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Got Maxnet Indy Premier 2mb installed today............maxnet guy connected it up and i can access the internet no problem , however,

Ive tried 3 p2p programs and none of them will connect (utorrent,emule and giganews/newsbin)................i guess the router needs configuring and the ports forwarding but i dont have a clue how to do it.

Tried for 3 hours today without success.........dont know if i need a static or dynamic address or what.

I can access the router to alter any settings that need to be altered................guess i am looking for a fools guide on how to set it up.

Any help appreciated.

(the router is a Hatari HWAA101 ADSL2+ Router)


Uttorent for instance will work without any port forwarding, I guess there is something else going on, maybe the firewall on your computer, is the problem here.

Got Maxnet Indy Premier 2mb installed today............maxnet guy connected it up and i can access the internet no problem , however,

Ive tried 3 p2p programs and none of them will connect (utorrent,emule and giganews/newsbin)................i guess the router needs configuring and the ports forwarding but i dont have a clue how to do it.

Tried for 3 hours today without success.........dont know if i need a static or dynamic address or what.

I can access the router to alter any settings that need to be altered................guess i am looking for a fools guide on how to set it up.

Any help appreciated.

(the router is a Hatari HWAA101 ADSL2+ Router)

Have a look at this site: http://portforward.com/routers.htm for general information

How to set your router use this link: http://portforward.com/english/routers/por...-AA101index.htm



Thanks for the replies.......

I/d found the PortForward site already before posting, followed the instructions but still no luck.

Windows firewall is switched off as are all other firewalls.

I would of thougt as already pointed out Utorrent should connect automatically thats what i cant understand.

Dont suppose Maxnet could of blocked it for some reason could they?

As i said the normal surfing of the web is working fine............its just the p2p sites that are affected.

If i cant get it sorted today i/ll have to get help in. :o

Thanks for the replies.......

I/d found the PortForward site already before posting, followed the instructions but still no luck.

Windows firewall is switched off as are all other firewalls.

I would of thougt as already pointed out Utorrent should connect automatically thats what i cant understand.

Dont suppose Maxnet could of blocked it for some reason could they?

As i said the normal surfing of the web is working fine............its just the p2p sites that are affected.

If i cant get it sorted today i/ll have to get help in. :o

Can you get incomming connections on dialup through the same phone jack? If so then this "should" eliminate the possibility that you ISP is blocking p2p communications. :D

Thanks for the replies.......

I/d found the PortForward site already before posting, followed the instructions but still no luck.

Windows firewall is switched off as are all other firewalls.

I would of thougt as already pointed out Utorrent should connect automatically thats what i cant understand.

Dont suppose Maxnet could of blocked it for some reason could they?

As i said the normal surfing of the web is working fine............its just the p2p sites that are affected.

If i cant get it sorted today i/ll have to get help in. :o

Can you get incomming connections on dialup through the same phone jack? If so then this "should" eliminate the possibility that you ISP is blocking p2p communications. :D

Try this web site and run the test: http://broadband.mpi-sws.mpg.de/transparency/

At least it will give you some figures what might be wrong.


Well here we go...........had the Maxnet technician out.............he gets on to head office and they say i cant connect because i need a static ip address as opposed to the dynamic one i have now.

Cost is 450 baht a month............anyone out there know if they are correct or if they are just trying to extract another 450 baht a month out of me?

At the moment the connection properties for the tcp protocols show "obtain ip address automatically" and the next box down shows the dns server as 202.???.137.137 and the next box down shows 202.???.137.138...........ive put a question mark for the second figures as i am not currently at the computer in question and cant remember the full address.

Anyone else out there with Maxnet who can confirm what ive been told.

Cheers. :o


Nope, you do not need a static IP address from your ISP.

You do need a static IP address on your PC, as opposed to an IP assigned by the DHCP server in your router.

Then you have to do the port forwarding to that static IP address, basically ensuring that any incoming traffic on the forwarded port actually reaches your PC (and no another PC/laptop on your network.

Normally TT&T's premier packages are not blocked for P2P access (Indy is, or if not blocked it will be severely throttled)

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