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Few People Notice This Forum...


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I noticed that the forum, below, doesn't attract many visitors. A lot of new topics have no replies at all.

How come ?

Is it that most people just go to the main 'Phuket Forum' ? and why does Phuket have such a 'news and events Forum' if nobody watches it ? :o


Why not merge with the normal Phuket Forum ?


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You are thinking along the correct lines: a forum should be structured in such way as to achieve widest exposure, ie greatest readership and most replies.

Presumably, the subforum was created as a response to popular demand by frequent posters in the Phuket forum.

An alternative to your suggestion would be for moderators to move to the suforum “Phuket News and Events” any post that naturally fits there if the are such posts in the main forum “Phuket Forum”, ie stick with the original purpose of the subforum.



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The physical placement of the topic is easily missed. I'd wager that most people take a quick look at the first 5 or so topics and then move on. Sort of like product placement at the Grocers. Not every section gets the eye level section and folks miss what's on the top and bottom shelves unless they stand and look.

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The physical placement of the topic is easily missed. I'd wager that most people take a quick look at the first 5 or so topics and then move on. Sort of like product placement at the Grocers. Not every section gets the eye level section and folks miss what's on the top and bottom shelves unless they stand and look.

Correct and even an understatement.

If Phuket News & Events* attracts 84 topics in total with a mere 211 answers it's a failure and sad because it has some interesting topics but nobody sees them... :o

Better merge it into the normal "Phuket" Forum.

* The Phuket Forum attracted 3,156 Topics with 25,889 answers (in comparison)


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