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11 New Cabinet Members Appointed


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And today on Nation's front page is a declaration of war on Bank of Thailand with a screaming headline:


The new Deputy Finance Minister is quoted as saying that if BOT and Finance Ministry are in disagreement - ".. one of the two must take step back. The government must quit or the other side must resign, or else the position of the BOT governor should be an elected post and accountable to voters".

This is going to be ugly - according to the current BOT law the government cannot just sack the BOT governor like Thaksin did in 2001. They'd have to wait for a couple of years until Tarisa's term expries and their cronies appointed to the BOT board can select someone else, or they have to present a clear case of mismanagement and damages to the country.

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And today on Nation's front page is a declaration of war on Bank of Thailand with a screaming headline:


The new Deputy Finance Minister is quoted as saying that if BOT and Finance Ministry are in disagreement - ".. one of the two must take step back. The government must quit or the other side must resign, or else the position of the BOT governor should be an elected post and accountable to voters".

This is going to be ugly - according to the current BOT law the government cannot just sack the BOT governor like Thaksin did in 2001. They'd have to wait for a couple of years until Tarisa's term expries and their cronies appointed to the BOT board can select someone else, or they have to present a clear case of mismanagement and damages to the country.

This has been going on for several months. When the BOT injected needed capital into BankThai to make it saleable, Surpong et. al. planned to prepare a case against Tarisa claiming that the capital injection was the wrong thing to do and that it damaged the country. Remember, this is one of the two Thai banks that many think Samak was referring to when he made his comments that two Thai banks were likely to fail.

Finding out about this plan to discredit Tarisa, Pridiyathorn blew the whistle. Now, due to the BOT's actions, there is a foreign buyer willing to pay a fair price. However, in order for this sale to go through, Surapong needs to waive the foreign ownership limitations. Such an action would be consistent with past finance ministers for similar situations. However, so far, Surapong has not acted on this request.

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And today on Nation's front page is a declaration of war on Bank of Thailand with a screaming headline:


The new Deputy Finance Minister is quoted as saying that if BOT and Finance Ministry are in disagreement - ".. one of the two must take step back. The government must quit or the other side must resign, or else the position of the BOT governor should be an elected post and accountable to voters".

This is going to be ugly - according to the current BOT law the government cannot just sack the BOT governor like Thaksin did in 2001. They'd have to wait for a couple of years until Tarisa's term expries and their cronies appointed to the BOT board can select someone else, or they have to present a clear case of mismanagement and damages to the country.

This has been going on for several months. When the BOT injected needed capital into BankThai to make it saleable, Surpong et. al. planned to prepare a case against Tarisa claiming that the capital injection was the wrong thing to do and that it damaged the country. Remember, this is one of the two Thai banks that many think Samak was referring to when he made his comments that two Thai banks were likely to fail.

Finding out about this plan to discredit Tarisa, Pridiyathorn blew the whistle. Now, due to the BOT's actions, there is a foreign buyer willing to pay a fair price. However, in order for this sale to go through, Surapong needs to waive the foreign ownership limitations. Such an action would be consistent with past finance ministers for similar situations. However, so far, Surapong has not acted on this request.

There is an article in today's Nation running through the attempts to remove Tarisa and why and even naming the successor PPP have ready. Apparently though the relevent act that tries to make the bank independent has made it impossible for the government to remove her and realise their plan of having complete control over all financial institutions. She may well make it to the next election now.

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The ex Interior Minister prior to being relieved of duty, held a meeting in CM on july 25 , according to the Chiang Mai Mail. While speaking to the village attendees he announced all village chiefs and headmen would receive a wage increase of 100%

or more, (5000 to 10000,& 3000 to 8000 baht) He also promised , "if PPP is re-elected at next election they would all get additional pay increases" Where are the eyes, ears and tape recorders of the others when you need them. Sure makes you wonder who is reporting what and if its accurate.

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The ex Interior Minister prior to being relieved of duty, held a meeting in CM on july 25 , according to the Chiang Mai Mail. While speaking to the village attendees he announced all village chiefs and headmen would receive a wage increase of 100%

or more, (5000 to 10000,& 3000 to 8000 baht) He also promised , "if PPP is re-elected at next election they would all get additional pay increases" Where are the eyes, ears and tape recorders of the others when you need them. Sure makes you wonder who is reporting what and if its accurate.

Its pretty standard Thai politcal manipulation. You can go back to Chavalit's NAP success and find the job for life promise he made to Kamnan. The control of village headmen and kamnan is crucial to winning elections. It is easier to promise pay raises from state monies than to buy them with perosnal onations especially in these economically challenging days.

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The ex Interior Minister prior to being relieved of duty, held a meeting in CM on july 25 , according to the Chiang Mai Mail. While speaking to the village attendees he announced all village chiefs and headmen would receive a wage increase of 100%

or more, (5000 to 10000,& 3000 to 8000 baht) He also promised , "if PPP is re-elected at next election they would all get additional pay increases" Where are the eyes, ears and tape recorders of the others when you need them. Sure makes you wonder who is reporting what and if its accurate.

Its pretty standard Thai politcal manipulation. You can go back to Chavalit's NAP success and find the job for life promise he made to Kamnan. The control of village headmen and kamnan is crucial to winning elections. It is easier to promise pay raises from state monies than to buy them with perosnal onations especially in these economically challenging days.

While I agree with you, I am not sure Virabongsa would agree with you.

Wage increases are included in core inflation (inflation that doesn't include oil and food price increases). Central banks use monetary policy to fight against core inflation and raising interest rates is a central bank's main weapon against rising inflation. Virabongsa thinks that the majority of Thailand's inflation is what is known as cost push inflation. Virabongsa thinks that Thailand's wage and price rises are a direct result of rising oil prices. Virabongsa wants to sack the BOT governor for thinking differently. Central banks all over the world fight against core inflation by raising interest rates. Virabongsa thinks that this is wrong for Thailand since Thailand's core inflation is different.

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The Nation has several articles on Virabongsa-BOT stand off and backgroudn information on key players.

He might be right, economics is not an exact science with 100% garantee solutions, but the way Virabongsa is trying to prove himself is really disturbing.

It is simply unprofessional to wage a full blown political war with all the dirty tricks and flames and character assassination to prove your point, and he is backed up by amateurs like Surapong or wild dogs like Suchart. I mean, who in his right mind would demand governor's resignation which is clearly against relevant laws and is outside of Suchart's scope of responsibility?

With allies like these Virabongsa is going against many respected economists, and he stakes his credibility on the successful outcome. In the meantime people point out that he has been out of touch with academic research for several years already and that now he doesn't value economic science very much - he even said that his current object of interest - astrology - is more difficult than economic theories. Then there are questions about conflict of interest - he has several positions in companies that will be directly affected by his policies, like Finansa by interest rate cuts, for example.

If he wants war, he'll get one, and he is in a far more vulnerable position than Tarisa.

Some Nation columnists think that he is biting more than he can chew - all PPP economic initiatives are dictated by demands for fat kickbacks and potential populist appeal, and while he might be right about inflation driven only by rising oil prices at the moment, but if the government continues to pump the cash and easy credit to boost consumption, his main premise will look increasingly shaky.

Then there's his connection to Prem. Did he accept the post against Prem's advice, or does he have an "approved" mission? Maybe to reign in PPP's hot heads who propose all kinds of out of space schemes. In that case he doesn't have any real power to do that, unless backed by Surapong (rumors of the gang of four taking over the government come to mind here).

Bottom line - he can't sack Tarisa and control interest rates, and he can't control PPP's policies if they go against his own.

There's a tight line between potentially benefitial populist policies and outright vote buying with public money and other corruption driven projects, like the new BMA bus fleet. Even if Virabongsa can walk this tight rope, it's far from certain it would work, and then there's the question of Tarisa putting brakes on all this.

The most intriguing part is that Surapong supports his ideas and allegedly goes against Isanese feudalists in his own party - is it the attempt by the leftists to finally assert themselves? If so, did Virabongsa and the whole plan really get a nod from Prem? I know some of our "lefties" here won't believe that for a second - those who believed in Jakrapob and his drivel about evil patronage with Prem pulling strings like a a giant spider at the top.

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I described Virabongsa's then likely appointment as getting what one wished for and rapidly regretting it. Whilst one could enter into an argument about economics {which after all is much less a science than many admit} the concept that somehow Thailand is, here we go again, unique and requires an approach geared to such uniqueness, should strike most as, at best questionable.

Virabongsa was, and remains a Thailand is at the mercy of externalities so we must rig the markets merchant. None of this deal with the underlying issues nonsense.

This is the best Thailand can come up with! Oh, and it doesn't appear he understands the concepts of conflict of interest & moral hazard.


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I think by now everyone realises that rigging the markets is a must -with all the bailouts for US financial houses the last bastion of free markets has fallen.

The problem that they shifted the fight onto "how to rig the markets best" territory.

Virabongsa has been critical towards a lot of people. It was ok to do it from the sidelines, but now he is on the spot, and it might be a payback time, and he makes for a fat juicy target.

He is too confrontational to be a succesful leader, he might find out that he's got nobody left to lead.

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HM the King instructs new ministers to fulfill their righteous pledges

His Majesty the King addressed Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej yesterday as he led the new members of his Cabinet to pledge their oaths at Hua Hin province, saying that those who have sworn to serve as ministers must attend to their duties as sworn as the nation is in need of ministers.

His Majesty commented that their righteous duties will benefit the nation while their unrighteous actions will be detrimental to the nation, and thus the ministers must seek to better the country.

His Majesty wished for the ministers to be able to fulfill their duties as they had pledged.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 06 August 2008

It has just shown it on NBT and you can clearly hear Samaks pledges of loyalty.

The news clipping, if you see it, and understand Thai, speaks volumes.

Respectfully observed.


Unfortunately, the moment they walk out of that room, it`s business as usual and they`re on the cell phone making sweet thieving and backstabbing deals the moment the limo door is closed right there at the front steps.

On the other hand, many groups of judges seem to have remembered and applied to the letter what was told to them in the very same room. :o

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Unfortunately, the moment they walk out of that room, it`s business as usual and they`re on the cell phone making sweet thieving and backstabbing deals the moment the limo door is closed right there at the front steps.

On the other hand, many groups of judges seem to have remembered and applied to the letter what was told to them in the very same room. :o

Facial expressions and silent reaction speak a thousand words and back the latter part of your assessment 100%

marshbags :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

As the thread:


New Cabinet Appointed

was closed in deference to this thread, I'll quote from it to provide an update...as this issue has not gone away....

Santi must be thinking...Thank God for the mega-projects.... as this will surely get the "major tycoon's" financial books back into the black...

500 Billion Baht in rail contracts up for grabs

Transport Minister Santi Prompat hopes to see healthy bidding contests this year for the State Railway of Thailand's (SRT) 300-billion-baht parallel railway tracks contract and the 200-billion-baht commercial complex at Makkasan railway station in Bangkok. The minister wants a single contractor to complete the whole network of standard gauge tracks in exchange for a 30-year concession, renewable for 30 more years, to operate the network. Dismissing concerns over a possible monopoly by one contractor, he said one developer would facilitate the smooth networking of parallel tracks.

The 30-year concession would prompt the concessionaire to use quality construction materials for the sake of durability as the contractor will operate and own the network for the first 30 years. He expects royalties and a share of the revenue from the complex to clear the SRT's accumulated debt. *as well as his own, no doubt*

Continued here:


UPDATE...in the "How Many Original Cabinet Ministers Have Dropped Out" contest, we have Number Six with a similar problem as Number One... bogus education records.. good thing this comes out prior to the staggering sum of 500 Billion Baht gets squirrelled away...


Santi Prompat

Transportation minister accused of forging documents

A former Deputy Rector of Ramkamhaeng University sought legal action against Transportation Minister Santi Prompat for falsified and forging official documents during his study in the university.

A lawyer representing Wiwatchai Kullamart told police that Santi had a nominee sitting in his place in an examination at the Faculty of Education in 1992.

The man identified himself as Santi and presented a student's identity card and driving license that had Santi's name on it.

Wiwatchai said that he was then Chief of the examination found out the incident and brought the case to the faculty's investigation. The investigation concluded that Santi hired somebody else to take the exam for him and also falsified official documents.

It ruled that Santi be dismissed from the university.

However Santi reapplied to the university although he was well aware that he was prohibited to do so, Wiwatchai said. And with the help from then Rector, he was accepted as a student of the university.

Democrat MP's Winai Sompong raised the issue during a parliamentary no-confidence debate on Thursday. However Santi denied the accusation, saying that he never had a driving license in his life :D and he never had such alleged problems with the university during his studying.

- The Nation

Following the debate on the Commerce Minister, party-list MP from the Democrat Party, Winai Sompong, presented a statement made in 1999 by Ramkamhaeng University regarding the abolishment of Transport Minister Santi Prompat's student status at the time.

Winai claims Santi was expelled because he hired others to take exams for him at the university by using a fake identification card and driving licence. He expressed curiosity regarding the minister's bachelor and master degrees from the same university as a student whose status has already been abolished cannot be allowed to return to the university.

At the time, Ramkamhaeng University Rector, Rangsan Saengsuk, signed the statement to allow Santi back to the university to complete his bachelor and master degrees.

Now, Rangsan is a board member of Thai Airways International in an appointment that can be influenced by the Transport Minister. :D:o

- Thailand Outlook

Row continues over Santi's arts degree

A political activist petitioned the Education Ministry yesterday to release the records of Transport Minister Santi Prompat, who is suspected of wrongfully obtaining an Arts degree from Ramkhamhaeng University to qualify for his Cabinet position.

Thaikorn Pholsuwan said he wanted Education Minister Somchai Wongsawat to get to the bottom of the matter.

"I suspect foul play because the university has blocked access to Santi's record," he said.

Thaikorn said Santi enrolled at the university in 1998 majoring in political science. A year later the university expelled him on the grounds he had cheated by hiring someone else to take an exam.

His expulsion was endorsed by then university rector Rangsan Saengsuk on August 4, 1999.

Under the university's regulations, an expelled student cannot resume studying for two consecutive academic years. But Santi claimed he had graduated in 2001 before receiving his degree in 2002. To complete his studies as claimed, he would have had to re-enroll in 1999, but this was impossible in light of his expulsion.

Incumbent university rector Kim Chaisaensuk said he was ready to release Santi's education details if instructed by the ministry.

Kim said the issue of Santi's credentials had been raised and settled already by the House. Although Santi lost his student status, he took advantage of the Amnesty Act passed as part of celebrations for the King's 72nd birthday. His wrongdoing was expunged and he was allowed to resume his studies in 1999, the same year he was expelled.

- The Nation / August 21, 2008

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Meanwhile, over at the Justice Ministry....

Eyebrows raised over 'specialists'

Civil servants in the Justice Ministry threw up their hands in frustration when the names of the newly-appointed 9 specialists to the DSI special litigation committee were announced recently. When they looked at the list, they realised that political influence had surfaced everywhere. One of the new specialists is Chaiyawat Wibulsawat. After stepping down as central bank governor, he was appointed chairman of the board of the Krung Thai bank after serving as board chairman of SC Asset Corporation, a property development company established by the Shinawatra family. Audit Commissioner Raweeporn Kuhirun was a classmate of former Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit and Education Minister Somchai Wongsawat. She once disagreed with the tax audit on the sale of shares in Shin Corp to Temasek Holdings via Ample Rich by the Shinawatra family. It is not hard to see why Pol Gen Luan Panrosthip made it as one of the committee members. Being the former boss of the present DSI chief as well as enjoying close ties with Pol Gen Sombat Amornwiwat, the younger brother of the present Justice Minister Sompong Amornwiwat. Rewat Chamchalerm was also appointed as a member of the committee. After retiring, he served as MCOT board chairman with Mingkwan Sangsuwan, now the Commerce Minister, in charge as president. The DSI's 21-member special litigation committee has the PM as chairman and the Justice Minister as deputy. The panel's task is to decide whether a criminal case should be treated as a special case and be taken over and handled by the DSI. Whether the committee as a whole will be free of political meddling remains a big question.

Continued here:


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Thaikorn said Santi enrolled at the university in 1998 majoring in political science. A year later the university expelled him on the grounds he had cheated by hiring someone else to take an exam.

Nothing unusual here,it is atime honoured (?) tradition and 200M baht industry. Poor sod gotcaught. :o

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Thaikorn said Santi enrolled at the university in 1998 majoring in political science. A year later the university expelled him on the grounds he had cheated by hiring someone else to take an exam.

Nothing unusual here,it is atime honoured (?) tradition and 200M baht industry. Poor sod got caught. :D

Same as the other moron, Thaksin's son.... and at the SAME university. They can't get ANYTHING right. They don't even have the brains to cheat successfully.

...but at least they ensure the university's president was well looked after with his new job for his efforts to smooth over both incidents. :D:o

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Switching now over to the Commerce Ministry, we find...

Commerce official accused of graft

A Commerce Ministry official has been accused of graft in the form of asking for bribes from entertainment businessmen to allow them to import machinery into Thailand.

An entertainment industry source said they had encountered problems with an "influential Ministry official" asking for money to facilitate their requests.

"The influential official wanted to collect 10 per cent of the value of machinery the companies must import for producing entertainment products," said the source, who asked not to be named.

The combined value of the machinery is 50 Million Baht.

Usually, any company wanting to import machinery must inform the Ministry's Intellectual Property Department, but pay nothing for the request.

So far, four entertainment companies have asked for Ministry permission to import machinery into the Kingdom. Two of them have already been granted permission, but say they face a huge payment burden to the official.

Two companies are waiting for Ministry approval.

EVS Entertainment sent a letter to the Ministry last Thursday asking about the progress of its request, because it has now been waiting six months to hear a decision.

- The Nation / today

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