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Windows Xp Professional


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Go to this link at the Inquirer http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=19601 which states that Microsoft has started to implement it's "Stop the Pirates" program. Seems that when you need to update anything,you will be asked to verify your copy of Windows. If not legal you can purchase on the spot and download a legit copy or your computer will cease to function.

So I guess that 4,000 Baht I was asking for a 8,000 Baht original of full version English Windows XP Professional was not a bad deal after all.

So in hte end either the viruses or Microsoft will get the cheap charlies that made fun of me when I bought the originals. :o

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I prefer to think of it as being liberated from Microsoft :o

The viruses wil get the mid-range charlies. The *really* cheap charlies are using linux + open office and sleeping much better, I suspect !

###### Adobe for not releasing a linux version of Photoshop. Otherwise I would ditch M$ in a second. It's the only program I can think of for which there isn't a decent open source alternative...


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Go to this link at the Inquirer http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=19601 which states that Microsoft has started to implement it's "Stop the Pirates" program.  Seems that when you need to update anything,you will be asked to verify your copy of Windows.  If not legal you can purchase on the spot and download a legit copy or your computer will cease to function.

So I guess that 4,000 Baht I was asking for a 8,000 Baht original of full version English Windows XP Professional was not a bad deal after all.

So in hte end either the viruses or Microsoft will get the cheap charlies that made fun of me when I bought the originals. :D

Pure Propoganda. I feel very secure that the localboys will continue to find a workaround for anything MS comes up with :D

And I wonder how MS feels about you reselling a copy of their licensed software. You only have rights to one license/one machine, right? :o:D

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Pure Propoganda. I feel very secure that the localboys will continue to find a workaround for anything MS comes up with  :D

And I wonder how MS feels about you reselling a copy of their licensed software. You only have rights to one license/one machine, right?  :o  :D

Yeah work arounds will come but perhaps not from the "localboys" :D

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Hello Mouse,

I agree with Arjarn it is just empty talks, Microsoft talks sometimes hard words but then they see people move to a more superior OS like Linux and then they adjust there language.

Yesterday I upgraded my Linux computer to Fedora Core 3 and this system (Celeron 1.3Ghz, 256MB) can keep up with my daily computer usage.

Sure my Pentium Prescott 3.2Ghz, 512MB dual channel is faster, but this is not in compare with the CPU and overall system speed. With installing Fedora Core 3 Linux on my secondary computer I serious thinking to move Windows XP to my secondary computer and switch to Linux as my primary OS.

Microsoft still has the idea that the world computer users are stupid, in the real world Linux is coming everyday closer to basic computer users. And I belief Linux will catch up with average computer user within less then one year.

Lucky I’m not the only one who thinks this, major VGA chipset manufacturers are working to get there chipsets better supported within months. Linux now support supports all major chipsets, but chipset manufacturers belief they can put more power into there drivers.

Microsoft just agreed this year that it is important that a serious OS needs a solid Firewall, Linux has from day one a solid super secure Firewall.

Microsoft is moving to more open source policy after seeing large customers move away from there OS, Linux is an open source OS from day one. And customers who need a secure OS don’t think about Microsoft so is the NSA (American National Security) one of the major supporters of Linux. Even have there own Linux project for security called SElinux.

Longhorn the upcoming new OS of Microsoft will probably not use a register to keep track of all programs. This is the basis of most Virus and worm attacks, Linux never used a register like Windows to keep track of programs because it was considered unsecured.

We see Apple moved more to Linux every time they introduce there new OS, now they already moved more closer to the X-Windows system, it is believed they will move even more closer to Linux in there upcoming release. Microsoft once a fierce enemy of Apple is now a major share holder.

Linux lets me think about the history in computer history, MS-Dos was not more or better then Digital Research CPM. It just had more support of the mass of computer manufacturers. Today we can see that most major computer manufacturers try to move away from the terror of Microsoft. And with companies like IBM, Sun, Novell and many more who support Linux as primary OS it is possible that we can see things changing.

2004 you can already see that people moving away from Microsoft Internet Explorer, and select opens source Mozilla browser suite or Mozilla Firefox browser over the standard Windows browser.

What means Linux for a small office, it gives a very small cost per user in cooperated network. It is even possible to setup a serious network with no-cost versions of the Linux OS. Fedora is a free distribution of Linux and gives full support of networking and “free” office applications that work seamless with Windows computers and there MS Office applications.

The current Windows is dead; Linux is the future (maybe not in the current form). But then Ms-Windows 1 is also not comparable with the current version of Windows.

With kind regards,


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oh the age old debate again.....:o

For mouse:

Don't ponder on this to much like someone said it's pure propaganda. You're just trying to justify that you'fe spend a lot of cash on your licenses and your neighbour hasn't. Microsoft care about their corporate licenses and the home market is allowed to copy cause this makes their user base large and in turn will make corporations use their technology.

For richard:

Sure we've been hearing this "were winning story" now for the last ten years. it ain't gonna happen for the simpel reason that corporations like support for their systems. The 10 million bozo's that all wrote a piece of linux don't give support and can't be held accountable for their programming. Even if microsoft tends to bring out systems that are first buggy at least you can force them to fix it.

It still takes a long time before a linux pc is completely setup and even longer if you have some exotic hardware.

You just like to type command lines , that's all.

When viewing my stats on my website more then 95% of browser is a version of IE. over the last 10 years those stats have been turning over for IE steadily every year. Netscape is completely out of the picture. They went from over 60% of usage in 1995 to a mere 4% now.

Keep dreaming these stories. if it makes you happy.

For me i don't care which os is on my machine as long as it's easy to work with, stable, and doesn't require me to type 50 characters of command lines to start a file.

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PLEASE........let's not rehash the old XXX-OS is better than YYY-OS.

Linux is basically UNIX, which was originally developed by Bell Laboratories division of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph) in 1969, and still used today in many business systems. IT AIN't NEW !!!!!! (Most IBM OS's include the UNIX/Linux kernel, however, IBM's OS's are proprietary, not open-source, due mainly to the fact, our old friend Microsoft holds many copyrights.)

Apple's OS is based on OS/2 (which is similar to UNIX) developed back in 1985-1987 in a collaboration between IBM and Microsoft. It was originally intended as the successor to MS-DOS, but Microsoft bowed out of the deal and went on to develop Windows, while IBM continued with OS/2 development. In 1996, IBM indicated it would slowly withdrawl support for OS/2, although today, most of the world's banks and ATM's still run OS/2. (A third party has, with IBM's support, taken over most OS/2 work.)

As Linux has 40-50 percent of the server OS market, there is hope other software writers (eg: Adobe) will eventually rewrite their programs to run on Linux. However, I wouldn't count on it becoming available in the near future.

Now be honest, you have to admit Microsoft has made a little progress with improving Windows, since v1.0. :o

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Now be honest, you have to admit Microsoft has made a little progress with improving Windows, since v1.0. laugh.gif

Yes they did. I remember when I wrote an article evaluating Windows 3.0. At a time when a computer had 640kb memory capability and a 10MB hard disk of in comparison to my computer of today that has RAM of 1GB and a hard disk of 140GB.

Windows IE however is a prime example of what happens when one compnay controls an idea. I call it "Industrial Apathy". Because they thought they controlled the browser market, they did nothing to improve the product.

Products like FireFox and Open Office Suite will instill once again the competitin that is needed. This will bring many end-user benefits and of course the latests technology to the masses. :o

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When viewing my stats on my website more then 95% of browser is a version of IE. over the last 10 years those stats have been turning over for IE steadily every year. Netscape is completely out of the picture. They went from over 60% of usage in 1995 to a mere 4% now.

Same with my visitors. I just glanced at the 56 people who are on my website at the moment (I have a program that monitors website visitors in real time called LiveHuman), and all but 2 are using IE. The lonely 2 are using Netscape.

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LINUX - Great to use but it's no Windows. Anyone who thinks that LINUX to the desktop will be a sure thing in the future is dreaming - sorry to say it but it's true. Even people here would rather buy a fake copy of Windows than get a free copy of LINUX. Let's face it, Microsoft isn't all that evil, they do provide a standard in an industry that does need it - and while IE and MS do have some holes, a majority of the holes were discovered by MS and patches were put out there that people did not install. My XP is always patched up and I have ZoneAlarm installed and always update my McaFee VS and run a daily check with SpyBot and AdAware and no problems so far (I would do this with LINUX as well). When LINUX is King (someday, a long long time away), it will be hacked just as much as Windows is now.

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Microsoft WILL be gone if they don't stop rasing prices and changing licensing to benifit themselves.

Most corporations were really peaved that microsoft implemeted the software leases. It's insane ...you buy a piece of software but you really don't own it you just lease it!

Price increases to most corporations are steady for microsoft products.

I truly hope that Linux does offer a threat to bill gates, he really need a swift kick in the .....welll.... you know!


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Most corporations were really peaved that microsoft implemeted the software leases. It's insane ...you buy a piece of software but you really don't own it you just lease it!

IBM and Computer Associates have been leasing their software to all the major corporations for about 30 years.

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I prefer to think of it as being liberated from Microsoft :o

The viruses wil get the mid-range charlies. The *really* cheap charlies are using linux + open office and sleeping much better, I suspect !

###### Adobe for not releasing a linux version of Photoshop. Otherwise I would ditch M$ in a second. It's the only program I can think of for which there isn't a decent open source alternative...


Hello Grushdepth,

Guess you will be changing to Linux sooner then you think, within months Adobe will introduce their major software suites for Linux.

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For the guys who have websites and check what browsers visitors are using:

Why is it that when using Firefox l sometimes get websites telling me that l'm using Netscape? If it's telling me that, is that the information you get as well? Is there even a provision for some sites to separate Firefox users from Netscape users? Doesn't that distort your figures, plus there are a number of websites where l use an agent to trick the website into thinking l'm using IE. While l find l need to do that less often than in the past, it must make some statistics inaccurate.

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For the guys who have websites and check what browsers visitors are using:

Why is it that when using Firefox l sometimes get websites telling me that l'm using Netscape? If it's telling me that, is that the information you get as well? Is there even a provision for some sites to separate Firefox users from Netscape users? Doesn't that distort your figures, plus there are a number of websites where l use an agent to trick the website into thinking l'm using IE. While l find l need to do that less often than in the past, it must make some statistics inaccurate.

The information collected comes from the header of the packet were the browser dumps his signature. Their are programs like your agent who replace the signature with a general one like "mozilla/compatible" also some firewall don't let the header tru for safety reasons.

this can lead to some distortions in statistics but as you know it all depends on your evaluted portion. If you take a statistic of one day with 100 unique users it can be off some percents, of course.

If you take a report from the last month with 50.000 unique pageviews then the percentage wrong is much smaller :o.

netscape keeps running around 5 % lately so they are probably the hardcore users. then you got like 93% IE versions, the rest are mozzila/compatible's and spiders of different sorts.

In 98-99 i saw it rapidly decline after the release of IE 4.

We can also report on the operating system used if you want. I can say that Microsoft still has more then 70% of the market with Windows XP running around 40-45% , the rest is windows 2000,98,95 NT. From the remaining 30% , 25% are unix variants (linux, unix, solaris ect) the rest spiders.


Of course if you have a linux aimed website this might change .:D

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It's not propaganda. When I tried to install the latest XP updates a couple of days ago, they wouldn't install and I got a message saying MS couldn't verify I had a valid copy of MS XP, with a link to a page on their website where you can run an ap to test your version of XP. I didn't run the ap for fear it would stop the program dead if an unauthorised version was found. Not too happy about not being able to keep XP up to date however. So may spring for a licensed version ...

Linux isn't an option as I use the home system for work and my employers require me to use the latest version of MS's operating system.

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Most corporations were really peaved that microsoft implemeted the software leases. It's insane ...you buy a piece of software but you really don't own it you just lease it!

IBM and Computer Associates have been leasing their software to all the major corporations for about 30 years.

Your right! but I thought we were talking about PC software NOT Mini or mainframe apps.


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Came across the following on another message board:

"An anonymous reader writes "German PC-Welt magazine reports that Microsoft used an illegal copy of SoundForge 4.5 (Google translation http://tinyurl.com/5zzvz ) for editing Wave files shipped with Windows Media Player. You can check that yourself by opening any file in the [Windows location] \Help\Tours\WindowsMediaPlayer\Audio\Wav\ folder in notepad or other editors of your choice and looking at the last line. There you will find a reference to SoundForge 4.5 and also a user called 'Deepz0ne' who happens to be one of the founders of an audio software cracking group called Radium."

http://tinyurl.com/4zqjn (www.slashdot.org...)

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I have just tried to update mine, and have come up with:[Error number: 0x80072F78]. I wonder if this is the end of my updates?

marquess - The error message your receiving is well documented and may be due to "server connection" problems between your OS and the Microsoft servers, rather than from having an "invalid" product key.

More info and fixes below:

1. XP Windows Update Error 0x8024402C / 0x80072f78 / 0x8024502D

2. You receive Initialization error 0x80072F78 while the Windows Update Web site is loading

3. You receive Initialization error 0x800a01b6 while the Windows Update Web site is loading

4. You experience problems when you access the Windows Update Version 5 Web site through a server that is running ISA Server

Hope this helps


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