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The Vulcan

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I'm trying to create a semi-transparent watermark of "copyright © f4foto.org" which I can then implant on my images

The instructions I can't seem to follow are along these lines:-

"To create a watermark file you need an image editing application, such as Adobe Photoshop. We recommend using a PNG file with the resolution of 800 x 600 pixels – this size will result in the least amount of distortion when a watermark is resized. Start with an empty transparent image, and then add text, logos, or shapes. Save the file in the PNG format with alpha channel transparency. A small challenge is to make sure that the watermark is visible on lighter and darker images. This can be easily achieved by adding a dark drop shadow to a white watermark. In this example a dark shadow was added to white letters, which makes the watermark work well with light and dark images, even if the watermark is semi-transparent."

This is beyond me - can anybody help or actually do it for me - I'll be most obliged for any assistance

Thank you

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Sorry been a bit busy.

Simple way to do it. is to open a new document in Photoshop. (72dpi for web 300dpi for print ) Make sure you have a transparent background

>new text layer,add your text.

> Blend mode> soft light (this is over by the layers pallet, it's a little drop down that normally says normal)

>file>save for web devices, check PNG as file type.

then save.

Just drag the image onto any photo you want watermarked.

There is a good reason I'm not employed to write instruction manuals.

Hope it helps one or two. :o

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