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Foreign Land Ownership


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When is the Thai Government going to allow foreign Land ownership. When is the Thai governemnt going to stop being so zenaphobic towards foreigners. We need to petition the Thai government to change this law, which does not make sense. The Thai government does not even think about changing the law, unless it hears some complaints. I personally would not buy land in Thailand unless I have the full rights to my money that I invested. The Thai govenment knows a lot of foreigners like their women, so they know they will just put it under the girlfriend/wife's name. I think this is unexceptable.

Don't forget the 5 or 10 percent of rich Thai's can buy land in most western countries and they don't have to be super rich either. How can we solve this problem or is it even solvable?

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Unfair though it may be, it is the Thai law.

I doubt you will have much luck with the Thai's.

Why not write to you MP at home.

The next time Thailand wants a contract with your country,

they have to make concessions, or face loss of rights in your country?

In the meantime you can start a company and put the house in the company name to protect your investment.

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I kind of like the idea that foreigners can't own land here. It kind of puts the brakes on development. I like the nice quiet lifestyle here. I don't need more foreigners here...I don't need more industry here...I don't need more cars on the road here.... Maybe all the places that let foreigners own land turn into shit holes after awhile...I don't know and I don't really want to take the chance. I'd be more likely to support a move to give all the land back to His Royal Majesty

The King than to support letting foreigners own it.

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I all thank you for your opinion. I do disagree with you all. Thai's in Bangkok are wealthy, so don't say they cannot afford the property market if foreigners were allowed to own land. Actually, the price of land is right out of reach for the average Thai outside Bangkok ,so if you let foreigners own land it would not cause no problems. Bangkok is an ugly city. The Thai's just build and build and they don't care about the enviroment. You see all the cars in Bangkok only have one person driving in them and the canals are a death trap waiting to happen. The vendors should have a place to sell their goods like a square and not just anywhere on the street to create pediatrain traffic. I understand they need to make a living. The electricity wires are another hazard to happen because they are head length. Nobody complains or does anything because they think it will just change in the future. Thai's are very narrow-minded due their culture. They think lets not complain because it will eventually change. They need to reform Thai culture, don't get me wrong their are also good things in thai culture. They also need to stop brain washing the students with the Thai culture because not all aspects are good. There is good and bad. In the west, we don't use culture to run our life like the thai's do which is better.

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I all thank you for your opinion.  I do disagree with you all.  Thai's in Bangkok are wealthy, so don't say they cannot afford the property market if foreigners were allowed to own land.  Actually, the price of land is right out of reach for the average Thai outside Bangkok ,so if you let foreigners own land it would not cause no problems. Bangkok is an ugly city.  The Thai's just build and build and they don't care about the enviroment.  You see all the cars in Bangkok only have one person driving in them and the canals are a death trap waiting to happen.  The vendors should have a place to sell their goods like a square and not just anywhere on the street to create pediatrain traffic.  I understand they need to make a living. The electricity wires are another hazard to happen because they are head length.  Nobody complains or does anything because they think it will just change in the future. Thai's  are very narrow-minded due their culture.  They think lets not complain because it will eventually change.  They need to reform Thai culture, don't get me wrong their are also good things in thai culture.  They also need to stop brain washing the students with the Thai culture because not all aspects are  good. There is good and bad.  In the west, we don't use culture to run our life like the thai's do  which is better. 

And what about the things you rant about will change by allowing foreigners to own land? Don't forget that Westerners aren't the only foreigners. It goes without question that the Chinese will be snapping up most of the country if the laws are relaxed, and they're not exactly prone to environmentally-friendly or attractive development. Have you ever been to Guangzhou?

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BritainMal you make the mistake of assuming that Bangkok is typical

of Thailand. What capital city is typical of the rest of the country.

Thailand has one of the highest levels of home ownership around the world.

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What's all the fuss about anyway, if you were allowed to own land here; you couldn't take it to another country. They can keep their land, I would rather have my money safetly invested elswhere, rather than at the mercy of arbitriarily enforced laws. Even Thais that own land have to fight to stop encroachment on it.

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If someone wants to settle in a foreign country then they must expect to accept the laws of that country. If you don't like them, you have a choice.

I agree with other posters that the law is fine as it is.

Land prices in Thailand are already being pushed up by the amount of idiot Farang who buy land for their girlfriends after they have known them for 5 minutes. How many farang in their own country would buy a girlfriend a house after going out with her for a couple of months?

If foreigners were able to buy land, it would be a disaster for the locals.

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Well, if you want to buy a decent house in Thailand (and they are never really well built), then you have to build your own, and that requires owning the land. Most people don't build their own houses in Western countries. Unless of couse the learned doctor knows something I don't.

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Most people don't build their own houses in Western countries. Unless of couse the learned doctor knows something I don't.

I think it is because they cannot afford to do it in the west, its just too expensive.

But there are quite a few Farangs earning enough money in one month to buy land and have a small house built in Thailand.

I guess it just depends on the person, everybody is different, I have known Farangs losing houses in pattaya, expensive houses too, no doubt Professor Fart also knows of people in the same situation.

But I knew many many people that lost houses that they had paid for to their wives when they got divorced in UK also, I was one of them. :o

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I've met a good few people over the years who have come unstuck over property in Thailand which is why I always tell people to forget it unless they can afford it.

I actually think theres no difference in losing your house in a divorce in the UK and being stung in Thailand. In both cases the law sucks and is stacked against the bloke.

The main diference is that there are ways around it in the UK. In Thailand

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I've met a good few people over the years who  have come unstuck over property in Thailand which is why I always tell people to forget it unless they can afford it.

Yes Fart(HaHa), I will go along with that.

Buy what you can afford to walk away from without feeling suicidal in the process. :D

Come on guys - Fart's crap is CRAP . Bunch of old Farts go to Thailand , get a chick(maybe divorced with 3 kids and not all that good looking) twenty to thirty years younger, who would never have anything to do with the senior farang citizen unless he bought them a freaking house. Pretty simple. Just don't work that way in the "developed" world anymore unless the gent has got true shitloads of crapola. :o

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Oh my, how all you guys just don't know the laws. You can't beat them, but you CAN get round them. Foreigners can own land, and build houses in Thailand. You need to do it through international company ownership. Many foreigners have done this in Thailand. As property bought this way, falls into 'international law' category.

Thailand is not the only Asian country where you can't own land. U.A.E, Malaysia, Vietnam, Phillipenes, and many many more

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