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Moving To Thailand


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Hi everyone....

With petrol prices so high, excess baggage flying to Thailand from the US may be prohibitive. I seek ideas for options.

I've thought of shipping a small container of personal effects via sea freight. Then, I thought of just crossing the Pacific on a freighter with my container.

Is it less costly to just start over again, i.e. buy a new computer when I get there? I could take my tower only or hard drive in my baggage, I suppose. Its mostly getting my stock trading business materials and equipment over there. I will not take a wardrobe of american clothing because replacing will be easy.

Your creative ideas and experience is most welcome to [email protected].

Korp kun kup!


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Re clothing, leave all your coats and winter clothing at home... Think light and cool attire.

Most desktop PCs have a power switch on the back to toggle between 220 and 110 AC... Laptops usually come with dual 110/220 power converters, so no problem about that.

I brought a couple 110/220 power converters/transformers for some audio/video gear from the U.S. that can't handle 220 power, though I've heard such power gear also can be bought here...

Last time I checked a year or so ago, EVA wanted about $100 per suitcase/box extra for their LAX to BKK flights. The comparable cost of freight shipping from Los Angeles to BKK was far less, though six weeks or so of delivery time means you should use that for things you don't need immediately.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone....

With petrol prices so high, excess baggage flying to Thailand from the US may be prohibitive. I seek ideas for options.

I've thought of shipping a small container of personal effects via sea freight. Then, I thought of just crossing the Pacific on a freighter with my container.

Is it less costly to just start over again, i.e. buy a new computer when I get there? I could take my tower only or hard drive in my baggage, I suppose. Its mostly getting my stock trading business materials and equipment over there. I will not take a wardrobe of american clothing because replacing will be easy.

Your creative ideas and experience is most welcome to [email protected].

Korp kun kup!


The chances of you being able to get on the same freight ship as your container are quite slim, though not impossible.

Even a 20' container takes A LOT of filling, but you don't have to fill one. If you contact a freight forwarding company, you can share container space.

Freighter travel is quite expensive now compared to flying. I haven't checked lately but i would think well in excess of $100/day and the insurance isn't cheap as it must include ship deviation & helicopter medivac in the unlikely even of you being taken seriously ill.

Edited by Lancashirelad
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You may want to consider bringing some winter clothing with you. Its not unusual to be called back to the states for unplanned or emergency reasons in the middle of winter.

Unless your computer is brand new, here is your chance to get rid of it and upgrade to the latest model. I understand that computer prices are reasonable in Thailand. You can carry your data on by dumping it on a portable hard drive would be a great idea too. For backup you can store lots of data for free on Google and probably Yahoo. For the ambitious, set up a cheap website on GO DADDY.COM and put all your info there...

I don't know your marital status, but if returning with a Thai wife, you may qualify for duty free import. Would be worth while to check that out.

Good Luck with the move and enjoy yourself.

Edited by jukapot
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I recently shipped some things from USA to Thailand, mostly clothing & household efects. It went OK, but I found later that some companies have a minimum volume amount. In my case it was 100 cubic ft. I had much less. There are some companies that do not have a minimum and you only pay for the exact amount you are sending. If you are in BKK & points south, you don't need warm clothes. If you are in the North, it can get chilly in the winter months. If you want to return the stuff to USA, sometime in the future, you should check with customs as to how this can be done. Good luck.

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