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Anytime You Hear The Word Thailand In A Film


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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke


why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

The problem is if you're basing your perceptions of a what a place is like, or what happened in any given moment in history on a Hollywood movie then you are likely to come unstuck- these people are not in the business of reporting the truth and their use of racial stereotyping is outrageous. People (perhaps yourself included, I don't know), believe this tosh and before you know it they've happily managed to pigeon-hole an enormous number of people. Hollywood is a branch of the media afterall.

As many have said, prostitution exsists everywhere in the world. I'm sure Thailand did not set out to be known as the world's brothel. Ignorant people have labelled it such.

May not have set out to create it, but you don't have to spend much time in Pattaya to have the impression that's what it is. And I don't think a persons IQ will affect the label you put on it.

And there's the thing really, if you live in Pattaya or have ever visited there or the few similar places in the country, then you may have that opinion (I know I do) but you have been there to see for yourself. Your knowledge comes first hand from experience. Also Pattaya is not Thailand, it's one city in Thailand- to suggest that the whole country is the same is inaccurate.

I find it unlikely that the commentator mentioned before talking about boys in Michael Jackson's bed and 'this not being Bangkok' had ever witnessed this sort of behaviour in BKK. He was being pretty derogatory without supporting his claim. It's not fair to say that all of Thailand is the same, and it's not really fair for people to indulge in stereotyping to sell their crappy products/ push their views.

I don't think the OP was really about whether Thailand is actually 'the world's whorehouse' but why the perception exists. The poster alluded to Hollywood to support this. I was basically saying 'well you shouldn't trust Hollywood'. It's very unlikely that all the people who hold this opinion on this country have been here to judge for themselves like you or I have. This is why they are speaking from a position of ignorance. (NB Ignorance being not stupidity/ a low IQ, but lack of information/ knowledge). If people then trust sources with a vested interest in maintaining stereotyping (e.g. Hollywood scriptwriters who use that humour to make their movie more popular) then we end up with a population with a very skewed perception of others.

We shouldn’t perpetuate a stereotype just because it's true in some cases. Pattaya may be just like one enormous brothel, but even if it is there are many places in Thailand that aren't, you should not contend that 'Thailand is the world's brothel' because of Pattaya (or Phuket etc) even if you know that about those cities. That's the point- if it's true in all cases then it's not actually a stereotype, simply a fact. You (or others having done a reasonable amount of research) may say what you like about Pattaya but you cannot extrapolate to the rest of the country without checking if that's true first.

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Its not only in Pattaya. Thanks for some classic Pattaya bashing.

I dont think that anyone is saying that it is only in Pattaya, but it is one hel_l of an example. We all know that it is Thailand wide but some areas it is more prevalent than others Pattaya being one of them. I dont understand why farang that live in Pattya get so defensive about it. You are not Thai and therefore have nothing to be defensive about you just choose to live there.

Cheers, Rick

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Its not only in Pattaya. Thanks for some classic Pattaya bashing.

Sorry, I wasn't meaning to rubbish Pattaya. It wasn't my example. I do think it's very seedy, but her'n'me used to visit often as friends lived there. We always had a blast- it may be seedy but it's good fun for a couple of nights out and we always enjoyed ourselves. Of course, I'm guilty of doing just what I'm complaining about-some parts of Pattaya are very 'nice' in terms of what we're talking about.

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its not a pretty site to see grandpa farang and his catch of the night strolling home. you dont see that stuff in singapore or hong kong. the farang there are a different breed.

Yes you do, ever been to Geylang? ever visited the Four floors (oops I mean Orchard Towers) how about the good old Wan Chai district in HK?

"Farang" are the same breed the world over.

Exactly, there is plenty of prostitution in both places and Malaysia and Indonesia as well.

I would say that MEN are the same the world over.

A narrow minded idea about males, their sexuality and emotions.

Narrow minded maybe, but realistic, certainly. :o

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its not a pretty site to see grandpa farang and his catch of the night strolling home. you dont see that stuff in singapore or hong kong. the farang there are a different breed.

Yes you do, ever been to Geylang? ever visited the Four floors (oops I mean Orchard Towers) how about the good old Wan Chai district in HK?

"Farang" are the same breed the world over.

Exactly, there is plenty of prostitution in both places and Malaysia and Indonesia as well.

I would say that MEN are the same the world over.

A narrow minded idea about males, their sexuality and emotions.

Narrow minded maybe, but realistic, certainly. :o

Nah, it would be easier and more accurate to say, human beings are the same everywhere, we all need love and sex.

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Its not only in Pattaya. Thanks for some classic Pattaya bashing.

Pattaya to Thailand is like Las Vegas to the U.S. They are both adult Disneyland's and nothing more. They are both designed to take your money for the "entertainment" provided. It is capitalism at its best (and possibly worst) and without it the world would stand still! :o

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The British Empire was mentioned, not The Commonwealth, 2 totally different things.

They were previously under British rule and 16 countries still recognise the queen as the head of state.

I dont intend to highjack this thread, sorry to the OP.

Cheers, Rick

LOL, you gotta love it...... What the fawk has the British Empire got to do with this thread....haha...

Oh, I bought it up... :D Thanks Rick.... :o

Anyway back on topic....I'm drinking Russian Vodka. :D

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its not a pretty site to see grandpa farang and his catch of the night strolling home. you dont see that stuff in singapore or hong kong. the farang there are a different breed.

Yes you do, ever been to Geylang? ever visited the Four floors (oops I mean Orchard Towers) how about the good old Wan Chai district in HK?

"Farang" are the same breed the world over.

omg thats a relief . thought he was talking about two dicks and a tail.

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The British Empire was mentioned, not The Commonwealth, 2 totally different things.

They were previously under British rule and 16 countries still recognise the queen as the head of state.

I dont intend to highjack this thread, sorry to the OP.

Cheers, Rick

LOL, you gotta love it...... What the fawk has the British Empire got to do with this thread....haha...

Oh, I bought it up... :D Thanks Rick.... :o

Anyway back on topic....I'm drinking Russian Vodka. :D

Yep you brought it up. Possibly the Russian vodka had something to do with it.

back on topic. What brand is it?

Cheers, Rick

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people insist on not calling it exploitation.

if every country on earth was 'first world' then the average salary 50 year olds would have the choice of their hand or women their own age.

so, everyone here is praying that thailand stays poor huh?

then its what? just business and lets hope they keep be getting to be the bottom?

the thing is, you didn't even do anything to deserve it except being born in the right place. thats why i feel little pity when you hear about one getting ripped off. well, i guess thats just business too...

if you truely love thailand you want to see things get better for the thai people but many here dont want that. thats why you always hear losers talking about

"this and that only costs x baht here" and "do you know how much this would cost back home?"

its like putting a crown on a pig.

Edited by lifeisrandom
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people insist on not calling it exploitation.

if every country on earth was 'first world' then the average salary 50 year olds would have the choice of their hand or women their own age.

so, everyone here is praying that thailand stays poor huh?

then its what? just business and lets hope they keep be getting to be the bottom?

the thing is, you didn't even do anything to deserve it except being born in the right place. thats why i feel little pity when you hear about one getting ripped off. well, i guess thats just business too...

if you truely love thailand you want to see things get better for the thai people but many here dont want that. thats why you always hear losers talking about

"this and that only costs x baht here" and "do you know how much this would cost back home?"

its like putting a crown on a pig.

I do and i do not exploit Thai people. The only problem that we have on this one is that only the Thai people can change this reputation. It does not matter what we farang guests think about as we have very few rights in this country. The main problem as i see it is that the Hiso Thais do not want to see any improvement in the lives of the loso Thais and there lies the problem.

Cheers, Rick

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this is a beautiful country and the only thing you can enjoy about it is cheap sex?

yes. where is all this scenery to be found. krabi, the triangle. sure you,d think it was great if you came from the gobi desert.

how many hours/minutes a day do you spend having sex?

as long as my strength lasts.

what do you do with the rest of your time?

sleep it off for round two, three, of four.

as someone who truely loves thailand, its just sad that people could be so disrespectful. how would a Thai working in a hotefeel if they head this comment? that the visitors to their country are only interested in exploiting its poor. its insulting, racist and moronic.

a high percentage of the hotel staff are very accomidating.

thailand has much to offer, maybe its YOU thats the problem.

i could be the problem, then again, i havent got a problem. would hazard a guess that you do. are you a old lady with a bun by the way.lol

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Nah, it would be easier and more accurate to say, human beings are the same everywhere, we all need love and sex.

and this goes for all/most of the girls ive been with. they respond to a little tlc. prostitution, what prostitution. i,m serious.

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i think the worst farang tend to be tourists because they treat the country like a urinal and dont have to live here.

yes, thais are the ones who need to put a foot down. i dont see why they havent.

Only as bad as a URINAL, is it?

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i think the worst farang tend to be tourists because they treat the country like a urinal and dont have to live here.

yes, thais are the ones who need to put a foot down. i dont see why they havent.

I am not here to harass you OP, but you are a troll. I remember your other post that was closed down "Safety for young women in rural regions" where you made pitiful comments against the Thai males who live in rural areas and then went on to say that when you laid eyes on two 15 year old girls "rape' popped into your mind. "men in rural areas tend to be a bit rough, less educated, alcoholics leading to a high risk of rape in those areas" These two 15 year old girls glow like diamonds in the rough and it gave me an uneasy feeling when it came to uncles, cousins, neighbors etc." Those are YOUR WORDS OP. Well you give me an uneasy feeling. First putting rural Thai males in a pigeon whole and now doing the same to both tourists and expats who use this forum. It is good that you can hide behind your user name though. If you are ever in Issan PM me. I know that my rural Thai brother-in-law would be interested in meeting you.

Edited by mizzi39
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i think the worst farang tend to be tourists because they treat the country like a urinal and dont have to live here.

yes, thais are the ones who need to put a foot down. i dont see why they havent.

Put their foot down on you maybe, just for being a hypocrite if nothing else.

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its not a pretty site to see grandpa farang and his catch of the night strolling home. you dont see that stuff in singapore or hong kong. the farang there are a different breed.

There's nothing stopping you from moving to Singapore or Hong Kong if you feel so offended by grandpa farang, is there?

You are right grandpa!

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thai men are the biggest purchasers of bendy thai girls, why would they want to clean up the industry? tourists and guests in thailand are just feeding off what thai society created. enjoy the luscious young women. nothing else to enjoy in thailand unless you like traffic and pollution.

its not our fault thai girls know how to work it.

one casualty of cleaning up the sex industry would be thaivisa as noone would give a chickens butt about thailand!

Edited by imkoreanboy
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i just get tired of it

i dont think its really all that fair anyways

the same happens EVERYWHERE else in Asia

Possibly it's the same elsewhere in Asia , I don't know, but certainly not on the same scale and openness, except perhaps in the Philippines.

Apart from local prostitution which is based on the low status of women, Thailand's tourist industry has always received tacit official support for sex tourism. It is a big earner with a high profile and its international reputation pulls in the tourist dollars.

All this is obvious to those who wish to see.

What surprises me though is that even reasonably well educated Thais do not seem to understand that their women are universally seen as the top selling whores of the world.

This sentence I have written will give huge offence to Thais as if I'm saying I myself think Thai women are whores.

I'm not saying that... I'm saying that they have earned a reputation and that is now what the world in fact thinks.

A few years back a British publisher was pilloried and had to apologise and withdraw the book when one of its dictionaries referred to Bangkok as being well-known for prostitution.

Expunging a true statement does not however make it untrue. The strength of the protests was I think because the protesters like most Thais are simply not aware how low they have allowed the reputation of their country and their women to sink.

The problem in part is hypocrisy, in part sheer ignorance and of course not wanting to face up to the truth.

Being married to a Thai wife, this matter is of keen personal interest for me.

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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke

do the Thai people care about this reputation?

go to any asia country and mention Thai and its always wink wink

why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

Because it is

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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke

do the Thai people care about this reputation?

go to any asia country and mention Thai and its always wink wink

why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

Because it is

I second that.

Just take a look around, you don't need x-ray vision to see it.

Sad but true.

Oh yeah and it's not the same everywhere in Asia. Get a grip

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