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Already having read this forum its so reassuring that other people in similar positions go through this. I have loads of questions but im gonna keep this simple for now.

i am living in the uk and my long term aim is for both my fiance and baby when born to move to england, i know this will take some time and i have a solicitor over here to deal with it in the coming months, money isnt much of a problem in the respect that i am prepared to pay for whatever is needed. Now I have a solicitor in place over here to apply for the relevant visas, I need some guidance as to what to do to register the birth and obtain the english passport, its a little more difficult cos I work in uk and can only manage to get to thailand in september and then when my child is born in January.

What do I have to to in preparation for coming in january to register the birth, should i use an english speaking solicitor in thailand to assist me, and if so does anyone have any contacts in Bangkok?

For the record I am currently separated and the divorce from my ex will commence in or around january, so as i will technically be married still does this make a difference? I have been told not, but its still a concern.

Also my fiance is keen to know how we proceed on a step by step basis, whilst she speaks good english she doesnt read english too well yet and she has asked me to get a step by step guide as to what to do, so that i can pass it to her and she can get a translation into Thai.

I feel quite anxious about all of this but ultimately love my fiance dearly and want to have my family with me. Hopefully someone can be kind enough to supply some reassurance and answers thanking you in advance.


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For baby there are a few rules relating to your right to citizenship but if you are british, born to british parents & born in the UK then usually baby can get a british passport but you will need to produce your full birth certificate, so get that before baby is born. Have a look at the British Embassy website for a list of other documents you will need.

Your girlfriend may find it helpful to sign up at thailand-uk dot com website as there are alot of thai ladies married to British men & living in the Uk posting there, they have a thai language section specifically for the ladies to chat.

Congratulations on the pregnancy :o

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hey boo thanks so much for replying so quick.

Ive checked out the website and so i'll read, re-read and digest.

I know I have a long road ahead of me..just the assurance that no matter what i can get them here eventually is of the greatest comfort.

I will tell her about the website and that, especially if its partly in thai may answer some of her worries too then.

Kop khun Khrap!!

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Already having read this forum its so reassuring that other people in similar positions go through this. I have loads of questions but im gonna keep this simple for now.

i am living in the uk and my long term aim is for both my fiance and baby when born to move to england, i know this will take some time and i have a solicitor over here to deal with it in the coming months, money isnt much of a problem in the respect that i am prepared to pay for whatever is needed. Now I have a solicitor in place over here to apply for the relevant visas, I need some guidance as to what to do to register the birth and obtain the english passport, its a little more difficult cos I work in uk and can only manage to get to thailand in september and then when my child is born in January.

What do I have to to in preparation for coming in january to register the birth, should i use an english speaking solicitor in thailand to assist me, and if so does anyone have any contacts in Bangkok?

For the record I am currently separated and the divorce from my ex will commence in or around january, so as i will technically be married still does this make a difference? I have been told not, but its still a concern.

Also my fiance is keen to know how we proceed on a step by step basis, whilst she speaks good english she doesnt read english too well yet and she has asked me to get a step by step guide as to what to do, so that i can pass it to her and she can get a translation into Thai.

I feel quite anxious about all of this but ultimately love my fiance dearly and want to have my family with me. Hopefully someone can be kind enough to supply some reassurance and answers thanking you in advance.


Hi Paul,

Firsly congrats on the baby and hope you will be able to get over for the birth.

Big Alarm bells ringing in my head when you say you have a Solicitor in place to deal with your visa, Solicitors are pretty much like Doctors in General Practice and I hope you would not you wouldnt let one lose on you with a scalpel?

Horses for course's as they say.

Immigration Law is a specialist Subject and if I were in your position there is no way on gods earth I would consider using someone who is not an Immigration Law Specialist and a member of the body that regulates the immigration law Specialists.

Would you trust the mechanic at your local garage loose on your formula one car? I hope the answer to that is certainly not.

No disrespect intended to your current brief but if he was worth his salt you sould not need to be posting for advice on this site, he would also have dealt with cases like yours day in day out for many years.

By the way I am not a Solicitor and neither do I have any connection with any Immigration Law Specialist Company here or abroad, but I have seen many unhapppy couples who have placed their faith and funds in a Agent or Lawyer cost them almost a year in time due to their inexperience in this area of law.

I can only suggest you search this site for other peoples experiences with visa applications and it would be very wise of you to consult with any Organisation(s) they may recommend before commiting myself elsewhere.

People who have used the services of a Specialist Immigration Law Company and have been so pleased with their efforts on their behalf that they have posted a recommendation of their services to other member's on this site could save you a great deal of problems.

My wife did not use an agent for her visa which is why I do not recommend one to you.

Best of luck

Roy gsd

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Many thanks for your reply Roy.

Perhaps I should have pointed out that the solicitor i have sought advice from is an immigation specialist, she certainly seemed toknow what she was talking about anyway, and i completely agree with your GP analogy. Sshe did put my mind at ease tremendously when I met her as previosuly I had attempted and vfailed to get my fiance a holiday visa completley on my own, and made glaring mistakes, by my own admission now lookng back.

I am the type of person however that will try to soak up as many experiences and as much knowledge as i possibly can, hence the post.

I will certainly look into those imigration law specialists that you mentioned and I thank you very very much for taking the time to send he message.

I am looking at getting over in January for the birth, which due to Aom's first pregnancy will probably be by c-section, she is in saraburi and I am therefore also looking for the best possible health care for her, having already looked on the site, it seem sthat burungrad hospital seems to be an option, however if anyone has any ideas of 1 closer to her hometown i'd appreciate your comments again.



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you may want to do a search through our visa to other countries section too & also have a look at past thread here in the family section as hospitals & birthing packages has been discussed a lot.

As for needing a solicitor or immigration person when you are in Thailand, if your one from UK is as good as she should be, then you will have no need, as applying for the babies passport & birth certificates at the british Embassy is very straightforward & applying for the visa only involves giving them all the relevant paperwork (that your UK imm spec. should have prepared already).

So try not to worry too much as a visit visa is actually harder to produce the required paperwork for than a residency or unmarried partner visa IMO, as one requires proof of reason to return to to Thailand where as residency does not :o

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I am looking at getting over in January for the birth, which due to Aom's first pregnancy will probably be by c-section

Hi there ... good luck with everything ... nothing to do with your original question but why would first time pregnancy probably be by c-section??? This doesn't make sense at all and is completely inaccurate .... if this is the advice your fiance is being given then she will definitely need to see a better doctor - unfortunately I don't know of hospitals in Saraburi.

If she wants one that's in northern Bangkok then I can suggest Mongkol Wattana on Chaeng Wattana Road (near the Don Muang Airport) as being quite good ... their OB/GYN doctors all speak English (good for you once you arrive) and they also have a very good British/Thai pediatrician called Dr Suda (you will need a pediatrician lined up fir baby's check-up immediately after the birth). In saying that, I only went there for the first half of my pregnancy then switched to Samativej .... not because I was unhappy but because of Samitevej's good reputation. Anyhow, it could be a better option for your fiance as it is about a 1 hour's drive from Saraburi town compared to (up to about) 2 hours to Bumrungrad or Samitevej.

I almost always use this hospital for general medical needs and take my son to Dr Suda when he's ill.

Edited by sylvafern
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