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Since international lines for P2P such as Kazaa and Bit Torrent are slow a few of us have set up a Direct Connect hub specifically for people in Thailand. File transfers go at full speed at advertised local ISP rates since it is local traffic. Files are whatever people share - lots of movies and TV series mainly, but also other goodies. Direct Connect is one of the main P2P file sharing platforms. Anyone interested needs to DL a DirectConnect client (program required to connect) (downloads are free) at:

PeerWebDC++ (client loaded with useful functions, for example multisource downloading


http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/ (the original open source DC client, which has fewer functions but can be easier to set up if you for some reason cannot handle PeerWeb DC++).

When you have installed the client, open the FILE menu. Choose SETTINGS.


- Tick Active. Fill out your IP address next to Active.


- Under Settings, choose Connection Settings. Fill out your IP address in the field required.

The IP address you need is your external IP (also know as the WAN IP). To find out what it is, go to www.whatismyip.com .

Then in settings, set your upload slots to 2.

Under File / Settings / Share, add a minimum of 5 Gigabyte of files to share from your hard drive. When you have added files, they will be indexed by the DC client, which can take a little time depending on how fast your computer is. Usually no more than 10 minutes.

Preferably add movies/TV series to your share, but since this is the very beginning you may share other things. Once in the hub, you will be given a week to increase your share. You need to share at least 20 GB to be able to stay in the hub. (It may sound like a lot now, but it really is a low requirement. Hard drives are very cheap, so if you do not have the space at present, just purchase an 80 GB hard drive and place in your desktop computer, or get an external USB 2.0 box for 1000 baht to stick the hard drive into.))

In the client, click VIEW/FAVOURITE HUBS - and then NEW. Enter expathub.dyndns.tv into the IP box. OK. click CONNECT at the bottom.

Users in Thailand/S.pore/Malaysia only. No name or pass required currently - leave them blank.

UPDATE: The hub has become a very active and cool community, and you should not pass up the chance to try it.

Make sure you have configured your firewall or router correctly. See http://www.dslreports.com/faq/dc

if you need more help with this. Modem users will only need to give permission for DC++ to act as a server.

Routers need to be configured correctly. You will find information about setting up your router at www.portforward.com - but the easiest way is to log in to the hub first and you will be guided through the process.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


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boomboom, jonboy, kabal, yeti, meadish, withnail, evil h90, Mr_Happy, kenazo, Xirox, size,

if we all log in it would be good. New users appear each day but we need a fair few regulars or the project will fizzle out.


In case of dns redirect probs IP is [update: IP varies]

regular users should log in to keep the project alive - currently 10 ppl logged in.

Just added Billy Connolly mp3s

Once Upon a Time in America

Once Upon a time in the Midlands

Laws fo Attraction

A foreign affair


surviving Xmas



'puter crashed again. Maybe too hot after running for 4 solid days.

expathub.dyndns.tv should work always (other than a few mins as I reconnect)


Computer crashed again. And I will have to shut down to take a look in the UPS so I can buy some new batteries.

With these crashes, and interest up and down, it seems like a fair time to wind up the project. I think we had a good experience and got to know some good people. Who can forget h90's curse control?

We also now know that TRUE only works well when the traffic is local.

There is still a chance of revival. According to my original idea, we would spark up a hub just a couple of days a fortnight to make a frenzied swap of latest downloads, rather than try and maintain a hub 24/7. This makes it easier to know what to share, and in a small community we would be sharing just the things people want, rather than large folders of stuff we have already pillaged. Someone should make a post of new movie files and BTs and if there are a few interested we can run the exchange over a day or two.

These crashes started again after installing Firefox. Anyone experience this? Alternatively they occurred after running the computer and internet for 5 solid days in a non air con room.

Nods all


jeez. I'm so ashamed. I got the longest thread on the forum with no answers. Just me talking to myself. That's sad. I am even talking to myself on the internet.



cannot connect.

*** Connecting to expathub.cjb.net...
*** Connection refused by target machine

is it me or is it server? because before i could connect, no probs. :o

btw, pandit we listen to u too. dont me afraid u r not the only one here on the net. :D


even if rumours go arround I am not dead, but half!!

big troubles in business! But would be fine if someone can make me an account:

User name h90, to how shall I send the pw?


you only read the last thread. In the one above it I said it was time to wind down the porject.

Reasons - dwindling interest; burden on the hub computer; lack of new files coming in; Share folders that didn't change/update; And some very suspect porn in places.

We all had a good experience and made some great acquaintences. We know the system works. Particularly the Dns relay and the removal of the need for passwords to make it easier for noobs were good features. 24/7 however is too tough to maintain.

I still think that we should consider sparking the hub up again periodically as we all get new Bit Torrents. I know I have added a few in the last week.

Suppose each of 6-10 people get a couple of new Torrents. We can put up the hub again for a few days and do some frenzied exchanges of just those files meaning everyone is up to date with latest releases. This saves the necessity of finding lots of duff files to fill up share folders. And it is also a great way for regular TV users to come together a couple of times a month in a live chat forum. It makes it worthwhile to get slow emule files - as we can blast them to each other at full pelt.

I am adding

Once Upon a Time in America - sergio leone classic with robert de niro

The Magdalene sisters - Irish true story


The Trinity spagetthi westerns

The notebook


I know Jonboy and Kabal are adding new stuff too.

If there is interest in such a file fest exchange keep posting and we can set it up for a few days each month or fortnight.


Lets say Saturday the 20th.

Yes it is great fun for me to host, and I think we got it set up well

Anyone interested in the FILE FEST post in this thread. If there is enough interest we will do it. Bring only your weeks Torrents/emule/Kazaa DL'ds.

TV members who just want ot chat welcome too.


hey pandit...i think we should have the hub on every weekends nights; and we can take turns being the host...or even if we have enough ppl; we can take turns hosting it daily or nightly...it'll take time to get in more users...and even a longer time make a community grow...once we get enough people ; you can then create a private BT/tracker site and then there's no need to host hubs anymore...think about it :o



O.k. ....Why don't we run the hub just at weekends + run it evryday for just 1 hour(so that people can connect to other users to finish off their downloads) as we all know that peoples computers crash from time to time(in my case very often).We dont need the hub to download files , we just need it to do the initial connect. I also agree with pandit...not enough people were sharing enough NEW content.If we all download 1 or 2 movies a week, then if the movies weren't the same then we would have quite a busy week watching movies. We can all compromise on what time the 1 hour is up at.


How about other people's thoughts - kabal (I have R Dwarf ready), boomboom, yeti, meadish, h90, Withnail, Size, Triple (who have I missed?)

How about the other forum readers. It is easy to set up and join in, and for a few days we get live chat, and latest movies. We all got to know each other real well.

Not to mention the infamous curse control....

How about other people's thoughts - kabal (I have R Dwarf ready), boomboom, yeti, meadish, h90, Withnail, Size, Triple  (who have I missed?)

How about the other forum readers. It is easy to set up and join in, and for a few days we get live chat, and latest movies. We all got to know each other real well.

Not to mention the infamous curse control....

I can't see why we can't have the hub available on demand. I am happy to host it if required - I have 2 PC's at home - both of which are connected to the net 24/7. We could use the one that's dedicated to downloading as the hub with an agreed downtime at say 8:00am each day for reboot and tidy up.

We would need to establish some hub rules to ensure that we are all able to take full advantage of the sharing spirit!

I will also ensure that I start to download some movies that may be of interest! :o


Hey Pandit. I have some unfinished downloads. Can you start the hub up at around 7 pm(or sooner) for around 1 hour or so just so that we can all connect and resume? We dont need the hub to be up for long at all.as soon as most of us are logged on then the hub can be switched off.


For those interested I have downloaded the hub software, running on

I hope that Pandit will go online to give me (and those interested in hosting the hub) the account details to cjb.net

So that when someone who has the hub software switch on his computer, and see that the hub is not running, can run it from his own computer (I don't know if I'm crystal clear ???).


For those interested I have downloaded the hub software, running on

I hope that Pandit will go online to give me (and those interested in hosting the hub) the account details to cjb.net

So that when someone who has the hub software switch on his computer, and see that the hub is not running, can run it from his own computer (I don't know if I'm crystal clear ???).


Thailand - The hub of hubs.... :o:D

totster :D

Use belew.gotdns.com until expathub.cjb.net updates...

You've blocked my IP... you need to check the IP range. 61.91.36.XXX is True as well...

expathub.cjb.net is fine and permanent.


*** Connecting to expathub.cjb.net...
*** Connected
<-YHub-> YHub version: Beta 0.388[t1] written by Yoshi, manhandled by Nev.
<-YHub-> Your name should have (one of) the following prefix(s): [BBB]
*** Disconnected

what is this problem? :o


sorry, had it setup wrong try it now... be sure to clear your DNS buffer also so it points to the correct IP... Also added expathub.dyndns.tv this will always work as the router automatically updates this address...


Hello all..........As a new member I just wanted to say thanks setting up a local hub. I'm downloading several files right now and find it to be much faster than bit torrent! I will get the word out and see if I can get some more people to join up!!


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