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Why Is She Scared Of Me?


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For a 100 squid a month +, I'll be your friend, but I refuse to go to Blighty, you maybe a footy hooligan :D

Who knows how a Thai girl's mind works ...... buggered if anyone does. :D

:D yeah, you send her 600 smackers but how much is in her bank account at any given time - probably zero.

:o Maybe someone else is sending her more than you and she she is trying to get you to 'up the stakes'.

:D True, we none of us know the mind of a Thai but we all know that no Thai girl would be with any of us if we didn't pay!

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I'm afraid it all sounds fishy to me.

You say she used to be a BG but has changed? Hmmmmmmmm!

I agree that some people can change but if a BG was to change then she'd head back to Isaan and the farm, and not carry on hooking up with Farangs.

You are still paying her for her affections whatever way you dress things up. A prostitute is a prostitute is a prostitute.

You wouldn't hook up with an ex whore in the UK so why think that an ex whore in Thailand is going to be any different?

The sooner you (and many others) realise this the sooner endless forums space will be used up with pointless threads like this.

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I'm afraid it all sounds fishy to me.

You say she used to be a BG but has changed?  Hmmmmmmmm!

I agree that some people can change but if a BG was to change then she'd head back to Isaan and the farm, and not carry on hooking up with Farangs.

You are still paying her for her affections whatever way you dress things up.  A prostitute is a prostitute is a prostitute.

You wouldn't hook up with an ex whore in the UK so why think that an ex whore in Thailand is going to be any different?

The sooner you (and many others) realise this the sooner endless forums space will be used up with pointless threads like this.

Oh dear... you're just baiting.. take it somewhere else TROLL :o

totster :D

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When I was hunting for my wife in Thailand I made up a story to screen out the


I call it the Litmus Test

I told the prospects:

1) I have no $$

2) I am losing my job soon.

3) I am kicked out of the US and can only live in Thailand.

4) I need you to support me after I lose job.

5) I will get a new job later training monkeys in the zoo

The city girls got turned off instantly by my story. I met a girl upcountry

and she said "No problem but dont box me like thai man box lady".

So seeing she was also mint I threw a ring on her quick and no problems

in 6 years of marriage.

You guys chasing bar girls or city girls or tourist area girls I feel sorry for

you. These girls are already westernized and spoiled. The best girls for

marriage are upcountry. Theres tons around where i live, beautiful, virgin,

shy, clean etc that would love to meet a jai dee falang. They respect their

husbands and treat them like gold. My wife still bows to me, try that with

a city girl. When I get over i'll try hooking decent interested guys up.


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When I was hunting for my wife in Thailand I made up a story to screen out the


I call it the Litmus Test

I told the prospects:

1) I have no $$

2) I am losing my job soon.

3) I am kicked out of the US and can only live in Thailand.

4) I need you to support me after I lose job.

5) I will get a new job later training monkeys in the zoo

The city girls got turned off instantly by my story. I met a girl upcountry

and she said "No problem but dont box me like thai man box lady".

So seeing she was also mint I threw a ring on her quick and no problems

in 6 years of marriage.

You guys chasing bar girls or city girls or tourist area girls I feel sorry for

you. These girls are already westernized and spoiled. The best girls for

marriage are upcountry. Theres tons around where i live, beautiful, virgin,

shy, clean etc that would love to meet a jai dee falang. They respect their

husbands and treat them like gold. My wife still bows to me, try that with

a city girl. When I get over i'll try hooking decent interested guys up.


Did you actually litmus test them?

I would imagine that it would be mostly red results.

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:o True, we none of us know the mind of a Thai but we all know that no Thai girl would be with any of us if we didn't pay!

<deleted>. None of my boyfriends have given me monthly income. I've worked my arse off to earn my own money. When we went out, I helped them pay. Always. Not that I've only dated skint bastards.

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I wasnt asking for advice really, only to see if any other members had noticed their GF's acting scared of them at any time. I was comparing them to girls from farang land.

Did not mean to turn it into a BG thread, I did not ask/want or need so called advice from BG haters.

The fact she worked in a bar before has nothing to do with the question i originally asked. So if you still want to talk about BG's being liars, just after money, etc etc can i suggest you start your own thread and all you higher beings can talk between youselves.

I have no problem with my GF being an EX BG.

So why should you?

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I have no problem with my GF being an EX BG.

So why should you?

It does seem as though you are trying to convince yourself of that through these pages BIG SPUDS!

If you 'know' your GF as well as you claim then surely you'd know why she was scared of you eh? Methinks you really know nothing about her and this whole thread is a manifestation of your insecurity.

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I wasnt asking for advice really, only to see if any other members had noticed their GF's acting scared of them at any time. I was comparing them to girls from farang land.

Did not mean to turn it into a BG thread, I did not ask/want or need so called advice from BG haters.

The fact she worked in a bar before has nothing to do with the question i originally asked. So if you still want to talk about BG's being liars, just after money, etc etc  can i suggest you start your own thread and all you higher beings can talk between youselves.

I have no problem with my GF being an EX BG.

So why should you?

I think the fact that she is an ex-BG could be a part of the "problem". I quoted problem, because I don't think it really is a problem that she is afraid of you.

I suspect that she simply wants to protect herself. While she was a BG, she got used to the idea that men want to use her. There were probably a few men that told her they loved her, and even a few that sent her money. Then it all dried up. After this happens a few times to her, or worse, to her friends who tell her about it, she tries to protect herself emotionally.

Then you come along and are sincere. This is something new for her. It is unknown territory and she doesn't know how to respond. It goes against all of her BG friends' advice telling her that you will dump her for someone younger and more beautiful after a few months of having a "live in sex slave". And again, maybe it has happened to her before, or to some of her friends. You just have to put her in a position where her friends cannot give advice from their own negative experiences.

By the way, Thai bargirls are not the only ones that give such advice. Just look at all the guys here who have been burned by BGs telling you to dump her and move on. I think you should give it time. Let her realize that you are sincere and honest with her, then I think she will come around.

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:D True, we none of us know the mind of a Thai but we all know that no Thai girl would be with any of us if we didn't pay!

<deleted>. None of my boyfriends have given me monthly income. I've worked my arse off to earn my own money. When we went out, I helped them pay. Always. Not that I've only dated skint bastards.

:o Ian curtis, my girlfriend makes more money than i do, when i lost my job she paid my rent for 4 months and made sure i had food and could go for a beer now and then. I have been with her for over 3 years and we still dont live together, she lives with her folks who also have plenty of cash as do her two brothers, i know 100 percent she does not want money from me, like LC in her previouse relationships she has payed her share.

Dont judge every Thai girl by the experience of your relationships with maybe not to good girls. Many Farang come to Thailand and date Bargirls and have to pay for everything, yes in these cases i agree they are after only one thing and that is security of the finacial kind but to many people here think Thai girl = Bar girl, well it doesent.

I would suggest that you go and find a nice girl with a job and independence etc but i think you would feel intimidated to say the least.

Jog on, Noodles.

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I'm afraid it all sounds fishy to me.

You say she used to be a BG but has changed?  Hmmmmmmmm!

I agree that some people can change but if a BG was to change then she'd head back to Isaan and the farm, and not carry on hooking up with Farangs.

You are still paying her for her affections whatever way you dress things up.  A prostitute is a prostitute is a prostitute.

You wouldn't hook up with an ex whore in the UK so why think that an ex whore in Thailand is going to be any different?

The sooner you (and many others) realise this the sooner endless forums space will be used up with pointless threads like this.


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Are you for real?

I have answered everything asked. I think what you meant to put was

"I wont admit some of you are right"

The only people that have answered the post as the question was intended, have not mentioned "BAR GIRL".

Like i said earlier, it has nothing to do with the fact she was scared of me, that she was a bar girl or if she was using me for money or was still a butterfly, it was a question aimed at cultural differences between asian and farang girls, towards BF's and husbands.

BG's never came into it.

You was once a baby!! does that mean you still are? of course not you have grown up and changed. Can a BG not change over time too???? (not saying my GF was like some of you say she is, before)

Like i said earlier this was not intended as a BG related post.

It must be there is not one on the forum at the moment, and this post could be changed into one.

Why dont you open a post of your own, maybe titled.

"Why Bar girls are liars"

"why bar girls dont change"

"why Bar girls should be treated like Sh*t"

I could go on but i am sure a lot of you can come up with better titles than me!

Maybe they could be titled

"Why big spuds is gullable"

"why some farangs are stupid and love BG's"

I'll start one off for you if you want.............ooops sorry my mistake i have already!!

But hold on thats where ive gone wrong ive titled the post

"why is she scared of me?"

Perhaps i have titled it wrong and what i really want to know is how my Gf is decieving me. Not why she is scared......... oh, this is getting all too much for me......i really must be a stupid farang.

Look sorry to every one for losing it there, but how many times do i have to say its not a BG thread......... nothing to do with one, nothing to do with me convincing myself of anything or convincing you. It was one simple question.

Look at the title again and read it 2 or 3 times before you post.

So if you cant answer without using the B word or slagging of my GF for being an Ex BG. Dont bother posting!!!


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Not sure if my answer is a too quick one, but it seems quite normal to mee to simply assume she's scared.

Not sure how far she's travelled yet, how often she's been torn out of her family background, her circle of friends etc. but travelling to uk seems quite an adventure to me, if you all you have there, sry for that, is a lover..

Taken into considerations that Thais will hardly ever go out alone, travel alone and so on... it is a huge step for a woman to go to a completely foreign country and in a uncertain future, no matter how much she loves you.

So maybe you don't see the forest because of the many trees or once again i just think to naive and simple :D

ps : sorry for not having read all the previous 7 pages, just felt like answering :o

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I still say this is a troll post.

The story has developed beautifully, the OP peppering it with seeds that sprout into the usual BG diatribe(s)

I say diatribe's' because both sides of the argument are equally laughable.

Well done BS, you've achieved an eight pager.. not bad at all.

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No, a valid and true point, I have spoke to my GF since my original post and thats it. Shes scared of the difference. The uk is not the same as thailand, she is scared of the flight, weather, not being able to communicate, not being liked and looked on differently. Even though it was just for a holiday. We have talked alot and she said she is being stupid and she definatley wants to come FEB, (visa permitting) to which we will go together to try and get. She said she is just nervous as this is all new to her. She said she never dreamt of going abroad and thought it would never happen to her. My GF is timid and shy and i understand she is nervous. Its just she never TOLD me before how she felt. I have explained she will be in control of her return ticket and i will take her home whenever she wants. I have told her not to worry about anything my family are dying to meet her, she has spoken and laughed with my mom on several occasions. She is ok now and hopes to obtain her visa and return back to the uk with me in March.

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Shes scared of the difference. The uk is not the same as thailand, she is scared of the flight, weather, not being able to communicate, not being liked and looked on differently. Even though it was just for a holiday. We have talked alot and she said she is being stupid and she definatley wants to come FEB

Wonders never cease - Sometime around the end of January the UK is going to become like Thailand, Airlines are going to lace the free drinks with Prozac, the whole of the UK is going to start speaking Thai, likeing strangers and refraining from staring at people who look different.

Meanwhile at around the same time back in Thailand the tourest season is going to come to an end, the rich pickings will be over and the noodle season will be well underway - Time perhaps that many a lass will be looking for a safe and secure bolt hole until next high season!

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You've just answered your own post in your last reply. 100 odd replies for somthing you knew all along and you say you are OK with everything in your relationship!? Think again mate.

I have nothing against BGs at all. I just see them for what they are and have no sympathy for the simple minded, who despite the horror stories having almost folklore status still keep coming and getting screwed over.

Please spare me your paraniod accusations of being a troll.

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I see no point to this thread now... each has their own views about the virtues and characters of ex BG's, this argument "game of tennis" should be ended now...

I vote this thread be closed, it's off the original topic anyway, just another argument about BG's

totster :o

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