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Lala (isobel ) Update For Cm


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Nee, I and Lala (Isobel) would like to thank everyone for their heart felt comments and support.

It has been a couple of days since the incident now. We have had the most wonderfull emails and messages from people all over the world that we have never even met, and we truelly thank you all.

The most important little person, Lala...

It was her 16th month birthday today, as most of you have suggested she is lucky she was so young when it hapened. We both agreed, but realised 2 days ago when we tried to replace the bay car chair and she started screaming that there is some memory.

We had to revisit the McCormick hospital today.

The doctor says he is still in shock that the seat belt definately saved her life. We need to get Nee a UK visa as we want Lala to get back on to the uK to see all the realtions and most importantly grand parents and had been planning on taking Lala to the beach as part of the trip. This is a no go as her chest is appently burnt by the shell and cannot be in contact with water.

Hence the dressing had to be changed.

As soon as she was taken into the emergency room for this, she started to cry, no sound just tears.

At 15 months they definately remeber sever trauma.

Nee and I are trying our best to take her to 'safe' places. Airport plaza, guest houses for dinner, etc. If you see us and want to say hello, by all means do.

For those of you who know us, you will know that Nee is a Christian, and we will be having a Mass at our house at 5pm tomorrow. ( all those who wish to attend please let us know asap)

Thank you

Lala, Iain & Nee

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Nee, I and Lala (Isobel) would like to thank everyone for their heart felt comments and support.

It has been a couple of days since the incident now. We have had the most wonderfull emails and messages from people all over the world that we have never even met, and we truelly thank you all.

The most important little person, Lala...

It was her 16th month birthday today, as most of you have suggested she is lucky she was so young when it hapened. We both agreed, but realised 2 days ago when we tried to replace the bay car chair and she started screaming that there is some memory.

We had to revisit the McCormick hospital today.

The doctor says he is still in shock that the seat belt definately saved her life. We need to get Nee a UK visa as we want Lala to get back on to the uK to see all the realtions and most importantly grand parents and had been planning on taking Lala to the beach as part of the trip. This is a no go as her chest is appently burnt by the shell and cannot be in contact with water.

Hence the dressing had to be changed.

As soon as she was taken into the emergency room for this, she started to cry, no sound just tears.

At 15 months they definately remeber sever trauma.

Nee and I are trying our best to take her to 'safe' places. Airport plaza, guest houses for dinner, etc. If you see us and want to say hello, by all means do.

For those of you who know us, you will know that Nee is a Christian, and we will be having a Mass at our house at 5pm tomorrow. ( all those who wish to attend please let us know asap)

Thank you

Lala, Iain & Nee

Although a bit late I would just like to add my best wishes and relief that you had such a lucky escape--and, though many might say--only in Thailand--I fear that, from reading UK press, 'caught in crossfire' tragedies are becoming more common there too-so, good luck and all the best for little Lala.

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I'm glad to hear/read normal life is picking up and Lala is (physically) doing well.

Please, don't underestimate the enormous traumatic experience you all, went through. Lala may be very young. But being right in her imprintings period such a traumatic experience (the sudden enormous pain followed by your (her grat protectors) fear and panic, rushing to the hospital, nurses crying, everybody worried) can definitely have a lifetime influence on her if not handled well now.

I'm certainly not a child expert, have none myself. But while studying about dog behavior, many times similarities between dog and human development were given, among others that what one traumatic experience can do to a dog's and child's life.

Please, seek professional help or advice.


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I was very surprised to read others saying it was lucky Lala would be unaffected as she's so young. This is incorrect (as you are learning).

The most dramatic example occurs when the impact of traumatic events on infants and young children is minimized. It is an ultimate irony that at the time when the human is most vulnerable to the effects of trauma -- during infancy and childhood -- adults generally presume the most resilience.

You might like to look at that website.

You probably have a right to compensation but it is equally likely to be not worth pursuing here. (Travel insurance ?).

All the best to you and Lala.

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