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People have choices in life, if this is the CHOISE they choose then its none of anyones business. But I have to admit i was born with good looks


After this discussion is heating up and divides more 'n more into the "good" and the "bad", one question arises:

many, if not all hetero males want sex with their partners many do enjoy oral and some anal sex too.

why the heck would the same people think even for a nano split second that this, what their friend/wife is performing on them, and they on the female partner - is "sick" when the same happens between same gender, that makes me really, really wonder about what kind of disturbed macho-neurosis may trigger this erroneous thinking?

After all it is about sex, desire, fulfillment, satisfaction and yes maybe for some hard to grasp - love !

Why does this have to be the cause of a biological "disturbance", while the same behaviour between different genders is widely accepted as "normal"... I don't get it. :o


First of all its all about chromosones, yes you can be born gay or with gay tendensies and it depends where you live wether or not you express them at a young age or not, but you can be born gay if you have more female chromosones but you are born a man, its been proven, and pls nobody mention laviticus with out actually saying everything he said, which makes him a complete dumbass.....

Jesus H ( without the H that is).



Do you know what the H stands for? I've often wondered that in the same way as what the Gomorroghans did in the Bible... :o

In the context of the various sides of this debate. Could it be "homophobic", could it be "homosexual". There are some people who believe that Jesus had homosexual tendencies in the same way others believe he had bodily knowledge of Mary Magdalene the prostitute... :D


I dont care what the H stands for, hype hemmoroids or hate, take your pick.

I remember reading somewhere years ago a practicing homosexual is someone who hasnt got it right yet, and I view people who claim to practice their religion in the same light.

Religion is about contol and power, and as far as I am concerned the soomer it dies out the world will have a chance to be a better place.

Something very immoral in a religion owning property and expensive paintings and the like, I am sure that there are many good people of various religions who work very hard and do very many good things, and I am sure that there are as many, if not more good non religious people who do the same.

Its a safe bet that the origins of the expression "its better to give than receive" was a marketing ploy of some religion or another, being nice to each other doesnt require a religion just effort.

There endeth todays sermon, please give generously because the bishop/monk/rabbi/ etc isnt content to use the bus, he needs a mercedes .

Roy gsd

I'm not gay either, but I do think that it is natural and that God made them that way, so I don't understand how it can be a sin.

One strike against Christianity in my mind. :o

Why stick to christianity? God if he or she exists, has given us the power of reason, we make our own choices

and are responsible for them, much more convienient to avoid that fact for some people

roy gsd

Jesus H ( without the H that is).



Do you know what the H stands for? I've often wondered that in the same way as what the Gomorroghans did in the Bible... :o

In the context of the various sides of this debate. Could it be "homophobic", could it be "homosexual". There are some people who believe that Jesus had homosexual tendencies in the same way others believe he had bodily knowledge of Mary Magdalene the prostitute... :D


I dont care what the H stands for, hype hemmoroids or hate, take your pick.

I remember reading somewhere years ago a practicing homosexual is someone who hasnt got it right yet, and I view people who claim to practice their religion in the same light.

Religion is about contol and power, and as far as I am concerned the soomer it dies out the world will have a chance to be a better place.

Something very immoral in a religion owning property and expensive paintings and the like, I am sure that there are many good people of various religions who work very hard and do very many good things, and I am sure that there are as many, if not more good non religious people who do the same.

Its a safe bet that the origins of the expression "its better to give than receive" was a marketing ploy of some religion or another, being nice to each other doesnt require a religion just effort.

There endeth todays sermon, please give generously because the bishop/monk/rabbi/ etc isnt content to use the bus, he needs a mercedes .

Roy gsd

I agree with roy, Religion is a way to control the masses, it has always been, I cant even believe that at this time of age people still believe ib it, Dont you know what he crussades where? or the witch hunts? all in the name of god, so yeah Religion is a way to control the masses...and people still are so into it and "praise the lord" and on top of it, no religion thinks we actually came from monkeys...I rest my case. They might all go to the place that they try to put fear upon....hel_l.

I'm not gay either, but I do think that it is natural and that God made them that way, so I don't understand how it can be a sin.

One strike against Christianity in my mind. :o

I we were to follow your logic it would seem that god also made the people who murder or otherwise damage other people, as such it would seem that you dont understand how that can be a sin either?

Not sure I like the word sin, wrong or unacceptable would be more appropriate I think.

Roy gsd

People have choices in life, if this is the CHOISE they choose then its none of anyones business. But I have to admit i was born with good looks

A good looking clown is still a clown, :o:D

Roy gsd


Back on topic please folks... and please cut down on the religious slurs.

From the Forum Rules: Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


^I second that, and would like to remind our users to avoid inflammatory speech in general, including slurs against gays, transvestites and transsexuals (or for that matter heterosexist speech- some of my best friends are heterosexuals).

Back on topic please folks... and please cut down on the religious slurs.

From the Forum Rules: Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

In these nlightened times perhaps the rules should be amended to read " rude and degrading comments towards anyone"

given the subject of this topic?

Roy gsd

People have choices in life, if this is the CHOISE they choose then its none of anyones business. But I have to admit i was born with good looks

A good looking clown is still a clown, :o:D

Roy gsd

A kickboxing clown on steroids must be a bizarre sight Roy :D

^I second that, and would like to remind our users to avoid inflammatory speech in general, including slurs against gays, transvestites and transsexuals (or for that matter heterosexist speech- some of my best friends are heterosexuals).
Back on topic please folks... and please cut down on the religious slurs.

From the Forum Rules: Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

In these nlightened times perhaps the rules should be amended to read " rude and degrading comments towards anyone"

given the subject of this topic?

Roy gsd


Homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality. This is scientific fact and if you don't like it, that is your problem.

No its not, Its like when you want a drink, your either a Coke man or a Pepsi man, you choose what you want.

People who are gay choose to be gay. Its BS that people are born gay

You are as dumb as the dumbells you lift. You don't have a clue to the gay lifestyle (although you have "a couple of gay friends" that you like to torment). And you certainly don't have a clue about the world of ladyboys. It would be best if you went back to your Guido jokes...at least those are funny and not pathetic.

Its true, nobody is born gay, that is just rubbish, its a choice.

Are you gay? If not, how would you know whether gays are born or not? At what specific age did you choose to be straight? When did you make the choice between being gay or straight. I suggest you stick to what you know which is...er...nothing.

I'm with don. I don't see how people are born gay. Its just impossible. Then if you disagree we can ague about ghost next. And then we can ague after that about government mind control.

I don't see how people are born straight. It's just impossible. They must choose to be straight.


cophen > I don't see how people are born straight. It's just impossible. They must choose to be straight.

As ridiculous as that statement may seem on the surface, it makes just as much sense as substituting "gay" for "straight".

cophen > I don't see how people are born straight. It's just impossible. They must choose to be straight.

As ridiculous as that statement may seem on the surface, it makes just as much sense as substituting "gay" for "straight".

That was my point.

People have choices in life, if this is the CHOISE they choose then its none of anyones business. But I have to admit i was born with good looks



Okay I have been a long time browser of the TV forums, and only now have I decided to post.

First, the proportion of transgendered people in Thailand, is likely the same as any other nation. What I have noticed at least from living in the states is that many transgendered people who transition live in stealth. Many are afraid to transition due to family issues, western view on gender, passing issues, etc.

Secondly, many Thai's believe that being transgender is "gum" that we received from our previous life ("gum" basically translates to sin), this being a teaching from Buddhism. Also in the culture here is more carefree, unlike Western Culture where there are lines dividing what is male or female.

And on the topic of choice, it's true that we choose to change our physical appearance to match how we feel inside. Ever since I was 6 I already knew I that I wanted to be a girl, by the age of 10 I knew I was a female stuck in a male body. I never chose to feel this way, especially at 6 when I still didn't know a thing.

I am glad to be in Thailand where people like The Don is a rare site.


Okay I have been a long time browser of the TV forums, and only now have I decided to post.

First, the proportion of transgendered people in Thailand, is likely the same as any other nation. What I have noticed at least from living in the states is that many transgendered people who transition live in stealth. Many are afraid to transition due to family issues, western view on gender, passing issues, etc.

Secondly, many Thai's believe that being transgender is "gum" that we received from our previous life ("gum" basically translates to sin), this being a teaching from Buddhism. Also in the culture here is more carefree, unlike Western Culture where there are lines dividing what is male or female.

And on the topic of choice, it's true that we choose to change our physical appearance to match how we feel inside. Ever since I was 6 I already knew I that I wanted to be a girl, by the age of 10 I knew I was a female stuck in a male body. I never chose to feel this way, especially at 6 when I still didn't know a thing.

I am glad to be in Thailand where people like The Don is a rare site.


Not rare at all. thais are far less tolerant than you seem to tink, just quieter about it.

Sorry to burst your bubble but you can sight the Donk at BKK airport in January when he claims he is moving to the LOS for good.

roy gsd

Maybe it has something to do with so many boys here in Thailand being brought up without their fathers around -- lack of strong male role models, hence effeminate behaviour -- that's a possibility, don't you think?

I agree that's part of it. I taught part time at a university here (lecturer at Rajabat U). In each of my eight classes there were one or two lady boys. I think many Thai boys don't have masculine examples in their lives to emulate. Even comparatively masculine Thai men are often somewhat effeminate. To me, some of the biggest reasons there is such a high % of lady-boys in Thailand:

>>>> some of the most popular TV variety shows feature flaming lady boys. Their antics emit howls of laughter from Thai audiences. One big message: be exessively effeminate and become more popular.

>>>> Thai girls feel more comfortable with lady boys, so if a boy wants to hang out with the prettiest/liveliest girls, it's an advantage for him to be a her.

The lady boys in my college classes were all exhibitionists. Every utterance and every antic was geared solely to eliciting giggles - especially from the girls - and it worked like a charm!

If Thai girls didn't continually giggle at boys acting effeminate, the lure for boys to become girl-like would dwindle.

Then there's the pervasive trend for Thai girls to act a quarter of their age, but that's a slightly different topic.

Okay I have been a long time browser of the TV forums, and only now have I decided to post.

First, the proportion of transgendered people in Thailand, is likely the same as any other nation. What I have noticed at least from living in the states is that many transgendered people who transition live in stealth. Many are afraid to transition due to family issues, western view on gender, passing issues, etc.

Secondly, many Thai's believe that being transgender is "gum" that we received from our previous life ("gum" basically translates to sin), this being a teaching from Buddhism. Also in the culture here is more carefree, unlike Western Culture where there are lines dividing what is male or female.

And on the topic of choice, it's true that we choose to change our physical appearance to match how we feel inside. Ever since I was 6 I already knew I that I wanted to be a girl, by the age of 10 I knew I was a female stuck in a male body. I never chose to feel this way, especially at 6 when I still didn't know a thing.

I am glad to be in Thailand where people like The Don is a rare site.


Not rare at all. thais are far less tolerant than you seem to tink, just quieter about it.

They amount to the same thing. I'm much happier for the occasional Thai to talk about me behind my back because I'm gay than I am to be beaten into hospital as has happened to me in the west.


How about estrogen hormone mimickers found in plastics and Styrofoam, absorbed through hot drink or food and the strong feminizing effects they cause on males? Thais use plenty of those with their hot soups and dishes dumped in plastic bags and Styrofoam containers, many on a daily basis from early childhood.


Back to the ladyboys. Of the 57 countries I've traveled to, Thailand has by far the most androgenous appearing poulation. There's very little difference in appearance between most men and most women here. Women for the most part have no asses or boobs and froma medium distance look pretty much like the men. Ladyboys seems to be just splitting the little difference there is. I'm surprised there aren't more of them.


I have removed a slew of off-topic posts and one entire line of commentary regarding the nature/nurture debate over homosexuality, which also resulted in at least one warning. This thread is to inquire after the number of ladyboys/transgendered/transsexual types (*not* gays) in Thailand compared to other countries. If it can't stay on topic after this post, it will be closed.


Back to the ladyboys. Of the 57 countries I've traveled to, Thailand has by far the most androgenous appearing poulation. There's very little difference in appearance between most men and most women here. Women for the most part have no asses or boobs and froma medium distance look pretty much like the men. Ladyboys seems to be just splitting the little difference there is. I'm surprised there aren't more of them.

I dont think you are even close, its because ladyboys are prety much accpted here by most of the population as well as gay people. And I think you may need some glasses

Back to the ladyboys. Of the 57 countries I've traveled to, Thailand has by far the most androgenous appearing poulation. There's very little difference in appearance between most men and most women here. Women for the most part have no asses or boobs and froma medium distance look pretty much like the men. Ladyboys seems to be just splitting the little difference there is. I'm surprised there aren't more of them.

I dont think you are even close, its because ladyboys are prety much accpted here by most of the population as well as gay people. And I think you may need some glasses

Don, even a blind man can tell the difference.

Male and female bone structures are quite different.

Maybe it has something to do with so many boys here in Thailand being brought up without their fathers around -- lack of strong male role models, hence effeminate behaviour -- that's a possibility, don't you think?

This is my Thai wife's opinion and I think there's some merit in it...

Maybe it has something to do with so many boys here in Thailand being brought up without their fathers around -- lack of strong male role models, hence effeminate behaviour -- that's a possibility, don't you think?

This is my Thai wife's opinion and I think there's some merit in it...

It definately has merit to it, Its been proved that all boys need a father figure in there life, sometimes it can be an uncle or an older brother which can be sufficent. If the boy just grows up with there mother they usually grow up being a bit soft, but it also depends on the friends they hang around too who also can be a influence in there lives.


Here you guys go again! Confusing the etiology of homosexuality and the etiology of transgenders as if they are the SAME thing. They are not! BTW, the USA has a huge percentage of single parent homes with the mother as the only parent, and absent always at work father homes, and yet not exactly ladyboy central. This topic is supposed to be about LADYBOYS and why Thailand has so many visible ones which of course they do, not homos. Is it impossible for people to learn this fact that homosexuality and transgenders are NOT the same thing? Why are you people so SLOW?


also a boy growing up with a bunch of older and younger sisters often turns out to be a girly type of man.

Even if there is a father figure, if he is weak and p_whipped, ie. if the father is not a real man, i'm sure there are also behavioural concequesnces for the son. perhaps manifesting in a suppressed sexuality of some sort.

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