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Killer Insects Or Animals In Thailand


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Im interested to know what are the animals/insects that can kill a human?

I see bugs, spiders, wasps, snakes etc but I have no idea which ones can kill me. Is there a sticky or a forum with this info that on here? I know Cobra's can kill me, but what else is there.

Pictures would also be a bonus

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i got bit by a spider once and freaked out but then i researched and found out that there is really only one kind of spider that can hurt you here and that is the big fuzzy one (like a tarantula) that lives in banana trees.

snakes- loads of them are venomous, pick up that book on snakes of thailand.

takaabs are supposedly the most common threat. and soi dogs.

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i got bit by a spider once and freaked out but then i researched and found out that there is really only one kind of spider that can hurt you here and that is the big fuzzy one (like a tarantula) that lives in banana trees.

snakes- loads of them are venomous, pick up that book on snakes of thailand.

takaabs are supposedly the most common threat. and soi dogs.

what are takaabs?

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Im interested to know what are the animals/insects that can kill a human?

I see bugs, spiders, wasps, snakes etc but I have no idea which ones can kill me. Is there a sticky or a forum with this info that on here? I know Cobra's can kill me, but what else is there.

Pictures would also be a bonus

Google gave me this hot - http://www.siam-info.de/english/poisonous_animals.html

Lists snakes (deadly and mild - whatever mild means, just your legs drop off), bugs, fish (and sea creatures), spiders etc.

Happy reading :o

No deadly spiders, but watch out for water snails...


Some snails are however unlikely poisonous. Fortunately these are only found in deeper waters so there is no danger to swimmers. However since these poisonous snails are also very beautiful to look at, the danger to sport divers is not to be neglected. Remember the golden rule, look but do not touch!!!

Swimmers and beach users will only find these snails washed up onto the beach. If they are still alive do not touch.

If they feel threatened these snails will inject a very strong poison in your skin through a special organ. This is extremely painful and even deadly (there is no known cure)!

Immediate transportation to the nearest hospital is the only option!!!

Edited by wolf5370
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i got bit by a spider once and freaked out but then i researched and found out that there is really only one kind of spider that can hurt you here and that is the big fuzzy one (like a tarantula) that lives in banana trees.

snakes- loads of them are venomous, pick up that book on snakes of thailand.

takaabs are supposedly the most common threat. and soi dogs.

what are takaabs?

My God--you never had one try to shunt your car into the ditch--they're terrifying things!

Actually--just being a <deleted>, as usual--they're giant centipedes that sting like f..., and some say they can kill young kids. Kill 'em fast as you can, and say 'hosey, hosey...'

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Yes the humble mosquito is the most dangerous killer in the insect world, but I'm sure you were aware what the OP was trying to find out, rendering your pointless posts, frankly - pointless.

Ta-khabs are poisonous centipedes. Sting would be comparable to a very nasty bee/wasp/hornet sting. Deaths normally occur from an allergic reaction. They also are found in South America and Africa.

Apart from these my list of Thai 'nasties' or animals I would not want to run into on a dark night on a country road would be:






Any of these without due mdeical care and attention could cause some serious suffering and perhaps even (in the most exteme cases) death.

Having been here for a while the animal I have seen most in its natural environment is the snake, sufficed to say I dont go anywhere near them.


Edited by ManInSurat
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...Is there a sticky or a forum with this info ...

In this whole web site, there is only one such forum: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Plants-Pets-...ailand-f81.html which is 80% about pet dogs.

This is a great shame as there could be a top level forum on "Wild life in Thailand, with sub-forums on animals, insects, plants, gardening, etc.

There could be digital photos of every living creature in Thailand here, an encyclopaedia of data, with all farangs with their digital cameras contributing. It could be so good.

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Death. I believe as painfull as taa kab (centipede) and mang pong (scorpian) bites are, their are no deadly species here in Thailand. There has been some jelly fish deaths (two I can remember) although the exact jellyfish was not positively identified. Elephants tend to rampage occasionally, usually after loosing the plot after been forced to wander thru Bangkok traffic. Siamese tigers are almost gone. The few that do still exist are in very isolated areas, if at all. Last year a mad goose nearly bit my nuts off so you should look out for them. There are very poisoness snakes although depending on where you go the majority are tree snakes and pythons and should be left alone (not killed). Cobras and vipers are a different stort of coarse. The dreaded banded land krait does live here. It (I think it kills more people than all other snakes combined world wide. This is because it finds its way into houses in the monsoon. Although this stats come from India and Bangladesh). Falling coconuts are pretty dangerous animals, killing a few every year. And then there is the dreaded giant monitor lizard, a prehistoris beast who's name can not be mentioned it is so nefarious. I will let another poster fill you in on this creature of dismal doom! :o Then there is the naga serpent, the giant chao phraya sting ray, sharks and more!

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...Is there a sticky or a forum with this info ...

In this whole web site, there is only one such forum: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Plants-Pets-...ailand-f81.html which is 80% about pet dogs.

This is a great shame as there could be a top level forum on "Wild life in Thailand, with sub-forums on animals, insects, plants, gardening, etc.

There could be digital photos of every living creature in Thailand here, an encyclopaedia of data, with all farangs with their digital cameras contributing. It could be so good.

There could be a forum like that, but there isn't. Call it lack of interest. People don't visit Thailand to see centipedes, spiders, snakes etc.. only elephants, buffalos (human and animal variety), crocodiles (same applies). Didn't you get the T*T brochure? It's all right there.

You could start your own topic call it HUB of ALL WILD THINGS.

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Giant Asian Honey Bee - highly unlikely (especialy as a tourist) but go robbing honey from their nests, and if don't get killed falling out the tree when they have go at you, chances are the swarm will kill you. They kill about half a dozen rural Thai's every year.

In the sea: some species of cone shell, the stone fish and some of the sea snakes - chances of being bitten by any? - next to zero (except the stone fish - which is not lethal but you'll know all about it if you stand on it)

Spiders - none leathal (good question - are then any leathal spiders in Thailand)

Snakes - everyone knows all about the cobras

Most deadly species of anything in Thailand? -probably another human (drunk?) behind the wheel of a car of motorbike ... or a devoius partner!

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There could be a forum like that, but there isn't. Call it lack of interest. People don't visit Thailand to see centipedes, spiders, snakes etc.. only elephants, buffalos (human and animal variety), crocodiles (same applies). Didn't you get the T*T brochure? It's all right there.

You could start your own topic call it HUB of ALL WILD THINGS.

Yes, there is probably little interest amongst the posters who don't actually live here, but for people who do and live in a property with a bit of land and wild life, there is more to see and enjoy than the other "wild life".

I'm sure there would be a growing interest in such a forum and sub-forums but, as it is, if I did start such a topic in the Plants&Pets forum, it would soon get buried under the dog and cat threads (nice to see a few cat threads, BTW).

We could even have a "What's this bird (bug/plant/etc)" competition thread.


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i got bit by a spider once and freaked out but then i researched and found out that there is really only one kind of spider that can hurt you here and that is the big fuzzy one (like a tarantula) that lives in banana trees.

snakes- loads of them are venomous, pick up that book on snakes of thailand.

takaabs are supposedly the most common threat. and soi dogs.

what are takaabs?

This is the centipede, takaab.

Worse than the scorpion's bite, but not deadly.

I killed one twice this size not long ago.


Millipede. At least local ones are safe but wash your hands if you handle one. I often did and never got any problems.

Lemurs will sit in a circle and pass around a millipede like they would a joint, each taking small bites on it and getting high from a substance it secretes, suddenly staring, shoulders dropping and drooling excessively. biggrin.gif


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...Is there a sticky or a forum with this info ...
This is a great shame as there could be a top level forum on "Wild life in Thailand, with sub-forums on animals, insects, plants, gardening, etc.

There could be digital photos of every living creature in Thailand here, an encyclopaedia of data, with all farangs with their digital cameras contributing. It could be so good.

Excellent idea, :o

I'm sure there would be ample interest to at least have it pinned,

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Yes, there is probably little interest amongst the posters who don't actually live here, but for people who do and live in a property with a bit of land and wild life, there is more to see and enjoy than the other "wild life".

I'm sure there would be a growing interest in such a forum and sub-forums but, as it is, if I did start such a topic in the Plants&Pets forum, it would soon get buried under the dog and cat threads (nice to see a few cat threads, BTW).

well said Jetset :o (i always enjoy the cat threads too...)

We could even have a "What's this bird (bug/plant/etc)" competition thread.

pic is an Olive Backed Sunbird

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pic is an Olive Backed Sunbird

Thanks Goshawk :o. He (or she) sat on my window handle for a while, chirping like crazy - calling for mum, I think. It may have been a fledgling as it didn't seem too confident in flying. Sometimes it would hop around and face the other way - and see its reflection in the glass. Then it would start chirping even more! :D


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Millipede. At least local ones are safe but wash your hands if you handle one. I often did and never got any problems.

Yes, I get them too. The g/f is scared stiff of them, but I just flick them so they roll up, then pick them up and throw them over the wall. :o


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