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Quickly Go Outside!


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Ok all,

Had a long sleep and this afternoon went to Panthip to buy some software so I could resize easy.

Here are the snaps.


Here you can see bright light behind the clouds and that is what first got my attention, notice the red violet next to it.


This one you can see the actual thing/light that I noticed later and is unidentified.


This is how it looks when zoomed in from original big sized picture.


Here a screendump of the properties of the original picture.

Strange thing is that last nite when I downloaded the images from my camera there were just 11 pictures on it

I could have sworn that I took more but when I called my friend this afternoon he told me there were just 11.


The other pictures do not show much other then some strange colorstreaks and not that light I saw.

Well at least there is one so I hope you enjoy.

If you have any idea what it could be, let us know please.

Kind regards,


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If you have any idea what it could be, let us know please.

Kind regards,


Wow.... Congrats Alex, I think you have some original pics of some fascinating cloud formations. Except that last one, hard to tell since it is such as small size, but I am figuring you had a turd drop on your lens.

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Sorry guys just getting the hang of the software.

Here a 200% zoomed it shows better.

The low flying aircraft I did not made a snap of it as I was just standing on my balcony not noticing the light yet, just wondered what it did there.


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Sorry guys just getting the hang of the software.

Here a 200% zoomed it shows better.

The low flying aircraft I did not made a snap of it as I was just standing on my balcony not noticing the light yet, just wondered what it did there.


Looks to me like lenticular clouds reflecting the setting sun. They are forming around the thunder heads that could be up as high as 40,000 feet or more. (The rising air that causes thunderheads disrupts the winds aloft causing the lenticular clouds. It was obviously a story night there.)

Cool photos!

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Did you noticed the strange light?

Googled lenticular clouds but all the images I see are not the same as what I posted.,

Here I put an arrow pointing to the light I see that day.


Mind you , I saw that light moving in and out of these clouds.

While this light moving in and out of these clouds the colors of these clouds changed.

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Hi Stoneman,

Very cool pictures is there a name for that effect?.

Could be bal lighting indeed Goshawk.

And Dr. Naam, what are you doing in this topic?

You supose to be busy with your stocktrading right? :o

And Carib, why you have no clue lah, I mean not even one?

I gonna google strange cloud formation, BRB

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As long as you didn't photoshop it, I'd say the lenticular cloud explanation is plausible. It's probably some sort of light refraction/reflection, etc. of the setting sun. The reason you wouldn't see it in other pictures of lenticular clouds you find on the web just means that for a cloud to be lenticular is does not mean it has to be reflecting/refracting/distorting light in this way. What you saw is probably quite rare for most to see.

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Hi Stoneman,

Very cool pictures is there a name for that effect?.

Could be bal lighting indeed Goshawk.

And Dr. Naam, what are you doing in this topic?

You supose to be busy with your stocktrading right? :D

And Carib, why you have no clue lah, I mean not even one?

I gonna google strange cloud formation, BRB

No, i am sorry AlexLah, not even one clue. What I see is the lower and upper clouds playing games with each other and some light reflection or refraction.

If the shape is an object i cannot say, but maybe there is life out there, one thing is for sure it brought some life to Thaivisa. :o


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Yes look same.

Found a lot of strange stuff on YouTube when searching for : Strange couds and rainbow clouds.

Remember all, I gave my camera to my friend who is working for some agency (sorry cannot reveal).

I got back only 11 pictures but I was sure I made more.

This evening I arranged a meeting with him.

My goal, to have entrance to his PC.

So I brought with me a very good and sexy looking girl.

Instructed her she had to seduce him and so she did.

They went of to the bedroom and my friend forgot to shut down his PC.

I was able to acces some of the files on his PC and really I am still shivvering.

I am not sure if I have to post some of the stuff I found, on Liveleak ore here.

I am confused, amazed and scared.

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Yes look same.

Found a lot of strange stuff on YouTube when searching for : Strange couds and rainbow clouds.

Remember all, I gave my camera to my friend who is working for some agency (sorry cannot reveal).

I got back only 11 pictures but I was sure I made more.

This evening I arranged a meeting with him.

My goal, to have entrance to his PC.

So I brought with me a very good and sexy looking girl.

Instructed her she had to seduce him and so she did.

They went of to the bedroom and my friend forgot to shut down his PC.

I was able to acces some of the files on his PC and really I am still shivvering.

I am not sure if I have to post some of the stuff I found, on Liveleak ore here.

I am confused, amazed and scared.

I'm waiting for you to post the rest of the pics. :o

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My goal, to have entrance to his PC.

So I brought with me a very good and sexy looking girl.

Instructed her she had to seduce him and so she did.

They went of to the bedroom and my friend forgot to shut down his PC.

I was able to acces some of the files on his PC and really I am still shivvering.

I am not sure if I have to post some of the stuff I found, on Liveleak ore here.

I am confused, amazed and scared.

whom are you trying to bullshit? :o

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Yes look same.

Found a lot of strange stuff on YouTube when searching for : Strange couds and rainbow clouds.

Remember all, I gave my camera to my friend who is working for some agency (sorry cannot reveal).

I got back only 11 pictures but I was sure I made more.

This evening I arranged a meeting with him.

My goal, to have entrance to his PC.

So I brought with me a very good and sexy looking girl.

Instructed her she had to seduce him and so she did.

They went of to the bedroom and my friend forgot to shut down his PC.

I was able to acces some of the files on his PC and really I am still shivvering.

I am not sure if I have to post some of the stuff I found, on Liveleak ore here.

I am confused, amazed and scared.

This is absolute proof that you have been abducted and they probably did some experimenting on your brain before you were kicked out of the spaceship ...

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My goal, to have entrance to his PC.

So I brought with me a very good and sexy looking girl.

Instructed her she had to seduce him and so she did.

They went of to the bedroom and my friend forgot to shut down his PC.

I was able to acces some of the files on his PC and really I am still shivvering.

I am not sure if I have to post some of the stuff I found, on Liveleak ore here.

I am confused, amazed and scared.

whom are you trying to bullshit? :D

I guess he was trying to do ""us all"" at the same time :o

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Alexlah told me that he has been banned for a few days, but I cannot confirm it.

Banned? Clear evidence of a massive cover up by "the system", so massive even ThaiVisa Mods and Admin are in on it. Strewth where are those guys from the X-Files when you need them?

PM from Alexlah

Cannot post AlexLah Cannot post, 2008-07-20 20:19:19

The one that knows.....

Sorry cannot reply as I have been banned for a few days.

Mods where right, so I accept.

Please inform.

After I will show the pic's


Hmmm, no personal experience (I'm a goody two-shoes) but I didn't think suspended members could use PM.

"You are now entering, the Twilight Zone".....

From a recent personal experience I was suspended from posting but yet I could PM as well as read all posts. (I was a bad boy...) :o

i think everybody in the modern world has been banned on here for some crazy or genuine reason.Many on here have expressed disgust but who am i to say.byeee byee i will get banned now heheheheheh.if i do i will pm or visit on my space craft. joke joke joke joke,honest

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