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Hi , i have a 6 month old English Buldog ,he`s a fantastic dog who has a problem with Mange at the moment , this being my 1st dog i had no idea what it was but threw this web site and some googling i sort of have an idea now ,anyway he is being treated by the Vet on a weekly basis and like people have said on here i am trying not to get frustrated and i am sticking with the treatment the Vet is giving him everyweek ,even thought its been 4 weeks now and no sign at all of improvement . The problem is my GF who thinks working on her mums pig farm in her early Issan days somehow qualify`s her as a vet is convinced the vet is ripping us of and she has come home with some dodgy looking stuff called Ivermec and some needles . She reckons weekly injections with this stuff will cure it in 3 weeks .now not unlike most Thai woman she has no concept of the word NO ! So far i have mannaged to keep this from happening and at the moment she is away for a few days so i have a few days to find out what the hel_l this stuff is ( google search says its for pigs etc) and talk her out of it ( Most stuborn woman on the planet has hidden the stuff and needless so i cant find it ) So can anybody please help me with some advice on this stuff ( Ivermec injectable 10m ) before i have to run away to the poo cow with my dog !!


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your gf is right, ivermec is used on dogs against demodex mange. which treatment does the vet give? if there is no improvement after 4 weeks it is the wrong treatment for sure.

with a scrab test of the dog's skin the vet should be able to find out what is the problem, what mites or if fungus or other skin disease.

if mange, ivermec can be used, i use injection under the skin on the neck, for amount of ivermec ask your vet, i use 1cc for 15kg bodyweight every two weeks. additionally you can soak in amitraz solution which also kills the mites and usually very quickly, if very bad mange you should wash him with this every three days in the first month. if the dog has many open sores should not use amitraz. also the amitraz alone can cure your dog, without the ivermec. you have to try..

mange can be a sign of lack of nutritions, low immunity or kind of allergy against grains. some dogs are more prone to develop mange than others, due to genes. you should also support your dog with essential omega oils and vitamins and fresh food like fish and beef.

good luck.


Please ask the vet first what he is treating the dog with, as the normal treatment by a vet for mange is ivermectin as well. You don't want to overdose your dog. I've seen one that was overdosed and it was horrible.

Also, IF you want to inject yourself, make very sure about the allowable dose that you inject.


edit/ reading elfe's post properly only now :o : demodectic mange is immune related. Therefore, changing to a high quality diet is a must. This diet can be raw food (my first choice as you may have read already several times. :D), home-cooked with a proper variety in animal proteins including small seafish such as mackerel and sardines and other ingredients and little amounts of rice, or a high quality dry food such as Nutro, Eagle Pack, Advanced Pet Diet (these foods are about 140 baht or so per kilo and you can get only it in certain petshops, not all).

When treatment with ivermectin (oral or per injection) starts often the dog will start looking worse, as the coat will fall out on the places where the mites were hidden under the skin. After 3 to 5 weeks the coat slowly starts growing back. results can really slow down when the owner keeps on giving a low quality diet.


ivermac as every one has said, although it could be the stuff your girlfriend bought is not the best quality; there are many brands and the cheaper ones (i know from experience here and from husband's father's dogs in thailand) dont work as efficiently..

but it could be food allergy as well... so as people said: back to the vet, try different food, amitraz works for fleas and ticks, not so sure about mites (ivo works for all kinds of mites, not just demodex)... but good idea cause it could also be allergy to flea bites: enough that one flea bites him and he scratches and becomes allergic dermatitis...

u can give ivomec orally as some vets prefer...make sure u are using the injectable ivo for under the skin, u can also give injectable orally, but dont give oral (a less concentrated amount as being used for oral treatment of larger animals like equines) as injectable (not sterile and need more as concentration is different)...




Thanks for that people , i think the worse thing will be telling my Gf she might be right ,i will never hear the end of it !! As for his diet he has been on Royal canine for about 4-5 weeks ever since he`s had this problem , i was going to go with Science diet after reading some posts on here but the Vet convinced me Royal was better as they had a special version for medium sized dogs and my bully isn`t a full size one ,he seems alot smaller ( 6 months and 14kilo ) If you think Science diet would be better please let me know and i will change his food ,or if someone has the time could they give me a simple raw meat diet for him to have , i can cook here for him and i have plenty of time to get him fresh meat etc everyday ,i would be very gratefull thanks .

He is going back to the Vets again tomorow for a last injection i think ,this will be his 4 th in 4 weeks and for the 1st 2 weeks he was on tablets aswell ,but i have no idea what these were . I will ask the Vet tommorow what the injections are and what he plans to do next ,whats worrying me is i`m sure he said tommorow will be his last injection for a while as he will need a break from the drugs because of his age , and like i said in my original post he shows no signs of it getting better ,but there again it doesn`t look any worse either .

Anyway i will report back after our trip to the vets tomorow , thanks yet again for everybodys help .


I don't think HSD is better or worse than RC. Of course, it depends on the dog how well s/he does on a particular dog brand.

Here a recent link to homemade diet with more links to raw food and homemade diets:


The tablets he gets can be: antibiotics against possible secondary skin infection, corticosteroids as anti-inflammation or anti-itch or multi-vitamin-mineral tablets. You've got to ask your vet.

IME, dogs with demodectic mange receive treatment with ivermectin injections, 1 jab a week for 6 to 8 weeks. If it is sarcoptic mange, then the duration is 3 to 4 weeks. Did the vet show you the mange mite under the microscoop after taking a skin scraping of your dog?



I don't think HSD is better or worse than RC. Of course, it depends on the dog how well s/he does on a particular dog brand.

Here a recent link to homemade diet with more links to raw food and homemade diets:


The tablets he gets can be: antibiotics against possible secondary skin infection, corticosteroids as anti-inflammation or anti-itch or multi-vitamin-mineral tablets. You've got to ask your vet.

IME, dogs with demodectic mange receive treatment with ivermectin injections, 1 jab a week for 6 to 8 weeks. If it is sarcoptic mange, then the duration is 3 to 4 weeks. Did the vet show you the mange mite under the microscoop after taking a skin scraping of your dog?


I have no idea if he even did a skin scraping ,i just showed him the hair loss patches and he took the dog behind the screen and when he came back he said the dog had demodectic mange ( at least i think thats what he said as his english isn`t to good ) ,gave me some tablets ,told me he had givin him an injection and told me to bring him back in 1 weeks time ,thinking back to it i am sure no skin scrape was took as he was only behind the screen for a few minutes and i certainly wasn`t shown anything .

I will ask the vet these questions tommorow . Problem is some people have told me this vet is very good and others have said he is very bad ,so hard to know what is going on . Anyway hopefully i will have some answers in the morning .

Cheers for the link Nienke ,i have checked out that thred a few times but didn`t really get anywhere with it , bit confused as to what to give him and how much ,i see people talking about feeding whole mackerals ,surely you cant leave all the bones in ?? he`s just going to get them stuck in his mouth , Or am i being totally thick ???


I have an article, both in English and Thai, on my website about raw feeding, called 'feeding the dog the natural way'. It's a bit out of date as it still contains one rice meal a week or something. But the basics are the same. There is an explanation of the raw ingredients, a schedule for feeding and how to calulate the (starting) amount you can give your dog per day.

My website is www [dot] luckydogs [dot] info or click on the LuckyDogs banner on the Chiang Mai forum.

When the fish is raw you can give it with head, bones, guts everything. But once cooked you have to make sure to take all bones out of it, same as with cooked chicken bones.

demodectic mange is kee ruang piak in Thai,

sarcoptic mange is kee ruang heng, and

fungal infection is Chuu-ah raa.


Hi , i have a 6 month old English Buldog ,he`s a fantastic dog who has a problem with Mange at the moment , this being my 1st dog i had no idea what it was but threw this web site and some googling i sort of have an idea now ,anyway he is being treated by the Vet on a weekly basis and like people have said on here i am trying not to get frustrated and i am sticking with the treatment the Vet is giving him everyweek ,even thought its been 4 weeks now and no sign at all of improvement . The problem is my GF who thinks working on her mums pig farm in her early Issan days somehow qualify`s her as a vet is convinced the vet is ripping us of and she has come home with some dodgy looking stuff called Ivermec and some needles . She reckons weekly injections with this stuff will cure it in 3 weeks .now not unlike most Thai woman she has no concept of the word NO ! So far i have mannaged to keep this from happening and at the moment she is away for a few days so i have a few days to find out what the hel_l this stuff is ( google search says its for pigs etc) and talk her out of it ( Most stuborn woman on the planet has hidden the stuff and needless so i cant find it ) So can anybody please help me with some advice on this stuff ( Ivermec injectable 10m ) before i have to run away to the poo cow with my dog !!


As you say that this is your first dog I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have never read anything about the breed of dog you now own.

As the name old english bulldog implies, the dog has been bred over many centuries for the specific purpose of bull baiting, they have selectivley bred them to the point that the dog no longer has a muzzle with the result that this breed now has an inherited problem with its breathing as I am sure you must have noticed.

As these dog often die each summer in the uk as result of breathing problems bought on by the heat you might guess that the picture of your dog wearing a f..,ing shirt does my head in!

The dog has been bred for the climate in the uk, and can hardly cope in the heat of our summers, add to this it has a perfectly evolved coat of its own through which it has to loose its body heat I hope you will cease the dressing up of dogs with imediate effect.

Just put on a european winter jumper on yourself for a day or two and see how you feel!

I am sure you will now appreciate that by covering the dogs skin in a shirt you are increasing the likelyhood of skin problems, by covering the dogs skin you have in effect created the perfect environment for mites etc to florish so it is hardly suprising your dog has skin problems.

All is not lost, I am sorry but I do not agree with thos emembers who appear to suggest that its ok for you/your wife to self

disagnose and prescribe the medicine, when you have a pig then pig medicine once properly prescribed may be the answer, but as you have a dog rather than a pig I would not allow the wife to use this stuff.

There is a product on the market called "Advantage" which deals with mange and other skin problems, it is very effective and almost every vet in the uk recommends it.

It is packaged in a course of 3 phials which lasts 3 months.

I am a member of an International GSD information forum and have just phoned the lady who runs the site for advice about your dogs skin complaint as I know on of her ypoung dogs had a problem with fox mange a few months ago.

This lady has been involved with dog for over 42 years and as well as running the site she is a qualilfied dog judge who is often invited to judge abroad, is a dog trainer who has been advising/ training both the kennel club and Officers from various Police Forces in the uk and recently had a film crew from Gemany visit her and record her for a tv show in germany.

In addition she was a lab technician for many years at a vets hospital and is heavily involved in the research of dog problems many of which are often found within the Gsd breed but not exclusively.

I really dont need to promote this lady to you, but the fact is she lives and breaths dogs and if she cannot help she will always say so and go out of her way to find an answer for dog owners around the world.

She has told me that she used it the first month and within 48 hours the dog stopped the scratching, at the end of the month she lest he dog for 7 days and then wormed it with Dromtal PLus ( one tablet, BIG Palatable type!) then gave the second course of Advance at the end of the month again left it for 7 days followed by worming again, she didnt need the third course.

It is about £25 for the three month's treatment in the uk, but it is available over the internet which should bring the price down.

Did the vet take any scrappings of the daffected areas for testing in the lab?

You have a very nice dog, sorry to say some vets in the uk are crap and the thought of a vet in the burbs of LOS does not inspire me with confidence!

If you want more reasurance please email me and I will send you this ladies email details so you can contact her directly further if you wish?

Good luck, and bin that bloody shirt today please! :o

roy gsd


hi, and roy, once again we will agree to disagree:for domodex or any other skin problem, ivomac is the number one med either oral or SQ; second, ivomac is used routinely on dogs; third, we absolutely dont recommend advantage it just isnt effective (but this sort o thing may vary from country to country, bug immunities etc.).. actually, opposite of what i had mentioned above, AMITRAZ IS recommended for mites and ticks, not so good against fleas... ;but not to be used on broken skin.... and t shirts do not help increase the mite enviroment. they have a perfectly good environment regardless of doggy clothes (inner ear, folds in the skin, between the toes, ) although i agree i dont know why people dress their dogs.

as for skin problems... dogs dont sweat thru their skins so t shirts dont cause problems other then just regular contact dermatitis type reactions due to having something on their skin... and probably just causing general discomfort to the dog...

advantage is not the drug of choice for demodex or for any mange; it is mostly only for fleas, and not even tick control. revolution would be the one for mites, used on cats and dogs and containing: surprise: ivomectin...

amitraz and ivomac are the two most recommended treatments, separately and together. take in to consideration that bulldogs are on the list of having genetic tendencies to have exacerbated mite outbreaks (demodex), and other allergies.

a skin scraping should be dne for postiive id of demodex or scarcoptic mange...

other things to think about: food allergies; allergies to househould cleaners/soaps/that are on the floor...

any other allergy...

often with skin things, its a combination of several things that are like a ' chicken and the egg' syndrome... one thing causing an other.. and sometimes a broad spectrum of meds are given to break the cycle... including antibiotics , cortisones shampoos, diet changes...

a good way to untangle everything is to keep a record of what worked, which combination, what the dog was eating, weather, where dog walks (in the bush, on the road, in the cow shed, whatever), after the use of certain meds, was he scratching less, the same, etc... is he in general healthy.... of course, make sure u dog has no fleas, not even one, which could instigate a good allergic reaction also...

and , OP, your wife, in some ways, is very correct: a large majority of thai village dogs are terribly mangey, and a majority of issaan farmers ivomac their dogs as a general plan of action every month ... regardless if they need it or not... the problem is that they buy brands that , so i've heard, are less effective then other more expensive brands ...

skin problems, like with dermatitis problems in children, are often a combination of problems and treatments, hit or miss to find what works..

good luck...



Hi , i have a 6 month old English Buldog ,he`s a fantastic dog who has a problem with Mange at the moment , this being my 1st dog i had no idea what it was but threw this web site and some googling i sort of have an idea now ,anyway he is being treated by the Vet on a weekly basis and like people have said on here i am trying not to get frustrated and i am sticking with the treatment the Vet is giving him everyweek ,even thought its been 4 weeks now and no sign at all of improvement . The problem is my GF who thinks working on her mums pig farm in her early Issan days somehow qualify`s her as a vet is convinced the vet is ripping us of and she has come home with some dodgy looking stuff called Ivermec and some needles . She reckons weekly injections with this stuff will cure it in 3 weeks .now not unlike most Thai woman she has no concept of the word NO ! So far i have mannaged to keep this from happening and at the moment she is away for a few days so i have a few days to find out what the hel_l this stuff is ( google search says its for pigs etc) and talk her out of it ( Most stuborn woman on the planet has hidden the stuff and needless so i cant find it ) So can anybody please help me with some advice on this stuff ( Ivermec injectable 10m ) before i have to run away to the poo cow with my dog !!


1st of all thanks for your input ,but i am not a complete idiot !! I am fully aware of bulldogs suffering in heat , thats why i was surprised to find them in Thailand and took a lot of advice from profesional breeders here before i chose the breed ! 2nd ,that is not a shirt as you say ,its a life jacket which he tried on for about 1 minute to make sure it fits ,it was outside my house on a coolish day with his personal fan pointing right at him . I get up at 6 am everyday to walk my dog before the day gets to hot and he loves to swim on the beach in the mornings which helps him cool down , i walk my dog 2 times everyday ,once at dawn and then later in the evening when its cooler again and i always carry cold water with me and we take a break after about 15 minutes for him to take a drink and cool down . Sorry i dont mean to sound cheeky and i appreciate people might be concerned and miss read the picture, but like i said my dog has his own fan for when he likes to sleep outside and inside plus i keep a bath of cold water for him for hot days which he loves to sit in and watch the world go by .

As you say that this is your first dog I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have never read anything about the breed of dog you now own.

As the name old english bulldog implies, the dog has been bred over many centuries for the specific purpose of bull baiting, they have selectivley bred them to the point that the dog no longer has a muzzle with the result that this breed now has an inherited problem with its breathing as I am sure you must have noticed.

As these dog often die each summer in the uk as result of breathing problems bought on by the heat you might guess that the picture of your dog wearing a f..,ing shirt does my head in!

The dog has been bred for the climate in the uk, and can hardly cope in the heat of our summers, add to this it has a perfectly evolved coat of its own through which it has to loose its body heat I hope you will cease the dressing up of dogs with imediate effect.

Just put on a european winter jumper on yourself for a day or two and see how you feel!

I am sure you will now appreciate that by covering the dogs skin in a shirt you are increasing the likelyhood of skin problems, by covering the dogs skin you have in effect created the perfect environment for mites etc to florish so it is hardly suprising your dog has skin problems.

All is not lost, I am sorry but I do not agree with thos emembers who appear to suggest that its ok for you/your wife to self

disagnose and prescribe the medicine, when you have a pig then pig medicine once properly prescribed may be the answer, but as you have a dog rather than a pig I would not allow the wife to use this stuff.

There is a product on the market called "Advantage" which deals with mange and other skin problems, it is very effective and almost every vet in the uk recommends it.

It is packaged in a course of 3 phials which lasts 3 months.

I am a member of an International GSD information forum and have just phoned the lady who runs the site for advice about your dogs skin complaint as I know on of her ypoung dogs had a problem with fox mange a few months ago.

This lady has been involved with dog for over 42 years and as well as running the site she is a qualilfied dog judge who is often invited to judge abroad, is a dog trainer who has been advising/ training both the kennel club and Officers from various Police Forces in the uk and recently had a film crew from Gemany visit her and record her for a tv show in germany.

In addition she was a lab technician for many years at a vets hospital and is heavily involved in the research of dog problems many of which are often found within the Gsd breed but not exclusively.

I really dont need to promote this lady to you, but the fact is she lives and breaths dogs and if she cannot help she will always say so and go out of her way to find an answer for dog owners around the world.

She has told me that she used it the first month and within 48 hours the dog stopped the scratching, at the end of the month she lest he dog for 7 days and then wormed it with Dromtal PLus ( one tablet, BIG Palatable type!) then gave the second course of Advance at the end of the month again left it for 7 days followed by worming again, she didnt need the third course.

It is about £25 for the three month's treatment in the uk, but it is available over the internet which should bring the price down.

Did the vet take any scrappings of the daffected areas for testing in the lab?

You have a very nice dog, sorry to say some vets in the uk are crap and the thought of a vet in the burbs of LOS does not inspire me with confidence!

If you want more reasurance please email me and I will send you this ladies email details so you can contact her directly further if you wish?

Good luck, and bin that bloody shirt today please! :o

roy gsd


Hi , i have a 6 month old English Buldog ,he`s a fantastic dog who has a problem with Mange at the moment , this being my 1st dog i had no idea what it was but threw this web site and some googling i sort of have an idea now ,anyway he is being treated by the Vet on a weekly basis and like people have said on here i am trying not to get frustrated and i am sticking with the treatment the Vet is giving him everyweek ,even thought its been 4 weeks now and no sign at all of improvement . The problem is my GF who thinks working on her mums pig farm in her early Issan days somehow qualify`s her as a vet is convinced the vet is ripping us of and she has come home with some dodgy looking stuff called Ivermec and some needles . She reckons weekly injections with this stuff will cure it in 3 weeks .now not unlike most Thai woman she has no concept of the word NO ! So far i have mannaged to keep this from happening and at the moment she is away for a few days so i have a few days to find out what the hel_l this stuff is ( google search says its for pigs etc) and talk her out of it ( Most stuborn woman on the planet has hidden the stuff and needless so i cant find it ) So can anybody please help me with some advice on this stuff ( Ivermec injectable 10m ) before i have to run away to the poo cow with my dog !!


1st of all thanks for your input ,but i am not a complete idiot !! I am fully aware of bulldogs suffering in heat , thats why i was surprised to find them in Thailand and took a lot of advice from profesional breeders here before i chose the breed ! 2nd ,that is not a shirt as you say ,its a life jacket which he tried on for about 1 minute to make sure it fits ,it was outside my house on a coolish day with his personal fan pointing right at him . I get up at 6 am everyday to walk my dog before the day gets to hot and he loves to swim on the beach in the mornings which helps him cool down , i walk my dog 2 times everyday ,once at dawn and then later in the evening when its cooler again and i always carry cold water with me and we take a break after about 15 minutes for him to take a drink and cool down . Sorry i dont mean to sound cheeky and i appreciate people might be concerned and miss read the picture, but like i said my dog has his own fan for when he likes to sleep outside and inside plus i keep a bath of cold water for him for hot days which he loves to sit in and watch the world go by .

As you say that this is your first dog I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have never read anything about the breed of dog you now own.

As the name old english bulldog implies, the dog has been bred over many centuries for the specific purpose of bull baiting, they have selectivley bred them to the point that the dog no longer has a muzzle with the result that this breed now has an inherited problem with its breathing as I am sure you must have noticed.

As these dog often die each summer in the uk as result of breathing problems bought on by the heat you might guess that the picture of your dog wearing a f..,ing shirt does my head in!

The dog has been bred for the climate in the uk, and can hardly cope in the heat of our summers, add to this it has a perfectly evolved coat of its own through which it has to loose its body heat I hope you will cease the dressing up of dogs with imediate effect.

Just put on a european winter jumper on yourself for a day or two and see how you feel!

I am sure you will now appreciate that by covering the dogs skin in a shirt you are increasing the likelyhood of skin problems, by covering the dogs skin you have in effect created the perfect environment for mites etc to florish so it is hardly suprising your dog has skin problems.

All is not lost, I am sorry but I do not agree with thos emembers who appear to suggest that its ok for you/your wife to self

disagnose and prescribe the medicine, when you have a pig then pig medicine once properly prescribed may be the answer, but as you have a dog rather than a pig I would not allow the wife to use this stuff.

There is a product on the market called "Advantage" which deals with mange and other skin problems, it is very effective and almost every vet in the uk recommends it.

It is packaged in a course of 3 phials which lasts 3 months.

I am a member of an International GSD information forum and have just phoned the lady who runs the site for advice about your dogs skin complaint as I know on of her ypoung dogs had a problem with fox mange a few months ago.

This lady has been involved with dog for over 42 years and as well as running the site she is a qualilfied dog judge who is often invited to judge abroad, is a dog trainer who has been advising/ training both the kennel club and Officers from various Police Forces in the uk and recently had a film crew from Gemany visit her and record her for a tv show in germany.

In addition she was a lab technician for many years at a vets hospital and is heavily involved in the research of dog problems many of which are often found within the Gsd breed but not exclusively.

I really dont need to promote this lady to you, but the fact is she lives and breaths dogs and if she cannot help she will always say so and go out of her way to find an answer for dog owners around the world.

She has told me that she used it the first month and within 48 hours the dog stopped the scratching, at the end of the month she lest he dog for 7 days and then wormed it with Dromtal PLus ( one tablet, BIG Palatable type!) then gave the second course of Advance at the end of the month again left it for 7 days followed by worming again, she didnt need the third course.

It is about £25 for the three month's treatment in the uk, but it is available over the internet which should bring the price down.

Did the vet take any scrappings of the daffected areas for testing in the lab?

You have a very nice dog, sorry to say some vets in the uk are crap and the thought of a vet in the burbs of LOS does not inspire me with confidence!

If you want more reasurance please email me and I will send you this ladies email details so you can contact her directly further if you wish?

Good luck, and bin that bloody shirt today please! :o

roy gsd


1st of all thanks for your input ,but i am not a complete idiot !! I am fully aware of bulldogs suffering in heat , thats why i was surprised to find them in Thailand and took a lot of advice from profesional breeders here before i chose the breed ! 2nd ,that is not a shirt as you say ,its a life jacket which he tried on for about 1 minute to make sure it fits ,it was outside my house on a coolish day with his personal fan pointing right at him . I get up at 6 am everyday to walk my dog before the day gets to hot and he loves to swim on the beach in the mornings which helps him cool down , i walk my dog 2 times everyday ,once at dawn and then later in the evening when its cooler again and i always carry cold water with me and we take a break after about 15 minutes for him to take a drink and cool down . Sorry i dont mean to sound cheeky and i appreciate people might be concerned and miss read the picture, but like i said my dog has his own fan for when he likes to sleep outside and inside plus i keep a bath of cold water for him for hot days which he loves to sit in and watch the world go by .


Sounds your dog has a great life. :D However, I do recommend to rinse off the sand after each time your dog 'swam on the beach'. :o:D

Sounds your dog has a great life. :D However, I do recommend to rinse off the sand after each time your dog 'swam on the beach'. :o:D

Hi Nienke , yes he loves the beach but i only take him about every 3 or 4 days and then i bring him straight home and shower him so he is free from all sand and sea water .

Well we just retured from the vets and he said that he has been treating our dog with Ivermec for the last 4 weeks , i brought my gf so she could ask about the skin scrape but much as i tried something was lost in translation and i got no answer .

So i think i will see if any change this week and then we will continue with the Ivermec our selfs next monday ( Unless anybody has a better solution ) as we know the dosage and my GF has experience in injection animals and says she can do it no problem .

I will check out your site later today Nienke and get some ideas for some raw foods for him , we stopped at the market 1st thing this morning and picked up some fresh mackeral for him so i am going to try him with 1 today at lunch time , i jus hope he dont swallow the thing whole as he used to do with frozen carrots i used to give him ,anyway i am looking forward to seeing what he thinks of it ,if past eating habits are anything to go buy it will be gone in seconds !!


the skin scraping is jsut that, a scrape, then a look under the handy miroscope to see critters... for fungal, most vets send to labs ...

Sounds your dog has a great life. :D However, I do recommend to rinse off the sand after each time your dog 'swam on the beach'. :o:D

Hi Nienke , yes he loves the beach but i only take him about every 3 or 4 days and then i bring him straight home and shower him so he is free from all sand and sea water .

Well we just retured from the vets and he said that he has been treating our dog with Ivermec for the last 4 weeks , i brought my gf so she could ask about the skin scrape but much as i tried something was lost in translation and i got no answer .

So i think i will see if any change this week and then we will continue with the Ivermec our selfs next monday ( Unless anybody has a better solution ) as we know the dosage and my GF has experience in injection animals and says she can do it no problem .

I will check out your site later today Nienke and get some ideas for some raw foods for him , we stopped at the market 1st thing this morning and picked up some fresh mackeral for him so i am going to try him with 1 today at lunch time , i jus hope he dont swallow the thing whole as he used to do with frozen carrots i used to give him ,anyway i am looking forward to seeing what he thinks of it ,if past eating habits are anything to go buy it will be gone in seconds !!

He He 1 mackeral polished of nicely !! i cut it up for him into large chunks and he loved it ,chewed the hel_l out of it and ate nearly all of it !!


Glad your dog loved it. :o

You bought it on the local market? Sure it was raw right? Here the mackerel (Pla too) sold at the local markets are all steamed. The last bunch of raw Pla Too I bought at Makro.



good info on this site about demodectic mange. also here. it can be horrific and is a lifelong illness. btw i tried both amitraz and daily doses of ivermec on my dog and the ivermec worked better. amitraz is a nasty drug which i suggest avoiding if possible.

Glad your dog loved it. :o

You bought it on the local market? Sure it was raw right? Here the mackerel (Pla too) sold at the local markets are all steamed. The last bunch of raw Pla Too I bought at Makro.


Hi Nienke , yes i am sure they are raw as i seen the inside of the fish when i cut it up , by the way you site is excellent and some great

imformation on there about the raw food diet .thanks very much .


Ignore the gf and find a GOOD, QUALIFIED vet!! Then follow their instructions. Your dog is too important to let an unqualified, ignorant @!.... mess around with!


Well gave him his 2nd Pla too yesterday and i think that will be his last ,he threw up all day and all night after it but he seems ok now , i am starting too think this dog has serious imune problems , he had a cold a couple of weeks ago and has another one now , i keep finding fleas on him and i have lost track of how many times the Vet has givin hin Frontline to no effect .

The mange problem looks to be getting worse and my Vet has not givin me another appointment until 8th of september saying the dog needs a break from the medicine . I have said on here before we would start to medicate him ourselfs but after more consideration i really dont want to go down that road . Can anybody recomend a good vet in the Pattaya area , i want to get a 2nd opinion now as i dont want to sit around for 3 weeks just waiting for next appointment .i will ad a couple of pictures of the bald spot on his head ,it has white lumps inside it and he has a few bare patches on his back but no where near as bad as his head .




Strange your threw up after the pla too. My biggest worry about giving raw food is not the bones and possible worms or bacteria, it are the chemicals they put on it in order to keep it fresh and/or 'nice' red. And these chemicals do not break down when the meat is cooked. :o

When looking at the pic's I can only say that in general your dog's coat looks quite beautiful, except for the one wound/spot at the back of his head, which looks red and raw, and maybe a bolding spot behind his right shoulder? Does he has anywhere else bolding spots? On the pic with the life vest (what a great pic is that! :D) it looks as if he has some bad coat growth on his left hind paw and foot.

From the pic's it is very hard to tell if he has mange or not. It doesn't look like it, though. At least, not like what I usually observe in mange dogs. The spot on the head comes across more as some sort of irritation, as if an insect (tick?) has bitten him which made him scratch.

Anyway, it is hard to tell from the pic's and, thus, as you yourself already indicate better go for a second opinion. Here some links:

In the pinned thread 'veterinarians' you can find some recommendations: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Veterinarian...40#entry2128941

and similar in this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Spaying-Fema...&hl=Pattaya

Strange your threw up after the pla too. My biggest worry about giving raw food is not the bones and possible worms or bacteria, it are the chemicals they put on it in order to keep it fresh and/or 'nice' red. And these chemicals do not break down when the meat is cooked. :o

When looking at the pic's I can only say that in general your dog's coat looks quite beautiful, except for the one wound/spot at the back of his head, which looks red and raw, and maybe a bolding spot behind his right shoulder? Does he has anywhere else bolding spots? On the pic with the life vest (what a great pic is that! :D ) it looks as if he has some bad coat growth on his left hind paw and foot.

From the pic's it is very hard to tell if he has mange or not. It doesn't look like it, though. At least, not like what I usually observe in mange dogs. The spot on the head comes across more as some sort of irritation, as if an insect (tick?) has bitten him which made him scratch.

Anyway, it is hard to tell from the pic's and, thus, as you yourself already indicate better go for a second opinion. Here some links:

In the pinned thread 'veterinarians' you can find some recommendations: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Veterinarian...40#entry2128941

and similar in this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Spaying-Fema...&hl=Pattaya

Hi Nienke , I am not sure now if it was the fish because he has a cold or flue at the moment , and the fish i gave him was from the same as the 1st one he had as i bought them togethor ,gave him one and froze the other and he was fine after the 1st .

It might just be coincidence he started to throw up later that same day as the fish , he has been throwing up for 2 days but this morning he is a lot better , he has still been eating fine and this morning he wanted to play and i took him for a very short walk and play with stick for 5 mins and he is happily snoozing now and no sign of his breakfast coming back up yet .

Since he seems a lot better today i am going to take him to another vet and ask him to do a skin scrapping to try and find out what the problem is for sure .

As you say from the pics its not easy to see but the bald patch on his head is pink in colour with small white lumps in it and because of its location he never scrathes it or any other part of his body for that matter ,the only thing i have noticed is he licks his paws now and tries to lick his back ones but he cant reach .

As for the other patches they are very small and hard to see inside them but i have noticed he is getting black patches on his skin around his back legs like you said .

Also when we 1st got him he had 2 small pathes of different coloured hair on top of his head ( i actually thought it was dirt at 1st ) but now one of them has turned black aswell .

Apart from all that like you say his coat looks good to me and his hair is nice and thick and all the rest of him seems fine .

Like i said i will take him to a new Vet today and see how we get on ,i am just going to keep him on the dry food for a few days until he gets fully over his cold and then i am going to try him with a few bones and maybe some sardines .

Oh yes and the pic in life jacket , hehe yes it is a good one , i know now never to wake up a bulldog in the middle of his daytime sleep ,thats why he wasn`t looking to happy so i decided to capture the moment hehe

Will report back later ,

Thanks again Nienke :D


Well a trip to the Vet yesterday has left me more confused than ever , this new vet also could not do a skin scrap and told me you cannot treat Demodectic mange with injections ,he told me it has to be treated with daily tablets .

So as he could not do a scrap and he was telling me the oposite of what the other vet has told me i didn`t go for the daily tablets .instead i bought a color for my dog which the Vet says will kill sarcoptic mange if changed every month until the problem is gone .

Now since i have not been able to get a scrape done i thought i might aswell try it because without the scrap its still impossible to know excactly what the problem is .

Does anyone know of a vet who can do skin scrap in Pattaya ??


Huh????? Haven't heard that one yet. And also very strange the vet can't do the skin scraping. Does that mean he doesn't have a microscope or he is incapable of doing the scraping itself? In both cases I would look for again another vet.

You're not very lucky with your dog and finding a vet you like. Before you know it you've got to have a forced vet search holiday in Chiang Mai. Sure, BKK is closer and has the Universities there but Chiang Mai is MUCH nicer. :o:D



i wish u would be more specific when u say injections or pills; sometimes the same medicine or dewormer comes in both forms; antibiotics come in injection and pill form, as do ivomec and other wormers (drontal etc).; revolution as drops on the skin, the list goes on... as do anti fungal drugs... also in liquid form.

so not sure how u are being treated... skin scraping he can do but maybe he has to send it to an outside lab and doesnt have access??? we send the complex scrapings to one of several labs, when searching for specific funguses for instance, which could also, in retrospect, be the problem???(candida, or other fungal infections?) in which case u would get pills of a anti fungal nature (cant remember name off hand) , dont forget that sometimes u get one or more problems on top of each other, a fungal infection gets infected with bacteria, etc. either way, immune system needs to be strengthened.




Sorry i have not been more specific ,all i know is my previous vet diagnosed demodectic mange without any skin scrape and then my dog was treated with ivermectin injection once a week for 4 weeks and for the 1st 2 weeks i was givin tablets for him aswell ( but these might of been for a allergic reaction my dog was having to food as he was covered in lumps at the time ) The tablets were too be taken once before food and once after 2 times a day .

I found another vet today on south pattaya road ,he was suprised also that my other vet could not do a skin scrape , i just hope its the same thing he is talking about ,his english was very good and i ask him clearly that i wanted a skin scrape done ,he said it was very simple to do ,in his words - very simple ,just pull out hair ,put on piece of glass ,examine under microscope .

Now when everyone on here has been talking about skin scraping i was expecting it to be excactly that ,a thin layer of skin being scraped of and examined ,but this vet is talking about removing hair for examination .

Anyway he says his clinic has a dog skin specialist who will be there tomorow so i am going to take my dog in the morning and have this lady examine him .

Again i will report back after his trip there , And believe me Nienke a trip out of this hot and crazy city right now to anywhere would be a real treat !!


yes hair follicles is one thing, to do in the clinic; or to be sent off to the lab; also a real scraping of the skin to be sent off to a large lab (had to do it twice to a donkey with skin problems, turns out it was hormonal, but i digress)...

skin specialist sounds like the right track....


  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry did not get back earlier ,been having fun with laptop problems , well the last trip to the vet seen me depart with a bag full of drugs, shampoos and vitamins and a nice bill !!

So now he is on Ivermectin tablets , 1 every 3 days , some anti funges tablets , 1 and a halve everyday , and i have Amatraz to soak him in once a week and he is also still wearing the anti insect and funges color which works well keeping mites and fleas of him ,seems to do a pretty good job of killing Moskitoes as well !

After all this he still is not getting better , i am just lost now ,i cant understand it , he seems happy enought, after i started him on on this new medication he was sleeping alot but now he is back to his normal self ,we go walk 2 times a day and he still loves too meet people and play , my GF`s dog has not been here for a while because he has a cold so he has not had a friend to play with during the day but even when the other dog is here he only plays for a while and then sleeps anyway and i`m sure the other dog drives him crazy licking his face all the time when he is trying to sleep .

I was reading about stress and how can affect the healing prosess but most of the time he is fine ,he doesn`t enjoy the Amatraz soaking too much and he dont like me sticking the tablets down his throat but that is no surprise , the only other time he gets stressed out is when were out walking and big dogs come near him as he has been attacked a few times before when they have sneakily jumped out from under trucks and tried to bite him before i have managed to scare them away .

I have gone back over the previous helpfull posts and still cant think of anything else i can do except just wait again and hope these new Ivermec tablets and Amatraz soaks do the job in the end but as i said before he seems to be getting worse to me and now has several hair loss patches on his body and legs .

I really dont know what else i can say or do so i will leave it there and post again next week with an update .

Any new suggestions would be very welcome


he dont like me sticking the tablets down his throat but that is no surprise ,

VespaSeeker, try wrapping or coating it in something tasty, a bit of chicken or cheese. He might enjoy it a little better. =) Hope he gets better soon.

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