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Traffic Policeman Killed By Road Racers


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You know what? I believe you are right John.

This little mo fo does know how to quote: Example:

Looks like a real nice guy. I think they ought to post his picture in the British tabloids and throw him into general population. Low life like this disgust me. He is probably too lazy to get a job. I hate everythingabout this story.

and I hate the fact that you ,.a nd your friends can make such a stupid remark when i know you know zero about this case, that fools like you exist, that you can have a voice, as a canadian, i would of hoped for more- and yet, are willing to pass judgement and say such nasty things.

How do you know this man is low life?

do you know him? have you investigated his case? How do you know he is lazy? do you beleive all that the thai press says?

Look at this country- a farang is automaticly guilty many tmes simply because he is farang. Things are getting better- but you impede this by you going along with all the pres says.

lets me tell you- YOU KNOW NOTHING, you are nothing,

this is a good man, there is ZERO evidence, a bar girl with criminal record who has made different statements all saying differnet things, this man has done many good things in his life, for example, 20 years of service in the UK police, helping us with our work ( visitiong prisons, tracking child abusers, helping burmese)and until you do, please keep that stupid mouth of your closed.

What have you done my friend?

Do you know, if you were facing what he had, he,d and even I would fight for your cause- but you really make it hard for us when you, and your pathetc, band jumping friends, are so easily influenced to put a man down on basicly nothing.

Please ... this is all wrong

Me thinks you protest too much.

Here is a 42 year old male who used to be a traffic policeman in the UK. Why is he not still a policeman? What happened to him? Now he comes to Thailand with a degree in directing traffic and was able to make the jump up to private investigator in a foreign country. He advertises on Thai Visa for the usual bargirl checks and following people around for who knows what. Does he have the right visa and permits to operate this kind of a business? 42 years old and he managed to insinuate himself into a job track normally reserved for the very few that cannot qualify as English teachers because of some pesky criminal or tax warrant. After a few minutes on the ground working the sex tourists and with the sex trade industry the oportunity for cash in hand became the 300 pound gorilla in the room.

He may not be the mastermind of this criminal enterprise but he is involved in the facilitation of moving girls from their home country to his former country. You don't need a video or a recording to look at the circumstantial facts of this case and see it for what it is. No where does it mention that he was trying to move male Thai restaurant workers to new digs in the UK. The monies mentioned and the way the operation was carried out leaves no doubt that Mr. Shuttlecock (pun) was involved and receiving cash for his services. Anyone who says this was some kind of effort to help girls less fortunate is lying through their teeth.


I respectfully submit that you are completely wrong.

As are most who have posted on this with the exeption of a few level headed ones. Even the overly aggressive point makers have made better points.

This is not what I expected at all.

I,am sad at the people who have taken all for granted, chosen to accept certain " proofs".

And ignore others, as has been pointed out, a lady with a criminal record who keeps changing her statements,

no backing evidence from UK/ thai/interpol police.

Nothing found on that man, or any where connected to him.

Many people have been downright nasty to man who has been convicted of nothing.

This man was never in any traffic police- he was detective.May I ask you, from where did you learn that nonsense from?

The fact that you can be so very wrong on this should make you re-think the whole thinking process here.

What " facts" are you refering to exactly please?

Perhaps one should know that so far, the lady in question has provided none which can be backed up.

And you say...leaves no doubt...? are you sure? Do you take all the press says as true?

I,d like all readers to understand the words 'suspect" and " allegedly.

To resist the easy often wrong conclusion.

The day a man can be sent to jail on such flimsy " evidence" is a very sad day indeed for justice.

I hope, if this man is cleared, those who have condemed him so much will at least have the decency to make amends


ourman disappears on 16 August, and is reincarnated on 20 August :o

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Since when does a man show signs of head trauma and strangulation from having a heart attack?

Heart attack, dizzy, leans to the front and bumps head onto pick-up truck.

On the way down his neck badge gets caught on the rusty tailgate corner, hangs there from his badge for a minute or two until it breaks and everyone flees.

Hits head again but on the pavement or sidewalk edge.

Shit happens everywhere and all the time.

No sh1t, Sherlock?

Brilliant! Really enjoyed that one.

So please give us your take on the Marie Celeste - and the very recent similar example of the catamaran drifting off Australia, table set for a meal etc? Please do!

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Since when does a man show signs of head trauma and strangulation from having a heart attack?

Heart attack, dizzy, leans to the front and bumps head onto pick-up truck.

On the way down his neck badge gets caught on the rusty tailgate corner, hangs there from his badge for a minute or two until it breaks and everyone flees.

Hits head again but on the pavement or sidewalk edge.

Shit happens everywhere and all the time.

No sh1t, Sherlock?

Brilliant! Really enjoyed that one.

So please give us your take on the Marie Celeste - and the very recent similar example of the catamaran drifting off Australia, table set for a meal etc? Please do!

The Marie-Celeste was nothing but piracy and salvage rights.

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