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Where Am I?


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An English lady I travelled with in India always made fun of us (her husband and me) because we were reluctant to make fools of ourselves asking directions in a strange town.

Now I have proved it, to really make a fool of yourself, ask directions on Thai Visa then every moron with a computer will put his hand up and tell you what he thinks most of it wrong!! This does not include you cmsally or you Gary A, both who tried to be helpful.


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Are there any smartarses in Fang which is where I will end up with a left on 107. Maybe they could offer intelligent assistance, maybe even a Senior Admin who can administer!!

Actually, he was trying to help, but was being a little bit too clever.

It reminds me of when I was travelling (not back-packing) around India with a friend many years ago. I was always good with a map but very rarely I found myself temporarily dis-orientated. If I thought that maybe we should head south but I wasn't 100% sure I asked my mate , who incidentally was Irish (and you should't read anything into that - lovely bloke). If he was adamant that we should be going North then I took that to mean that I was right after all. You see he was always 180 degrees out - every time. So together we solved the problem. He was wrong but the secret was - he was consistently wrong. Which is alomost like being right.

You hinted that you're not too clear about this left-right thing (nothing wrong with that) so Milton obviously thought that by telling you to turn left you would in reality turn right and so get there in the end. He meant well. Except for that thing about the Hospital. I picked him up on that.

By the way - asking a female to sort out a map?

Don't get me wrong, I like women - I even married one, but it's a well known fact ,and it's been scientifically proven, that women don't know east from west and, as you have now found out, head from tail.

Men do it instinctively - well most men (sorry). Something to do with hunting/gathering.


This has been fun, but I'm off to the 'Shovel/spade' thread it's hotting up there.

Bill97's spade is 4 years old!!!

But apparently Thais don't like it?

I'm hoping he's going to explain why.

Edited by KevinHUNT
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Chiang Mai is the only place I have been where many maps do not point north as up.Indeed, two 1001 roads diverge.The big map-the huge map in English-explains this clearly.I know a chap who could not find a monstruous hilltop site in Mexico which had been world famous for a thousand years, with ten-meter statues.The local townspeople had no idea where it was.

Niloc, I once lost a car in the parking lot.Somebody stole it.Check in the lost and found.

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Don't get me wrong, I like women - I even married one, but it's a well known fact ,and it's been scientifically proven, that women don't know east from west and, as you have now found out, head from tail.

Just been scientifically disproven, as I seem to be the only one that provided useful directions and am probably the only woman on here. Touche ! (Sorry don't have "e acute" on here)

Come on guys get your act together!

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I will explain, my step-daughter rang and told her mother she knew of a house in Chiang Mai going cheap. We went down, looked at it and decided to buy it, we have been looking for a place in CM for a couple of months, mainly for family who are at University there and also to have a place near the good hospitals, just in case....

Step daughter or her husband usually drives for me in CM, just in case we have a prang, they are Thai after all!

She drove us to the house on two occasions and it looked easy. I tried to pinpoint it on my map but the area does not even exist on my map, the prison is not shown and the map ends at Tambon Paton and there is no second page! So what to do? Ask on Thai Visa, which I did, not realising that no-one who is an expat in Chiang Mai ever gets lost and they all have maps which go on forever.

I tried Google Earth but my copy is corrupted. I am disappointed in TV and Chiang Mai, I hoped for more intelligent assistance but it was not to be....


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Don't get me wrong, I like women - I even married one, but it's a well known fact ,and it's been scientifically proven, that women don't know east from west and, as you have now found out, head from tail.

Just been scientifically disproven, as I seem to be the only one that provided useful directions and am probably the only woman on here. Touche ! (Sorry don't have "e acute" on here)

Come on guys get your act together!

Seriously - it has been scientifically proven.

If you can read a map and know North from South then as a female you are in a minority (congratulations).

I met a girl once who understood the 'offside rule' in football. Fascinating. How could you not like a girl like that? But is she representative of females as a whole? Sadly, no. Too busy looking at Ronaldo's bum, most of them.

You're argument falls short because in order to prove a theory you would need a complete cross-section of any given group.

Let's be homest here, most TV members don't know their arse from their elbow , never mind left from right.

Some of them would even have us believe that they bought a house from a brochure. God bless 'em.

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Well lets hope your Thai partner has the same difficulty remembering where it is, that way you will significantly increase the odds of actually "owning" what you have bought. I suppose you do know about the property ownership laws in Thailand?

Just incase you are wondering what day of the week it is too ......it's Saturday. :o

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Well lets hope your Thai partner has the same difficulty remembering where it is, that way you will significantly increase the odds of actually "owning" what you have bought. I suppose you do know about the property ownership laws in Thailand?

Just incase you are wondering what day of the week it is too ......it's Saturday. :o

I don't have a partner, I tried to but my wife was against it....

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I will explain, my step-daughter rang and told her mother she knew of a house in Chiang Mai going cheap. We went down, looked at it and decided to buy it, we have been looking for a place in CM for a couple of months, mainly for family who are at University there and also to have a place near the good hospitals, just in case....

Step daughter or her husband usually drives for me in CM, just in case we have a prang, they are Thai after all!

She drove us to the house on two occasions and it looked easy. I tried to pinpoint it on my map but the area does not even exist on my map, the prison is not shown and the map ends at Tambon Paton and there is no second page! So what to do? Ask on Thai Visa, which I did, not realising that no-one who is an expat in Chiang Mai ever gets lost and they all have maps which go on forever.

I tried Google Earth but my copy is corrupted. I am disappointed in TV and Chiang Mai, I hoped for more intelligent assistance but it was not to be....


Well, if you had put some of the information you give now in the original post I think you would have saved yourself some of the funny stuff said.

You could have done it in the second/third/ and so on..... but instead you start defending yourself by doing exactly what is being done to you.

And now you are disappointed in TV and Chiang Mai, because the intelligence you hoped to would have found was not there.

It sounds very very unreasonable if not trollish.

You could have turned this around, with just a few words but didn't. Now who is ....


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I take a few daze off and come back to find niloC trying to prove to the world what a dikkhead he is.

Colin can you please come to Tuskers on the night of the 30th and show a few of us what you really look like so as we can run to the other side of the street when we see you coming in future.

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I take a few daze off and come back to find niloC trying to prove to the world what a dikkhead he is.

Colin can you please come to Tuskers on the night of the 30th and show a few of us what you really look like so as we can run to the other side of the street when we see you coming in future.

Here we were vying for 'prick of the week' ( I've got 2 votes already) and then Blinky comes back (from being banned, again?) . No chance now. :o

Edited by KevinHUNT
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I agree with TB- niloc is really an alright fellow.

So he isn't a longtime CM expat who knows everything :o , and the map provided him was <deleted>, and he innocently stepped into this Hornet's Nest known as the CM forum. At least he shows remarkably good taste by choosing to buy a home here....

Let's give him a hearty welcome to our fair town.

I'm certain after a pint or two, we will all be fast friends.

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I agree with TB- niloc is really an alright fellow.

So he isn't a longtime CM expat who knows everything :o , and the map provided him was <deleted>, and he innocently stepped into this Hornet's Nest known as the CM forum. At least he shows remarkably good taste by choosing to buy a home here....

Let's give him a hearty welcome to our fair town.

I'm certain after a pint or two, we will all be fast friends.

I'm sure that he can see the funny side of it now. And. assuming that he's not still lost, he's probably having a good old laugh about it all.

Is Niloc from Notlob, by any chance?

Nivek (from Looprevil)

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That is a kind thought Kevin, we are coming down from Pai this afternoon (Sunday) to pay the lady and hopefully take possession of our new house. The lady wants to stay in residence for another week and I will be collecting two overseas workers who need a ride to Pai at the beginning of September so it looks like I will be a bit busy, BTW I drink Archa, never whiskey!! I will post my new address here when I find out what it is...


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That is a kind thought Kevin, we are coming down from Pai this afternoon (Sunday) to pay the lady and hopefully take possession of our new house. The lady wants to stay in residence for another week and I will be collecting two overseas workers who need a ride to Pai at the beginning of September so it looks like I will be a bit busy, BTW I drink Archa, never whiskey!! I will post my new address here when I find out what it is...


I have gone from my ribs aching with laughter to speechless :o:D:D

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Some of thes guys realised that you are going to be a neighbour... :o

Good luck with the house .

Thanks for the good wishes, I am already a neighbour, I live in Pai which is only 100k from CM!!

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Thanks Niloc for giving TV members great amusement.It is not funny to loose a house.I lost one recently....to my ex !

No there's a thought. I can add to that........I've lost 3 to the ex's but I intend (hope) to keep the 4th. At least Inloc might get his back.

Good luck in your quest for your missing abode Clino.

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