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Thailand Expat Forum 10MB webmail


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As a member of Thailand Expat Forum you can now use our new Superior Webmail free of charge:

- Free email account,  [email protected]  

- 10 MB mail storage per user  

- Web based email access  

- Address Books, Custom filters and Mail Rules  

- Check your other POP3 accounts automatically  

- Automatic Forgotten Password retreival  

- User control panel  

- POP3-access and forwarding

and much more!

Sign up for your Superior Webmail now!

Please visit http://www.thailandexpat.com for more details.

Webmail login: http://www.thailandexpat.com

Support:  mailto:[email protected]

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When I joined I was offered free SMS in thialand, what has happened about this offer

I email web master but no one ever reply

This service is well over due in Thailand as i have this privalage every where else in the world

We are testing a few SMS providers, but are not yet happy with their performance. Will revert ASAP as soon as we can use their services with 100% reliance. TiT.

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