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About 10,000 People Demonstrate In Front Of British Embassy


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They were demonstrating in Witthayu road outside my apartment.

They all behaved impeccably, and it was all well choreographed and we were told in advance by the motor cycle taxis drivers it would all be over one hour before the school buses were due home. (and all the demonstrators indeed went home on time)

One felt like pointing out to them that the convicted parties were packed off to Beijing, equipped with their passports, before hopping on the London plane - and so maybe the entire process wasn't all as unorchestrated as it may seem to them.

But given the demonstrators themselves are able to 'perform' exactly on cue, I suspect they really do know whats going on ! I daresay everyone is in on the joke and their shenanigans and mock outrage are purely cosmetic.

Edited by Journalist
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The British Ambassador and his political staff will have been sending detailed reports back to the FCO for months on the crisis in Thailand.At the same time there will have been close consultation between embassies of friendly powers, particularly the Europeans, the Japanese, the Americans and the Australians.If you seriously think that there is much misunderstanding of the significance of the PAD, its charletan leadership, profoundly undemocratic agenda and reactionary politics....

Like it or not, but PAD nearly singlehandedly shaped the local political scene for most of the year, and for the better, not worse.

You just can't ignore it, they are far from marginalised.

If demanding Thaksin's extradition gains widespread support in the society and PAD spearheads it, there will be a lot of explaining to do on the part of Brits. No one in the West liked them when they covered Pinochet's ass or joined Americans in Iraq adventure, now they show their colors in Thailand and the rest of SEA.

It's a question of losing credibility.

Potential scenario - Thais screw up something big, Amnesty International issues a damning report on the state of their human rights, and Thais tell the UK to shove it up theirs - as long as they harbour serial rights abuser like Thaksin on the run from criminal cases, they have no grounds to critisize Thailand. Same thing China tells them every year, soon it will be a chorus.

Basically, they can kiss good bye to Thailand's support on any humanitarian issue in the region, in the worst case scenario.

If they think the probability of that is low, i.e. the extradition demand is not very popular, they'll ignore PAD's demands altogether.

It's not about being right or wrong - they just want their asses covered.

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The PAD watchdog hasn't lost any credibility whatsoever.

The Embassy protest is but a small but meaningful part.

Being able to legally throw Thaksin's giant WANTED picture on a stage is quite an accomplishment. Everything you see changing was triggered by the PAD.

Sonthi L. lost ONE, A SINGLE defamation suit following his hundreds of accusations all backed with paperwork and paper trails of proof. You can also say the same about every single person that stepped onto that stage and addressed the public since the PAD s birth, none of them ever was sued. Why? They're saying the truth.

The protest has been going on for nearly 3 months for 24 hours a day with accusations flying right and left.

Where are the lawsuits for defamation? None whatsoever since most of the guilty parties pointed at are shutting the f*^& up, stunned and busted upon hearing the truth about themselves 24 hours a day. It must be funny when they call each other in the evening " Hey, tonight's your turn, some old lady who lost all her hair to cancer made it on stage and is damning you to hel_l. How can they find out about all of the scams we had? Do you think we ll get busted somewhere down the road over what they haven't found out yet?" :lol"


In the meantime, you switch to NBT to hear three Thaksin zombies collectively kissing each other's ass es agreeing on their tv program that Chaya , Jakaprob and the rest of these PPP criminals in parliament have all resigned due to sickness. :D:o Contempt of court to begin with, now that's losing credibility, ask Jakaprob, Chalerm, Chaya, Mr CTX, Thaksin, his wife, their children and relatives, the TRT, PPP and next criminal filled party they improvise on the fly.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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It sends a clear message - political opposition to Thaksin is not going to subside anytime soon and the UK might get itself accused of taking sides and it might face prolonged demonstrations outside their embassy.

Do you think we might be able to get all Brits exiled out of LOS by any chance? :o

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Today was as fake as the world wrestling federation. It was rentamob. It was a piece of theatre designed to make someone gullible think that this is all real.

I don't know who they are trying to convince, but sure enough there's plenty of members here who seem to think its all authentic - so I guess its working

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Today was as fake as the world wrestling federation. It was rentamob. It was a piece of theatre designed to make someone gullible think that this is all real.

I don't know who they are trying to convince, but sure enough there's plenty of members here who seem to think its all authentic - so I guess its working

You're looking at a single hair on a three ton elephant.

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Today was as fake as the world wrestling federation. It was rentamob. It was a piece of theatre designed to make someone gullible think that this is all real.

I don't know who they are trying to convince, but sure enough there's plenty of members here who seem to think its all authentic - so I guess its working

You said yourself in your previous post that you suspect the protestors "really do know what's going on". Now you are saying they were a "rentamob". That suggests they were only there to collect a fee for attending and didn't care about the underlying issue of Toxin's absconding from facing justice in Thailand. So which is it?

If you were a real "journalist", you would have been down there on the street interviewing the protestors, instead of pontificating from your appt window above Soi Witthayu. Before you start accusing other people of being "gullible", I suggest you step down out of your comfortable ivory tower and start learning a little about street politics in Thailand. And if you think any political statement does not have an element of "theatre" attached, then you really should go back to political science 101 and start afresh, or stay away from a subject you are obviously out of your depth in. :o

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Today was as fake as the world wrestling federation. It was rentamob. It was a piece of theatre designed to make someone gullible think that this is all real.

I don't know who they are trying to convince, but sure enough there's plenty of members here who seem to think its all authentic - so I guess its working

You said yourself in your previous post that you suspect the protestors "really do know what's going on". Now you are saying they were a "rentamob". That suggests they were only there to collect a fee for attending and didn't care about the underlying issue of Toxin's absconding from facing justice in Thailand. So which is it?

If you were a real "journalist", you would have been down there on the street interviewing the protestors, instead of pontificating from your appt window above Soi Witthayu. Before you start accusing other people of being "gullible", I suggest you step down out of your comfortable ivory tower and start learning a little about street politics in Thailand. And if you think any political statement does not have an element of "theatre" attached, then you really should go back to political science 101 and start afresh, or stay away from a subject you are obviously out of your depth in. :D

Yes, I think they are rentamob, and that every man-jack of them is 'in the know' that the entire thing is a pantomime and no more real than 'girlfriend experiences' that foreigners with special needs have from time to time here.

Simple-hearted as they are, I think they realise that Thaksin was sent away with a nod and a wink from his opponents. Its only internet conspiracy theorists who think otherwise.

I think its all a put on, designed for media consumption, to galvanise those who get paid to vote, a show for those watching from far far away, and for unemployable westerners who insist (and repeat) endlessly the unshakable veracity and logic of their "opinions" (albeit ones largely gleaned and inferred from sitting in front of the internet).

My beat doesn't cover Thai politics, and I have a salary to earn, so I have to write real stories about real global issues... Not possible to interview anyone down there, the heavy metal disco music was blaring out at 150 decibels. Still they had a nice time and they all got home before the evening's fare of gameshows started. Bless em ! :o

Edited by Journalist
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Like it or not, but PAD nearly singlehandedly shaped the local political scene for most of the year, and for the better, not worse.

Yes, their general election victory was remarkable wasn't it.

...oh, waitaminnit.....

Oh dear............now it seems you cannot distinguish between a political party and a civil society movement. Your predicament deepens. :o

And one wonders too how "impeccably behaved" protesters can become a "rentamob" between postings? So which is it? Are you for real in your observations? :D

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Today was as fake as the world wrestling federation. It was rentamob. It was a piece of theatre designed to make someone gullible think that this is all real.

I don't know who they are trying to convince, but sure enough there's plenty of members here who seem to think its all authentic - so I guess its working

You're looking at a single hair on a three ton elephant.

Perhaps ,but are'nt you looking at a nastly little turd ( Sondhi Limthongkul ) like he was icecream ? He may be the apple of some peoples eyes but he is no slouch at tax evasion himself, registering his own holding company, M GROUP in the British Virgin Islands so as to minimise his own tax liability. When he repeats the lese majeste remarks made by Daranee Charnchorngsilpakul to his own supporters he is arrested but immediatley granted bail, whereas she being an anti PAD speaker and pro Taksin is denied 2 requests for bail on the grounds that her crime is serious and she might flee ??? ( but they KNEW Taksin would flee....but I digress ). Double standards ?

Sondhi is only intersted in his own selfish ends...revenge on his old friend, and he has picked up the PAD stick to beat his own drum for personal revenge. He cares little for the Thai people as evidenced by his refusal to move his protest away from a nearby school as it was disrupting their education. As for his ' New Politics " idea, reducing the peoples representation by the election process down to about 30%.......is that furthering the cause of democracy ??????? I don't think so !

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^Oh yes they were a very charmingly behaved mob - albeit still one that was rented for the day though.

And they all shuffled off home at just the time the residents of this community were assured that they would depart.

They know their place, that they aren't wanted in a nice neighbourhood like this - having a sit-in. People here are busy.

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Today was as fake as the world wrestling federation. It was rentamob. It was a piece of theatre designed to make someone gullible think that this is all real.

I don't know who they are trying to convince, but sure enough there's plenty of members here who seem to think its all authentic - so I guess its working

You're looking at a single hair on a three ton elephant.

Perhaps ,but are'nt you looking at a nastly little turd ( Sondhi Limthongkul ) like he was icecream ? He may be the apple of some peoples eyes but he is no slouch at tax evasion himself, registering his own holding company, M GROUP in the British Virgin Islands so as to minimise his own tax liability. When he repeats the lese majeste remarks made by Daranee Charnchorngsilpakul to his own supporters he is arrested but immediatley granted bail, whereas she being an anti PAD speaker and pro Taksin is denied 2 requests for bail on the grounds that her crime is serious and she might flee ??? ( but they KNEW Taksin would flee....but I digress ). Double standards ?

Sondhi is only intersted in his own selfish ends...revenge on his old friend, and he has picked up the PAD stick to beat his own drum for personal revenge. He cares little for the Thai people as evidenced by his refusal to move his protest away from a nearby school as it was disrupting their education. As for his ' New Politics " idea, reducing the peoples representation by the election process down to about 30%.......is that furthering the cause of democracy ??????? I don't think so !

^Oh yes they were a very charmingly behaved mob - albeit still one that was rented for the day though.

And they all shuffled off home at just the time the residents of this community were assured that they would depart.

They know their place, that they aren't wanted in a nice neighbourhood like this - having a sit-in. People here are busy.

Where the f*&% do you misinformed and misinforming people come from? :o

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^ the follwoing questioin remains, Are they really misinformed ?

The events of the last two years, lead me to believe that they aren't misinformed. The Pad are a bunch of annoying people with a clear agenda. They get at anything to make Thaksin's or PPP or TRT or whatever life a hel_l. They don't do it for the good of the country, they mostly do it to be able to line their own pockets.

That whole charade that they called elections in April 2006 was a clear disgrace, still don't understand why Thaksin ever gave into the pressure, he should have said up your to those people and carry on what he was doing.

Then of course there was the coup and subsequent dissolution of the PAD, why they carry the name democratic in their ancronym I don't know.

And then of course on of the latest stunts of the PAD, who might have a hand in the bullshit along the Cambodian border.

Yeah progress indeed...

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Today was as fake as the world wrestling federation. It was rentamob. It was a piece of theatre designed to make someone gullible think that this is all real.

I don't know who they are trying to convince, but sure enough there's plenty of members here who seem to think its all authentic - so I guess its working

You're looking at a single hair on a three ton elephant.

Perhaps ,but are'nt you looking at a nastly little turd ( Sondhi Limthongkul ) like he was icecream ? He may be the apple of some peoples eyes but he is no slouch at tax evasion himself, registering his own holding company, M GROUP in the British Virgin Islands so as to minimise his own tax liability. When he repeats the lese majeste remarks made by Daranee Charnchorngsilpakul to his own supporters he is arrested but immediatley granted bail, whereas she being an anti PAD speaker and pro Taksin is denied 2 requests for bail on the grounds that her crime is serious and she might flee ??? ( but they KNEW Taksin would flee....but I digress ). Double standards ?

Sondhi is only intersted in his own selfish ends...revenge on his old friend, and he has picked up the PAD stick to beat his own drum for personal revenge. He cares little for the Thai people as evidenced by his refusal to move his protest away from a nearby school as it was disrupting their education. As for his ' New Politics " idea, reducing the peoples representation by the election process down to about 30%.......is that furthering the cause of democracy ??????? I don't think so !

^Oh yes they were a very charmingly behaved mob - albeit still one that was rented for the day though.

And they all shuffled off home at just the time the residents of this community were assured that they would depart.

They know their place, that they aren't wanted in a nice neighbourhood like this - having a sit-in. People here are busy.

Where the f*&% do you misinformed and misinforming people come from? :o

Here, live, on the spot Tony !

Didn't see you down there in your velvet tuxedo !

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When he repeats the lese majeste remarks made by Daranee Charnchorngsilpakul to his own supporters he is arrested but immediatley granted bail, whereas she being an anti PAD speaker and pro Taksin is denied 2 requests for bail on the grounds that her crime is serious and she might flee be killed???

Corrected for factuality...

that "Da Torpedo" from UDD/DADD was arrested in her home... her taped message broadcast are shockingly brazen. The police want to put her in protective custody as they fear the general public would harm her following her disgraceful words.
I won't repeat what she said... but it was the worst language used I've heard that warranted the charge and it's easy to why they want to hold her in protective custody. Her words would upset every conceivable niche of Thai society from rich to poor, old to young.

She is typical of her UDD/DADD co-horts like Jakrapob (who also has the same charge), and the current government's other PTV and riot co-leaders like PPP MP Jatuporn and the Government Spokesman NUTTha and the other bloke, the TRT Party-banned executive Veera. Together these guys are running the double shows on PBS and NBT with their spewage....they are in great company with the likes of this Da Torpedo. Perhaps they can have her as a special guest on one of the Veera Propaganda Show, your political party government television show...


Still, she'll feel less discomfort in prison as there are many of her persuasion currently incarcerated in the female penal system.

Also, it's worth learning who ordered the arrest of this "anti-PAD" and "pro-Thaksin" speaker:

Samak said police would take legal action against her. "That person violated the law with her words. I ordered the police to take action against her immediately," he said.

- The Nation / July 22, 2008

Edited by sriracha john
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How dare they have the cheek to protest against the actions of such a great nation.

Mommysboy will have to go down there and sort them out. God save the Queen.

uhh, I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.


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can someone please explain the PAD to me?

obviously the government knew thaskin was doing a runner if they didnt want him to do a runner he would not have been allowed to leave. wife gets convicted and heads on vacation...

so <deleted> is PAD's role in all of this?

There called a linch "mob", that's the politest way of putting it.

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can someone please explain the PAD to me?

PAD information:

1,579 posts:


826 posts:


can someone please explain the PAD to me?

obviously the government knew thaskin was doing a runner if they didnt want him to do a runner he would not have been allowed to leave. wife gets convicted and heads on vacation...

so <deleted> is PAD's role in all of this?

There called a linch "mob", that's the politest way of putting it.

Strange how 2,405 posts contradict that assessment...

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So how many people does it take to deliver a letter in Thailand: 10,000 I guess.

If these folks want to protest, I would suggest they do so in front of the Supreme Court that gave them permission to travel. But then if they were to look at how and to whom the courts grant bail, this could cause a real loss of face and credibility and we couldn't have that happen.

So, instead they protest in front of the British Embassy. Sorry but I don't think Britain is the culprit here.

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Onslaught on PAD is coming from all directions in this thread:

From Journalist:

They all behaved impeccably

From JJJ:

There called a linch "mob"

Can you make up your minds, guys?

As for Journalist - if you pretend to apply reason and knowledge before coming to your conclusions - PAD has been on the streets for many many months. They are very well organised and they have leadership that is firmly in charge, and they have lots of experience.

If they decide that they should round up their protest before people need to pick up their kids from schools - that's what will happen, they've got it under control. Last time they were taken to court for inconveniencing school children, this time they were more careful.

But with this PAD attacking crowd - dam_n if you do and dam_n if you don't, they'd just post rubbish and contradict themselves at every step if it suits their purpose.

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So how many people does it take to deliver a letter in Thailand: 10,000 I guess.

It takes one...


but 10,000 certainly adds to the context...


The letter was handed to a representative of Ambassador Quinton Quayle.

A spokesman from the British Embassy told AFP that the letter would be passed on to London.

- AFP / 18-08-08

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