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I m facing serious back pain . I m looking for rather permanent type solution. The situation is aggavating day by day. I cannot even sit on a chair to work , stand or walk for 30 min. Even it pains when I lie on the bed on my back.

One of my friend has suggested Chiropractic treatment. In my country no Chiropractic treatment and

When I posted in another fourm some one has referred me this forum . One member has suggested to go for an acupuncture session (or acupressure with no needles) with a licensed Chinese Holistic doctor.

I dont even have good idea about both .

Would you please let me know if you have any experience/information/suggetion on Chiropractic/acupuncture/acupressure treatment . I will apprecaite if you can recommed some doctors


thanks in advance


Maybe you suffer from the piriformis syndrome. I also had severe lower back pain, with shooting pain throughout my buttocks and leg, and could not sit. I made the diagnoses by reading about the symptoms for piriformis syndrome. I corrected it by reading what I could do to help, or prevent piriformis syndrome. Today I am pain free after workouts and exercises specific to the condition. You can check it out here:


Good luck,



There are a number of things that could account for this. Before obtaining any treatment, see a doctor (orthopedic specialist) and get an MRI done to identify the nature of the problem.

This is very important to avoid potential injury from chirpracters/masseuses etc (a good chiropracter won't touch you without seeing an MRI first anyhow).

When you get the results from the doctor, he/she may advise physical teherapy, a variety of other conservative measures (anti-inflammatory drugs, heat etc) or surgery depending on the nature and severity of the problem. A good doctor will not usually receommed surgery until conservatie measures have been tried first, unless the MRI shows dangerous compression of the spinal cord or such severe spinal disease that conservative measures hold no potential.

You would do well to try phsical therapy if the doctor recommends it (need specific orders for the PT which describes what type of exercises etc are suited to your particular problem).

If you also want to see a chirpractor, accupressurist etc, ask the orthopedic doctor if it would be safe and if there are any specific precautions that should be observed in the course of spinal manipulation by either chiropractor or masseuse. Don't expect the doctor to say that chirpractic may help, he/she almost certainly won't. (Bear in mind that most of what orthopedic surgeons know of chiropractic comes from their patients, and the people whio have had chiropractic and then go to orthopedic surgeons are the people for who chiropractic treatment did not work). But you can expect the doctor to respect your decision iof you want to try it and, most importantly, to provide guidance as to postures and manipulations which should be avoided in order to avoid further injury. This last is important even for undergoing simple Thai massage.

The following 2 orthopedic specialists have been recommeneded by a number of TV members:

Dr. Nanthadej Hiranyasthiti at Bumrungard Hospital (noted to be very conservative in his approach)

Dr. Wicharn at Bangkok Bursing Home Hospital

St. Louis Hospital, on Sathorn Road, has a Chinese/holistic clinic which offers accupuncture. There is also a doctor in the Physical Therapy departmdent at Bumrungrad who does it. Whether or not you will get any relief from accupuncture depends upon what it is that is causing your pain. If it is disc herniation, accupuncture may not help. but no harm to trying.

For recommendations for a chiropracter do a search on this forum as there have been many past threads with recommendations from various members.

But please, to avoid risk of further injury -- and also to be sure that there isn't something really dangerous going on -- get an MRI and consult an orthpedic specialist first.



Thanks a lot for your advice. I have seen doctors and also done MRI and physiotherapy locally. They never advised me to try other methods. With the medicine and therapy I got some temorary relief.   I need to see beter doctor. I will do as you said




I found a good chiroprator in Chiang mai. My Thai friend went to him and after one treatment was totaly pain free and back to work after losing month of work and spending a lot of money on doctors and pills. He also help me when I had the most severe back pain of my life. I could hardly get out of bed. During a bout with a kidney infection from drinking a bad beer, I got the chill so bad that it put my back out. I spent an hour on the floor on one occation just trying to get back in bed. message me if you want his number.


I m facing serious back pain . I m looking for rather permanent type solution. The situation is aggavating day by day. I cannot even sit on a chair to work , stand or walk for 30 min. Even it pains when I lie on the bed on my back.

One of my friend has suggested Chiropractic treatment. In my country no Chiropractic treatment and

When I posted in another fourm some one has referred me this forum . One member has suggested to go for an acupuncture session (or acupressure with no needles) with a licensed Chinese Holistic doctor.

I dont even have good idea about both .

Would you please let me know if you have any experience/information/suggetion on Chiropractic/acupuncture/acupressure treatment . I will apprecaite if you can recommed some doctors

thanks in advance

Well I had the same problems as you have now I went to many doctors most of them told me it is just in your mind nobody could or wanted to help me. So I went to a Chiropractor and I never looked back.

Even today after about 20 years after I hurt my back I feel great. I don't know where you live but most

countries do have a Chiropractor


Thanks a lot for your advice. I have seen doctors and also done MRI and physiotherapy locally. They never advised me to try other methods. With the medicine and therapy I got some temorary relief.   I need to see beter doctor. I will do as you said


1. What did the MRI show?

2. Most allopathic doctors won't suggest non-allopathic methods; do not expect them to. What you can ask them for is guidance as to any specific manipulations of the spine that should be avoided if you undergo chiropractic treatment or massage. The doctor may make a bit of a face when you mention chiropractic but you can just say that this is something you want to try, and are there any specific cautions based on your particular pathology? This is to avoid the risk of spinal manipulations actually worsening the problem.

Also be sure to bring the MRI film with you if you decide to try a Chiropracter, accupuncturist etc.

Whether or not a chiropracter or other alternative healer will be able to help is another matter and depends very much on the nature of your problem. Back problems are not all the same, which is one reason why one finds so much conflicting reports about the success of these various approaches.


I found a good chiroprator in Chiang mai. My Thai friend went to him and after one treatment was totaly pain free and back to work after losing month of work and spending a lot of money on doctors and pills. He also help me when I had the most severe back pain of my life. I could hardly get out of bed. During a bout with a kidney infection from drinking a bad beer, I got the chill so bad that it put my back out. I spent an hour on the floor on one occation just trying to get back in bed. message me if you want his number.

Do you have his contact details?


I found a good chiroprator in Chiang mai. My Thai friend went to him and after one treatment was totaly pain free and back to work after losing month of work and spending a lot of money on doctors and pills. He also help me when I had the most severe back pain of my life. I could hardly get out of bed. During a bout with a kidney infection from drinking a bad beer, I got the chill so bad that it put my back out. I spent an hour on the floor on one occation just trying to get back in bed. message me if you want his number.

Do you have his contact details?

Putting one's back out and having manipulation on it to put it back is one thing but having sciatica is totally different and on no account should you allow anyone to manipulate your back without them understanding the underlying problem

A chiroprator will use ultra sound and manipulation which will do little to help if indeed it is a trapped nerve that you have, from your original post I would say that is what you have.

The root cause has to be addressed and the damaged area which will have gone into spasm relaxed with drugs or manipulation in order for the blood to flow into the area and re generate new tissue. A chiroprator or physiotherapist will be able to stretch out the glutomas maximus muscle which has probably gone into sever spasm, they will also show you how to do this at home. A hospital can also put you in traction or invert your body to stretch out the spine.

Once new tissue has formed you will have to re build muscle around the damaged area in order for it to become stable.

This can take up to one year of serious back exercise.

A micro tens machine has been shown to reduce swelling and give relief almost straight away. A small 2 channel micro tens machine can be worn for 24 hours and will help re generate tissue and relax muscles. One pad would typically be placed each side of the damaged area in order to reduce swelling. A 4 channel micro tens will allow you to put one set of pads on the damaged area and another set of leads on to the accupoint on your heal , this will give immediate relief to the buttocks and leg.

You can buy micro tens in a good pharmacy or on the gadget stalls that inhabit shopping malls

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Like Sheryl suggests, get an MRI first.

Then I would then recommend having a board-certified neurosurgeon take a look at the scans.

Reason? I had the same symptoms you are having and, after much wasted time and money consulting incompetent doctors offering useless remedies (one even suggested I try Prozac when I refused to go on Oxycontin or Percocet!), my neurosurgeon took one look at the MRIs and immediately scheduled me for surgery at the next available slot in two weeks time.

I had a rapidly worsening case of vertebral stenosis (excess bone growth pressing against spinal nerve roots) and was getting to the point where I could hardly sit, walk, or sleep, and was starting to go crazy from the slowly increasing, 24/7 pain.

They trimmed only the excess bone (hemilaminectomy -- not full lamina removal, which tends to cause instability to that area of your spine and may cause the disc to slip later...).

After a day and a half I was out of the hospital and could walk with hardly any pain. They did a good job. I was lucky.

Had I not had the surgery, I probably would have ended up in a wheel chair by now addicted to strong opiates or something.

Advice: always get a second (or third... or more) opinion when it comes to serious medical matters...


Regarding accupuncture. When I had serious back pain I decided to try accupuncture from a highly recommended Dr. (Chinese I might add). He said it would take several treatments to do any good.

To make a long story short, it worked and reduced the pain. The down side was when he stuck the needles in my butt it really hurt. To the degree I would break into a sweat waiting for the needles to go into my butt. None of the others hurt or bothered me at all and they were stuck in from my neck to my ankles. After about 4 treatments I decided that was all I could hack and quit going.

In my oppinion accupuncture can help (most likely will help) but the needles in the butt were more than I could handle.

Good luck in getting it fixed.


To be more precise, the correct diagnosis for my condition was acute spinal stenosis.

Again, have someone competent interpret the MRI scans, preferably a board-certified neurosurgeon.

It'll save you a lot of grief...

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