer to run away than fight, better to hand over your money than pull a gun, and better to have to buy a new DVD player than to shoot someone (regardless of their moral or social background).

...what a hypocrite. You say that gun owners don't listen to an argument against gun ownership yet you refuse to listen to what they have to say. :o

The last bit's the best....what if they don't want your dvd but your daughter or wife, for instance? Moving away ain't going to help much because there are bad people the world over, buddy.

Hmm... I don't know if we share the same understanding of hypocrite...

hyp·o·crite n

"somebody who gives a false appearance of having admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings"

I think that by admitting that I have the same failing (ie. not really listening to arguments on the other side of this subject), I am not giving a false appearance of having admirable principles on this subject. I'm actually pointing out that I'm equally at fault.

If I said, people that don't listen to my arguments are silly... knowing that I don't listen to theirs then that would be hypocritical. But I wasn't saying that. I was really just trying to make the point that peoples minds tend to be made up on issues like this and they don't change 'em easily.

As for the safety of my wife/daughter, if I really believed that a gun would make my family safer I would get one. But i don't believe it would.

My final points regarding leaving if you're not welcome, don't suggest that there is a safe place somewhere.. but..... is it really worth living somewhere that you feel so unsafe, and worry for the safety of your family to the extent that you feel the NEED to arm yourself with a gun?

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Maybe the people who permanently are living in fear are doing this because they not only look too much at these 'boom-boom'-movies but don't have the insight to understand that what happens in movies comes from filmstudios and not from reality.

Another hypothesis might be that countries with the strongest taboo against masturbating inhabit the most gun-fascinated mentally handicapped.

All this talk about protecting wifes and daughters (why not sons) is nonsense of course. If you would check it up you would notice that the overwhelming majority of these thinkers even doesn't have wifes and daughters.

I think most people who actually have wifes (ok, one would do) and daughters would prefer to live in a country where not every dumbo can go to a shop and buy this kind of dangerous toys.

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