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My Friends In England


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In Old England, I have 3 friends, good friends. They have all been married. 2 of them are now divorced, one of whom is financially destroyed and almost all of his earnings go to the CSA for his 2 kids, who he's not able to see at the other end of the country and even though her new man is very wealthy.

My 3rd friend came to see me today. His wife told him she wants a divorce. He's very upset.

What amazes me is that they are all 'Salt of the Earth' blokes. Not heavy drinkers, not violent... just genuinelt nice guys. Their wives just got bored or met someone else.

So, all of my friends in Blighty are divorced, a 100 percent failiure rate. From my perspective, your chances of success in Thailand are very good.

I invited him to come and stay with me in Thailand... another future convert, me thinks.

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In Old England, I have 3 friends, good friends. They have all been married. 2 of them are now divorced, one of whom is financially destroyed and almost all of his earnings go to the CSA for his 2 kids, who he's not able to see at the other end of the country and even though her new man is very wealthy.

My 3rd friend came to see me today. His wife told him she wants a divorce. He's very upset.

What amazes me is that they are all 'Salt of the Earth' blokes. Not heavy drinkers, not violent... just genuinelt nice guys. Their wives just got bored or met someone else.

So, all of my friends in Blighty are divorced, a 100 percent failiure rate. From my perspective, your chances of success in Thailand are very good.

I invited him to come and stay with me in Thailand... another future convert, me thinks.

You told Scamp you were in England,NOW your in LOS!!! Which one is it then?

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In Old England, I have 3 friends, good friends. They have all been married. 2 of them are now divorced, one of whom is financially destroyed and almost all of his earnings go to the CSA for his 2 kids, who he's not able to see at the other end of the country and even though her new man is very wealthy.

My 3rd friend came to see me today. His wife told him she wants a divorce. He's very upset.

What amazes me is that they are all 'Salt of the Earth' blokes. Not heavy drinkers, not violent... just genuinelt nice guys. Their wives just got bored or met someone else.

So, all of my friends in Blighty are divorced, a 100 percent failiure rate. From my perspective, your chances of success in Thailand are very good.

I invited him to come and stay with me in Thailand... another future convert, me thinks.

You told Scamp you were in England,NOW your in LOS!!! Which one is it then?

I won't be back in LOS until the end of next year. By that time, his divorce should be complete.

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