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I've never seen this before and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed. Done it 50 times and its been right every time. I kind of don't want to know how they do it, but at the same time, its driving me crazy not knowing. Maybe some of you high IQ people will be able to figure it out. Dr. Pat Pong?

If you want to have a bit of fun don't read the posts below as we now know how it is done. Your Thai GF/GF's will love it though. Tell them there is a mor doo in the computer.


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Fortunately I'm an expert at seeing through cheating...

The symbols aren't always the same. When you click 'try again', the symbol for each number changes so that it *always* matches with the result of your calculation, no matter which number you choose. :o

..Nobody fools me..  :D

Ciao -- PLC

And I was expecting you to close the tread cause it's not Thai related!!!


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Fortunately I'm an expert at seeing through cheating...

The symbols aren't always the same. When you click 'try again', the symbol for each number changes so that it *always* matches with the result of your calculation, no matter which number you choose. :o

..Nobody fools me..  :D

Ciao -- PLC

I think that would make poor CMT more confuse ... :D

Explorer :D

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The symbols aren't always the same. When you click 'try again', the symbol for each number changes so that it *always* matches with the result of your calculation, no matter which number you choose.

..Nobody fools me..  :o

Ciao -- PLC

I noticed that the symbols always change, but they aren't all the same. You have 5 or 6 symbols to choose from. How does it always know which one you are looking at?

You haven't put my mind at ease.

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2 digit numbers added together and subtracted using the two numbers always add up to multiples of nine. if you look at the symbols for the numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, etc you will see that they all share the same symbol.

That's it. I guess I have no excuse not to go back to work now.

So simple. I guess I am a moron after all.

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Here's the solution if you don't want to be baffled any more:

(I put it in yellow to make it difficult to read so if you want to try and figure it out for yourself, don't read this, but if you do want to read it, just highlight my text to make it easier to read)

Every two digit number can be expressed as a multiple of nine when run through that formula (x*10 + y = the two digit number you start with, so if you subtract the sum of x and y from that number, x*10 + y - (x + y), you get x * 9)

So no matter what number you pick, you'll get a multiple of nine as your result.

If you look, you'll see that all the symbols for "x*9" numbers are the same. All the rest of the symbols and numbers are distracting fluff.

What you don't know is that the symbols for the multiples of nine change every time you refresh the puzzle.

So no matter what number you pick, you'll always end up with the symbol that the crystal ball is about to display when you click on it.

Oh, by the way, the symbols for 90 and 99 are different (just to throw you off the scent), but there's no way to get those two numbers out of that formula, so it's no biggie.

Neat trick.

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Here's the solution if you don't want to be baffled any more:

(I put it in yellow to make it difficult to read so if you want to try and figure it out for yourself, don't read this, but if you do want to read it, just highlight my text to make it easier to read)

Every two digit number can be expressed as a multiple of nine when run through that formula (x*10 + y = the two digit number you start with, so if you subtract the sum of x and y from that number, x*10 + y - (x + y), you get x * 9)

So no matter what number you pick, you'll get a multiple of nine as your result.

If you look, you'll see that all the symbols for "x*9" numbers are the same.  All the rest of the symbols and numbers are distracting fluff.

What you don't know is that the symbols for the multiples of nine change every time you refresh the puzzle.

So no matter what number you pick, you'll always end up with the symbol that the crystal ball is about to display when you click on it.

Oh, by the way, the symbols for 90 and 99 are different (just to throw you off the scent), but there's no way to get those two numbers out of that formula, so it's no biggie.

Neat trick.

Ah! better

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(I put it in yellow to make it difficult to read so if you want to try and figure it out for yourself, don't read this, but if you do want to read it, just highlight my text to make it easier to read)

Humphf. Guess I shouldn't have wasted my time putting the spoiler in yellow and typing out a complete explanation.

Guys, you should let people figure this out on their own before you spill the beans, and if you are going to spill the beans, the least you could do is spill them in a way (like I did) that allows people who don't want the solution to continue to read the thread without spoiling their fun.

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(I put it in yellow to make it difficult to read so if you want to try and figure it out for yourself, don't read this, but if you do want to read it, just highlight my text to make it easier to read)

Humphf. Guess I shouldn't have wasted my time putting the spoiler in yellow and typing out a complete explanation.

Guys, you should let people figure this out on their own before you spill the beans, and if you are going to spill the beans, the least you could do is spill them in a way (like I did) that allows people who don't want the solution to continue to read the thread without spoiling their fun.

Didn't spoil my fun! I wasn't having any bwahahahahaha

ps get a life!!

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Pudgimelon, Team Bukowski,

Good work! Either of you have a math degree. If not then how did you figure?

You probably already knew that if you multiply 9 times any number and then add up the individual numbers in the answer you will end up with 9 but can you prove it?

Ex: 9*79=711 7+1+1=9

Ex: 9*143=1287 1+2+8+7=18 1+8=9

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Pudgimelon, Team Bukowski,

Good work!  Either of you have a math degree.  If not then how did you figure?

You probably already knew that if you multiply 9 times any number and then add up the individual numbers in the answer you will end up with 9 but can you prove it?

Ex:  9*79=711      7+1+1=9

Ex:  9*143=1287    1+2+8+7=18  1+8=9

It is a simple mathmatical "square" the kind you use to astound five year olds

get a life!

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Johnny Moron was a rebel,

He wandered the west.

Johnny Moron was a rebel,

He wandered alone.

He got fighting mad,

This rebel lad,

He was panther quick and leather tough

When he figured that he'd been pushed enough!

The rebel, away,

Away rode the rebel

Johnny Moron.

This is to be sung to the theme song from the '70s tv series "Johnny Yuma".

I don't know why either. I just had to

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