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O-a Retirement Visa

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In monday's Bangkok Post an artical said that you must have Baht 800,000 in a Thai bank AND Baht 65,000/month in income to renew or obtain this visa. Not long ago it was "OR" not "AND". Has there been a change?

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The "and/or" confusion has been discussed on this forum several times. I believe the consensus was the standard answer when it comes to Thai immigration rules:

Your mileage may vary, depending on the Immigration Office, and/or the Immigration Officer.

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This is the official statement on the MFA website for O-A visa:

A copy of bank statement showing a deposit at the amount equal to not less than 800,000 Baht or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthy income totalling not less than 800,000 Baht. 

Note that years ago the immigration sites listed the English word "and" rather than "or" but that was corrected long ago.

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