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100 baht a time, roughly £1.70 - can't beat that for the facilities you get!

Does Tony have different charges? Yes

Do I get a staff discount at my gym back home because our company has a lot of members? Yes

Do I have a problem with different charges at gyms? No - as long as I'm happy with what I'm paying

...and in reply to an earlier post, I use the third road gym with the muay thai ring out the back - as it has the best selection of weights

You would think the only people who would complain about different charges are people who weren't happy with the deal they got or people who thought they were screwed. It's hard to feel that way about 6,000 baht for a year's membership at Tony's. Now I've discovered there are people about who would gladly 'cut of their noses to spite their faces' over some misguided idea of principal. I would have to ask why some of these people even leave their amazing home countries where everything is done as they prefer.

It seems that a lot of fitness centres back home run like used car sales yards these days. You talk to a sales consultant who closes the deal at what he can get from you on the day. They advertise memberships at a "from price", with lots of options and conditions....much like you see at California Wow in Pattaya. Seldom do 2 members end up paying the same price.

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:D:P ..hmmmm, and I quote "misguided idea of principle.." :o ...when one is talking of one's principle as being one of

.."equal treatment and prices for all"........ clearly misguided,wouldn't you say my dear tropo :D:D ......

aren't you due on the next flight to Zimbabwe to have a brain-storming session with dear old Robert Mugabe

comparing notes on Equality in society :D:D

*PS*- The fee is only 5,999. Your quote of 6k is upping the price even more.What happened that 1 baht?? :( ......

oooh,I can feel a bout of pedantic uptightness coming on!!

:(:D ..hmmmm, and I quote "misguided idea of principle.." :o ...when one is talking of one's principle as being one of

.."equal treatment and prices for all"........ clearly misguided,wouldn't you say my dear tropo :D:D ......

aren't you due on the next flight to Zimbabwe to have a brain-storming session with dear old Robert Mugabe

comparing notes on Equality in society :D:D

Equal treatment and prices for all are a figment of your imagination...dreamer!

I will be in Johannesburg early next year...perhaps I'll take a side trip to good old Zimbabwe.


:D:D ....Jeez,the trip to Zimbabwe was only a facetious,tongue-in-cheek reference.You're really serious about maybe going over

to see the Right Honourable Mugabe??..he'll love your philosophy of people who ASPIRE to fair democratic treatment for

for all as a figment of a dreamers imagination.

Maybe you open a Gym up over there :D:D ...Zeig Heil,Mein Fuhrer........

*PS** What happened my 1 baht,you thieving scoundrel.....perhaps you're donating it to the Mugabe regime. :o

  • 2 months later...

Im sure the prices are in this thread but i couldnt be arsed to read about Thai/Farang pricing.

So can someone tell me the definite prices for 1 month membership at Tony's gym on 3rd Rd., on another thread Tattoodrob asked and found out it is 3000BHT per month at California WoW.

I was paying 200BHT a time at Tonys last year, on here people are claiming it to be 100BHT, which is right.

Im sure the prices are in this thread but i couldnt be arsed to read about Thai/Farang pricing.

So can someone tell me the definite prices for 1 month membership at Tony's gym on 3rd Rd., on another thread Tattoodrob asked and found out it is 3000BHT per month at California WoW.

I was paying 200BHT a time at Tonys last year, on here people are claiming it to be 100BHT, which is right.

price depends on which tony's gym you go.The one with the pool is more expensive as the one with the boxing.


I am looking to use any Tonys gym purely for boxing, i will be staying at Pattaya Bay Resort behind California wow, im going to join California WOW for cardio machines and free weights, i need another gym with a variety of punch bags.

Which one would you recommend that is close to where im staying and which is cheapest as im a tight c..t.

Im sure the prices are in this thread but i couldnt be arsed to read about Thai/Farang pricing.

So can someone tell me the definite prices for 1 month membership at Tony's gym on 3rd Rd., on another thread Tattoodrob asked and found out it is 3000BHT per month at California WoW.

I was paying 200BHT a time at Tonys last year, on here people are claiming it to be 100BHT, which is right.

price depends on which tony's gym you go.The one with the pool is more expensive as the one with the boxing.

I'll do more than claim Tony's Gym on Soi 16 is 100 baht per casual workout....I'll guarantee it!

I have a membership for all 4 Tony's Gyms, but most of the last year I've just used the Soi 16 one. IMO it's the best for bodybuilding and fitness and the least busy.


I only know of the Tonys gym on 3rd Rd, does the one on soi 16 have punch bags and if so are there several different types of bags, also what price do they offer for 1 month.

Isnt soi 16 Boyztown?

I only know of the Tonys gym on 3rd Rd, does the one on soi 16 have punch bags and if so are there several different types of bags, also what price do they offer for 1 month.

Isnt soi 16 Boyztown?

No, Soi 16 is more like Arabtown due to middle eastern restaurants lining half of the street from the Pratumnak road end. There is also a disco, a short-time (belongs to Tony) hotel, gogo bars and beer bars on Soi 16, so whatever you're into, you'll probably find it there. Tony has just built 5 short-time rooms at the entrance to the gym to cope with demand, so if your training entails any fun elements you won't need to go far.

They have a single punch bag, that's all. Not sure of the monthly prices, but going by the excessive routine you outlined last month, I'd be surprised if you can make it through a full month. :o


Cheers i will pop along to check it out, a gym with a brothel could offer a great way to relax at the end of a hard workout.

As for the excessive training schedule, ive shaved the cardio down to 30 minutes per day and will take it easier on the upperbody weight training ie only doing 5 different activities per day with relatively light weights doing 1 drop set per activity. Piece of p7ss.

Cheers i will pop along to check it out, a gym with a brothel could offer a great way to relax at the end of a hard workout.

As for the excessive training schedule, ive shaved the cardio down to 30 minutes per day and will take it easier on the upperbody weight training ie only doing 5 different activities per day with relatively light weights doing 1 drop set per activity. Piece of p7ss.

he didnt actually say it had a brothel attached,just short time rooms!!!

your training schedule has changed radically......even i could cope with your new schedule :o

by the way what did you mean by 5 activities a day......5 body parts?,5 sets ? if sets then yeh a piece of piss,why the drastic change anyway?

for boxing then the tonys gym 3rd road is just a short stroll from where u staying.......and shop outside sells protein and also a stall outside wow sells shakes,cookies etc


For the enitre 2 months training i'll be doing less weight training on the upper body, but boxing is an upperbody workout. Im disproportionally stronger upperbody then on my legs (due to having knee tendonitis for ages) or what i can do cardio wise and on the punch bag, hence i'll focus more on these, i find lifting upperbody weights relatively easy whereas the 3 other things (legs/cardio/punchbags) are hard work.

Eg of 1 activity - Bench Press drop sets - 80KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 60KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 40KG x 12/15 reps. (1 set)

Eg of 1 activity - Barbell pull up to chin - 40KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 30KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 20KG x 15/20 reps (1 set).

It'll be 30 minutes cardio rising to 45 minutes per day after about a month.

(Rest for an hour then)

About 45/60 mins legs per day.

About 30 minutes upperbody

(Rest until 9PM then)

60/75 mins punchbag/shadow boxing/ pads/ boxing with 4kg weights.

And 500 sit ups everyday.

It will be 3 days training then 1 day off as not to burn out.

All this when i could be out getting drunk and chasing pretty young girls like any normal person in Pattaya does.

For the enitre 2 months training i'll be doing less weight training on the upper body, but boxing is an upperbody workout. Im disproportionally stronger upperbody then on my legs (due to having knee tendonitis for ages) or what i can do cardio wise and on the punch bag, hence i'll focus more on these, i find lifting upperbody weights relatively easy whereas the 3 other things (legs/cardio/punchbags) are hard work.

Eg of 1 activity - Bench Press drop sets - 80KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 60KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 40KG x 12/15 reps. (1 set)

Eg of 1 activity - Barbell pull up to chin - 40KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 30KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 20KG x 15/20 reps (1 set).

It'll be 30 minutes cardio rising to 45 minutes per day after about a month.

(Rest for an hour then)

About 45/60 mins legs per day.

About 30 minutes upperbody

(Rest until 9PM then)

60/75 mins punchbag/shadow boxing/ pads/ boxing with 4kg weights.

And 500 sit ups everyday.

It will be 3 days training then 1 day off as not to burn out.

All this when i could be out getting drunk and chasing pretty young girls like any normal person in Pattaya does.

It's good to hear you've decided to drop it back a bit, but it's still far too much for the human body to endure. You'll be burnt out and depressed within a week on that routine.

I forgot to mention, Tony's Gym Soi 16 has a sauna, plunge pool and steam room too.

For the enitre 2 months training i'll be doing less weight training on the upper body, but boxing is an upperbody workout. Im disproportionally stronger upperbody then on my legs (due to having knee tendonitis for ages) or what i can do cardio wise and on the punch bag, hence i'll focus more on these, i find lifting upperbody weights relatively easy whereas the 3 other things (legs/cardio/punchbags) are hard work.

Eg of 1 activity - Bench Press drop sets - 80KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 60KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 40KG x 12/15 reps. (1 set)

Eg of 1 activity - Barbell pull up to chin - 40KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 30KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 20KG x 15/20 reps (1 set).

It'll be 30 minutes cardio rising to 45 minutes per day after about a month.

(Rest for an hour then)

About 45/60 mins legs per day.

About 30 minutes upperbody

(Rest until 9PM then)

60/75 mins punchbag/shadow boxing/ pads/ boxing with 4kg weights.

And 500 sit ups everyday.

It will be 3 days training then 1 day off as not to burn out.

All this when i could be out getting drunk and chasing pretty young girls like any normal person in Pattaya does.

ok....i still think thats a hel_l of lot of leg work to do everyday.....u got your cardio that involves mostly legs then weights on them for 3 days in a row. please remember that the muscles repair themselves while at rest and your legs wont get much rest which leads to overtraining which means less results.

if you want then give me an idea of what you want to achieve and il give you a rough idea of how to get there(im a qualified instructor/trainer,worked in gyms for 10 years plus and trained for over 23 years myself.

just to point out that what you call activities is what others would call exercises :D

if i was you then maybe do gym cardio as one workout,later do legs.......next day cardio,rest then do boxing....next day cardio and upper body weights then day off or have day off every 2 days or on days off just do cardio .......depends on how fit you wanna get hence give me idea of goals from training you want.

ps could i suggest on days off you drink and chase young girls and at least chase young girls even on training days as you have time :o

For the enitre 2 months training i'll be doing less weight training on the upper body, but boxing is an upperbody workout. Im disproportionally stronger upperbody then on my legs (due to having knee tendonitis for ages) or what i can do cardio wise and on the punch bag, hence i'll focus more on these, i find lifting upperbody weights relatively easy whereas the 3 other things (legs/cardio/punchbags) are hard work.

Eg of 1 activity - Bench Press drop sets - 80KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 60KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 40KG x 12/15 reps. (1 set)

Eg of 1 activity - Barbell pull up to chin - 40KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 30KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 20KG x 15/20 reps (1 set).

It'll be 30 minutes cardio rising to 45 minutes per day after about a month.

(Rest for an hour then)

About 45/60 mins legs per day.

About 30 minutes upperbody

(Rest until 9PM then)

60/75 mins punchbag/shadow boxing/ pads/ boxing with 4kg weights.

And 500 sit ups everyday.

It will be 3 days training then 1 day off as not to burn out.

All this when i could be out getting drunk and chasing pretty young girls like any normal person in Pattaya does.

ok....i still think thats a hel_l of lot of leg work to do everyday.....u got your cardio that involves mostly legs then weights on them for 3 days in a row. please remember that the muscles repair themselves while at rest and your legs wont get much rest which leads to overtraining which means less results.

if you want then give me an idea of what you want to achieve and il give you a rough idea of how to get there(im a qualified instructor/trainer,worked in gyms for 10 years plus and trained for over 23 years myself.

just to point out that what you call activities is what others would call exercises :D

if i was you then maybe do gym cardio as one workout,later do legs.......next day cardio,rest then do boxing....next day cardio and upper body weights then day off or have day off every 2 days or on days off just do cardio .......depends on how fit you wanna get hence give me idea of goals from training you want.

ps could i suggest on days off you drink and chase young girls and at least chase young girls even on training days as you have time :o

That will be even more leg work. :D

ok....i still think thats a hel_l of lot of leg work to do everyday.....u got your cardio that involves mostly legs then weights on them for 3 days in a row. please remember that the muscles repair themselves while at rest and your legs wont get much rest which leads to overtraining which means less results.

if you want then give me an idea of what you want to achieve and il give you a rough idea of how to get there(im a qualified instructor/trainer,worked in gyms for 10 years plus and trained for over 23 years myself.

1. OK i dont want to gain any mass on my upperbody just to get more cut up and gain stamina strength, not the strength that is gained from lifting 10 x reps of 100-120KG

2. To be able to run 3 mile in 25 minutes and for it to feel like a stroll.

3. Gain mass and strength on my legs and calves.

4. Get to a point where i am looking exceptional on the punchbag and pads, and hitting extremely powerful, for the boxing im looking for power not stamina as im never going to fight in the ring, hence i was thinking of doing 60-90 second rounds.

5. And to get a lot more agile all round.

Basically after 7 weeks to be as all round fit and healthy as i can get in that time space.

just to point out that what you call activities is what others would call exercises :D

I forget the correct terminology, i holiday in Pattaya <deleted> that alone must show im not an academic.

ps could i suggest on days off you drink and chase young girls and at least chase young girls even on training days as you have time :o

Good idea, i'll bring my wallet to catch them, itll save having to chase them.

ok....i still think thats a hel_l of lot of leg work to do everyday.....u got your cardio that involves mostly legs then weights on them for 3 days in a row. please remember that the muscles repair themselves while at rest and your legs wont get much rest which leads to overtraining which means less results.

if you want then give me an idea of what you want to achieve and il give you a rough idea of how to get there(im a qualified instructor/trainer,worked in gyms for 10 years plus and trained for over 23 years myself.

1. OK i dont want to gain any mass on my upperbody just to get more cut up and gain stamina strength, not the strength that is gained from lifting 10 x reps of 100-120KG

2. To be able to run 3 mile in 25 minutes and for it to feel like a stroll.

3. Gain mass and strength on my legs and calves.

4. Get to a point where i am looking exceptional on the punchbag and pads, and hitting extremely powerful, for the boxing im looking for power not stamina as im never going to fight in the ring, hence i was thinking of doing 60-90 second rounds.

5. And to get a lot more agile all round.

Basically after 7 weeks to be as all round fit and healthy as i can get in that time space.

You can't rush fitness. It's a slow process which requires intelligent training coupled with a good diet and plenty of rest. Your proposed workout schedule looks more like an attempt to bash the body into fitness...it just won't work.

You will get far more benefit from doing only one activity per day and for a duration of less than 2 hours. Recovery is the key to improvement. The body is not a machine. Going out too hard from the start is the main reason why people drop out of exercise programs.

Elite athletes often do more than one workout per day, but they also burn out at a young age...and usually well before they hit 30. Competitive swimmers are renowned for overtraining and they usually fizzle out in their early 20's.

Powerlifters and bodybuilders often overtrain, but they can get by because they use anabolic steroids (and other performance enhancing drugs) which facilitate faster recovery. Even then they can still end up crippled from injuries related to overtraining such as muscle tears and ruptured tendons.

I've been training for 32 years. I overtrained for many of those years and stalled my progress completely at times and even went backwards on many occasions due to injuries. Even now I'm still guilty of overtraining and continually have to hold myself back to avoid it. 90 minutes in the gym every second day and an hour of low to medium intensity cardio on the other days is more enough for me. The stronger I get, the more rest my body needs.

ok....i still think thats a hel_l of lot of leg work to do everyday.....u got your cardio that involves mostly legs then weights on them for 3 days in a row. please remember that the muscles repair themselves while at rest and your legs wont get much rest which leads to overtraining which means less results.

if you want then give me an idea of what you want to achieve and il give you a rough idea of how to get there(im a qualified instructor/trainer,worked in gyms for 10 years plus and trained for over 23 years myself.

1. OK i dont want to gain any mass on my upperbody just to get more cut up and gain stamina strength, not the strength that is gained from lifting 10 x reps of 100-120KG

2. To be able to run 3 mile in 25 minutes and for it to feel like a stroll.

3. Gain mass and strength on my legs and calves.

4. Get to a point where i am looking exceptional on the punchbag and pads, and hitting extremely powerful, for the boxing im looking for power not stamina as im never going to fight in the ring, hence i was thinking of doing 60-90 second rounds.

5. And to get a lot more agile all round.

Basically after 7 weeks to be as all round fit and healthy as i can get in that time space.

just to point out that what you call activities is what others would call exercises :D

I forget the correct terminology, i holiday in Pattaya <deleted> that alone must show im not an academic.

ps could i suggest on days off you drink and chase young girls and at least chase young girls even on training days as you have time :o

Good idea, i'll bring my wallet to catch them, itll save having to chase them.

hey theres a few academics here so dont put them down :D

ok i think i was on the right tracks with what i suggested before

cardio everyday and day off every now and then when you feel like it ,as you get fitter build up time and speed.

leg size/strength then 2 to 3 times a week heavy leg stuff,probably 2 enough as you doing a lot of cardio

more boxing/pads practice will help your speed/power and yes short bursts with rests is good and your upperbody workout of drop sets sounds ok as you want power and speed rather than size/strength.

agility will come with more cardio and the boxing/bag/pad work....maybe get a boxing trainer to help on movement so you get more agilty this way.

diet wise then definitely more protein intake but you will need good carbs too as you using a lot of energy in power/speed training.eat good clean foods every 2/3 hours ,i dont think you would put any fat on if training like you say you are gonna do but stay off the junk/crap anyway just in case.

dont go too mad at first as could injure yourself,listen to your body as could strain yourself or overtrain which means a halt of progress or no progress.

good idea bring your wallet,you could cheer up a few lovely ladies :D

You can't rush fitness. It's a slow process which requires intelligent training coupled with a good diet and plenty of rest. Your proposed workout schedule looks more like an attempt to bash the body into fitness...it just won't work.

Recovery is the key to improvement.

90 minutes in the gym every second day and an hour of low to medium intensity cardio on the other days is more enough for me. The stronger I get, the more rest my body needs.

Very good advice.

How about that plunge pool at Soi 16? Do they keep the water clean in it?

I love having a sauna now and then when in Pattaya, get that city grime off me and really refresh the skin, but there's nothing worse than having to jump in a plunge pool that's full of all the crap your trying to get rid of, especially when it's someone elses!! :yeuch:

How about that plunge pool at Soi 16? Do they keep the water clean in it?

I love having a sauna now and then when in Pattaya, get that city grime off me and really refresh the skin, but there's nothing worse than having to jump in a plunge pool that's full of all the crap your trying to get rid of, especially when it's someone elses!! :yeuch:

To be honest, I've never used the plunge pool or sauna. I'll have a look at the water next time I walk past and report back


Yes please do, and see if they leave the sauna running or if you need to give them time to get it warmed up.

Much appreciated.

Yes please do, and see if they leave the sauna running or if you need to give them time to get it warmed up.

Much appreciated.

Here's the report:

Both plunge pool and hot water spa are very clean. You'll find that Tony keeps his facilities very clean. With the low cost of labour here it's not difficult. The bathrooms are spotless. The pools there don't get heavy use either.

The sauna is kept on until 2300 hrs. There are 2 small box type units which don't take much to heat up.


That's great tropo, thanks very much. I shall definately get myself down there to have a look.

Be back over in 5 weeks!

I owe you a low carb, low sugar, low fat, additive free, high energy, energy drink. :D

Or a beer.. :o

That's great tropo, thanks very much. I shall definately get myself down there to have a look.

Be back over in 5 weeks!

I owe you a low carb, low sugar, low fat, additive free, high energy, energy drink. :D

Or a beer.. :o

You're on! :D

hmmmm...Good 'ole Tony + his Gym eh :D .Lovely fellow.Really nice promotion he advertises on Local Sophon

TV..........1 YEARS MEMBERSHIP FOR "THAI PEOPLE"=2500 baht....1 YEAR FOR "FOREIGNER"= 5,999 baht.

I know,I know,Iknow.......the old well-trodden and discussed ground of dual-pricing and all the pros v's cons....

so I won't stir up that hornets nest :o:D ....just needless to say that my own personal subjective opinion is that

this guy is a complete "w-anchor"....and I hope he develops some hideous,carcinogenic condition at some future

stage of his life and his last years on this 3rd rock from the sun is a desperately tragic event.

*PS*..just in case someone counters my assertion here by saying that I shouldn't be such a skinflint and

the foreign price is still great value for money...........I am a member of the Royal Cliff gym where the

yearly membership is waaay more expensive,but I gladly pay it because it's the same price for everybody.

Just for the purposes of comparison.

I just bought myself a two year membership to a local gym in the USA. This is a new gym which has only been open for about 1 year. The gym has first class equipment and plent of it, and a shower. The Cardio machines are connected to cabe TV, and have individual flat screen monitors. There is no pool. This costs me $800.00 plus a $29.00 maintenance fee per year. I paid cash for the two years.

hmmmm...Good 'ole Tony + his Gym eh :D .Lovely fellow.Really nice promotion he advertises on Local Sophon

TV..........1 YEARS MEMBERSHIP FOR "THAI PEOPLE"=2500 baht....1 YEAR FOR "FOREIGNER"= 5,999 baht.

I know,I know,Iknow.......the old well-trodden and discussed ground of dual-pricing and all the pros v's cons....

so I won't stir up that hornets nest :o:D ....just needless to say that my own personal subjective opinion is that

this guy is a complete "w-anchor"....and I hope he develops some hideous,carcinogenic condition at some future

stage of his life and his last years on this 3rd rock from the sun is a desperately tragic event.

*PS*..just in case someone counters my assertion here by saying that I shouldn't be such a skinflint and

the foreign price is still great value for money...........I am a member of the Royal Cliff gym where the

yearly membership is waaay more expensive,but I gladly pay it because it's the same price for everybody.

Just for the purposes of comparison.

I just bought myself a two year membership to a local gym in the USA. This is a new gym which has only been open for about 1 year. The gym has first class equipment and plent of it, and a shower. The Cardio machines are connected to cabe TV, and have individual flat screen monitors. There is no pool. This costs me $800.00 plus a $29.00 maintenance fee per year. I paid cash for the two years.

So that's about 29,000 baht per year. On a world wide basis the US is quite cheap too as far as good quality gyms go. Most high quality gym equipment is manufactured in the US and can be bought relatively cheaply there compared to other countries.

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