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Batch Scanning Photos In Cm?


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I have a box of about 200ish photos I want to scan. Is there a cybercafe with a flatbed that would let me do it myself? I'm pretty geeky and could pick up the software easy enough. Obviously, I don't expect it to be free.

In other words, did anyone notice a cybercafe where the scanner is next to the customer computer, rather than the usual behind the counter affair, then I could go there and see if I could negociate a price for its use per hour.


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Look for a small Thai style copy shop that has a internet café

There are quit a few around CMU.

I think you will find a few that would let you accomplish your task for a small cost.

Flat bed scanners are pretty cheap and common.

Immediately past the canal rd going to Doi Suteph there is a 7-11 on the right. go past it and do a u turn.

Go up that soi a couple of kilos and there are two small Thai places as I have described. (Look for there copiers out front)They have always helped me complete my tasks.

I bet they have a scanner, but I am not 100% sure

They were both very inexpensive for copies, prints and computer time.

Labor is probably even less.

Bring your memory stick

Good luck

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Brilliant. I'll try and check it out tomorrow. Thank you.

I have to do the scanning myself, even if the labour _is_ cheap. The pics are me fifteen years ago with more hair and less fat ... and I can do without any giggling and looking me up and down and laughing!

I'll post whatever I find.

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On Suthep Road, across from CMU, there are lots of print and copy shops. I use the last one on the left just across from the CMU gate. Nice people, good equipment (probably have a scanner), cheap...

You can also buy a decent scanner for 2000 baht

Good luck, WJ

ps - i am sure no one believes your reason for not wanting the staff to see your pics. C'mon, tell us the real reason! Show us the pics!!!

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Thank you, again.

I couldn't get away today/tomorrow, as it turns out.

But I'm booked in for Grace (dentists) next week, so will be over that way. Should be able to combine, now I know the places to look.

I'll post my findings.


The pictures are legit!

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