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Safety Deposit Boxes Broken Open.......

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My wife´s cousin (thai) and her husband had a considerable sum of money (as well as some thai jewellery) in a safety deposit box in the vaults of a well-known Bank in Berlin. Just over a week ago there was a lot of building - and excavating - going on at the bank and on the weekend before last a gang of (apparently Polish) thieves broke into the vault.............. but through the rear wall !!!!! They emptied all the deposit boxes. Neither of them wishes to say exactly how much they lost - it pains them to think about it - but he said, he could have bought a Porsche with it!!!!!!! The money was not illegally gained..... they wanted to take it to Thailand with them...... Fortunately he had invested some of it earlier this year in stocks..... but just hadn´t got around to doing anything with the rest. Is it safer to keep your money under the pillow at home??? (assuming you don´t want to deposit it with a bank....). He is meeting reps of the bank this week together with his lawyer in the (very slim) hope that he will get some of it back... but it is in the nature of deposit boxes, that one doesn´t declare beforehand how much one has in it!!!!

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Serious Money is kept in a safety deposit box for one reason, so it ain't accountable to anyone else, if not why not keep it in a bank account where it earns interest ?

A London Safety deposit Box company was hit a few Months ago, 7000 safety deposit box's but it was the Police who did the job ( Operation Rize ), they arrested the owners of the company supplying the service and done them for money laundering. Umpteen milions have been counted, guess how many people have come forward to claim their loss............. :o

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My wife´s cousin (thai) and her husband had a considerable sum of money (as well as some thai jewellery) in a safety deposit box in the vaults of a well-known Bank in Berlin. Just over a week ago there was a lot of building - and excavating - going on at the bank and on the weekend before last a gang of (apparently Polish) thieves broke into the vault.............. but through the rear wall !!!!! They emptied all the deposit boxes. Neither of them wishes to say exactly how much they lost - it pains them to think about it - but he said, he could have bought a Porsche with it!!!!!!! The money was not illegally gained..... they wanted to take it to Thailand with them...... Fortunately he had invested some of it earlier this year in stocks..... but just hadn´t got around to doing anything with the rest. Is it safer to keep your money under the pillow at home??? (assuming you don´t want to deposit it with a bank....). He is meeting reps of the bank this week together with his lawyer in the (very slim) hope that he will get some of it back... but it is in the nature of deposit boxes, that one doesn´t declare beforehand how much one has in it!!!!

Consider this: how many homes get burgled every day, compared to banks being robbed?

I rest my case.

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My wife´s cousin (thai) and her husband had a considerable sum of money (as well as some thai jewellery) in a safety deposit box in the vaults of a well-known Bank in Berlin. Just over a week ago there was a lot of building - and excavating - going on at the bank and on the weekend before last a gang of (apparently Polish) thieves broke into the vault.............. but through the rear wall !!!!! They emptied all the deposit boxes. Neither of them wishes to say exactly how much they lost - it pains them to think about it - but he said, he could have bought a Porsche with it!!!!!!! The money was not illegally gained..... they wanted to take it to Thailand with them...... Fortunately he had invested some of it earlier this year in stocks..... but just hadn´t got around to doing anything with the rest. Is it safer to keep your money under the pillow at home??? (assuming you don´t want to deposit it with a bank....). He is meeting reps of the bank this week together with his lawyer in the (very slim) hope that he will get some of it back... but it is in the nature of deposit boxes, that one doesn´t declare beforehand how much one has in it!!!!

They should invest with up to 30k gbp max with ny institution regulated by the Financial Services Authority that wy if anything happen he will have an insurance and should not lose his money

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The money may not have been illegaly gained, but maybe it wasn't legally taxed?

Why would anyone keep a large sum of cash in a safety box unless they didn't want it to be traceable or taxed?

many reasons but angry greedy X wife springs to mind for one thing :o

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Insured for 26.000 Euro according to article from naam. If you stored more than that then som nom na. Anyway, you don't keep cash in a deposit box losing interest and all on it unless you want to keep it off the books. The insurance will want to see some proof of funds before paying out anyways.

Easy come, easy go or so they say..


Edited by lingnoi34
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Insured for 26.000 Euro according to article from naam. If you stored more than that then som nom na. Anyway, you don't keep cash in a deposit box losing interest and all on it unless you want to keep it off the books. The insurance will want to see some proof of funds before paying out anyways.

Easy come, easy go or so they say..


most german banks offer(ed) additional insurance for a pittance of a premium. i remember something like 84 Deutsche Mark premium p.a. (50 Dollars) for an insured value of DM 500k (at that time ~300k Dollars).

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