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British People Mis-behaving In Europe

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Well i am a brit, and i havent come to their defence sadly,. what i can tel you is that i would much rather walk alone down walking st than any uk town high street after 1am, in the uk you are more likely to get trouble than thailand for sure, as was said earlier most will be occupied probably with a nice girl they have met !,. and are probably pre occupied in thailand, so id say they ( most ) behave here better than at home, where they go home alone looking for trouble,.been the same since the 70s i recall,.

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Never seen a british football hooligan in Pattaya - seen plenty swede, finnish, german and russian muppets though!! :o

Have you never been down Soi 6 to the Chelsea Head Hunters Bar???????????????...............

This is a bar own by one of the UK's biggest football hooligans :D

Never seen a british football hooligan in Pattaya - seen plenty swede, finnish, german and russian muppets though!! :o

Have you never been down Soi 6 to the Chelsea Head Hunters Bar???????????????...............

This is a bar own by one of the UK's biggest football hooligans :D

Or that old favourite the dogs <deleted> ! ,.( or has it changed its name ?)...if you doubt they are in there just go in shouting " GERMANY " "
One of my best friends here is British.

He keeps telling me how ashamed he is over the behavor of his countrymen here.

And I keep telling him they do not represent his country.

They just represent a certain group in his country.


of coures, , exactly,its always like that, theres good and bad in all. Nobody has the monoloply on this.

look for good,and you,ll ususally see it, and feel better for doing so

I always here nasty things said about thais, even by thai,s to thais, seems likke issan is place not liked by many thai,s in bangkok ( anyone care to tell me exactly why)

I have always wondered about this. I've got some friends from Britain and they are nice chaps, but they can get paid and drink themselves into absolute oblivion, missing work and not really sober up until the money's gone. I go out with them for a few hours and then I go home and they head out. Some have ended up in hospital, at the police station and I won't even get into car/motorcycle accidents.

It is not so much the fact that they get drunk a lot, in fact i dont usually have a problem with that, but its actually the attitude, the show-no-respect-here-i-come-i-am-loud-i-know-best-i-am-the-man-attitude that in combination with heavy drinking is what bothers me.

On several occations i have seen brits causing a lot of drama in broad daylight too, not necessarly in combination with alcohol. But as i said before, of course not all of them are like this.

Clearly you have an issue with Brits based on several other posts you have made, it would be interesting to know what nationality you are?

I'm quite happy to say that I'm a Brit, but i find what you are saying a trifle blinkered. Whilst, there are a number of Brits who like to get pissed and act obnoxiously, this is hardly the domain of British people, and certainly not representaive of the whole nationality. Those idiots that come here and act like that are no different in what you find in many other countries, in fact some of the most obnoxious people I've come across in Bangkok in fact, have been of Asian origin.

I have lived here in Bangkok for three years, but have previously worked in asia for another four, and I really can't say that I've encountered many people that you are saying exist. I assume it depends on where you hang out.

I'm not defending those Brits that are <deleted> (they are an embarrasement), but let's have some sense of prespective, because clearly you don't. Refused a visa per chance? :D

Still think this thread should have been closed, if it was about Americans it would have.

As i said before, and i cant stress that enough, is that for sure most brits are NOT bad, but among the people who are loud mouthed, have a really really bad attitude, and not seldom aggressive, a noticable percentage of them are brits.

Be it, everywhere from Ibiza, to New York, to Bangkok.

Ok, now peace with the brits who arent bloody <deleted> or soccer hooligans. :o

What about us that are halfway between the two? No one loves us?

Halfway between a <deleted> and a hooligan?

Your mom?



Most Brits are actually very polite people, we have the obnoxious minority who seem to pull the whole country down, but having said that people who meet the good majority of us find us quite self affacing, very polite, even painfully so. In fact speaking to Thai's when I am out with my british wife they prefer the well behaved brits to anyone else as they find most other [well behaved] europeans arrogant and aloof.

As for russians they take arrogant to a whole new level.

Most Brits are actually very polite people, we have the obnoxious minority who seem to pull the whole country down, but having said that people who meet the good majority of us find us quite self affacing, very polite, even painfully so. In fact speaking to Thai's when I am out with my british wife they prefer the well behaved brits to anyone else as they find most other [well behaved] europeans arrogant and aloof.

As for russians they take arrogant to a whole new level.

I have to agree and add that when one meet the average Brit, he/she is the most polite person one can meet anywhere in the world.

Ooh, Mum jokes eh? Naughty boy!

My intention was really that being something between an ass and an ass, your safest bet finding someone that loved you, it would probably be your mom. There was never anything more to it. Maybe it turned out to mean something else, however that was not my intention.

One of my best friends here is British.

He keeps telling me how ashamed he is over the behavor of his countrymen here.

And I keep telling him they do not represent his country.

They just represent a certain group in his country.


of coures, , exactly,its always like that, theres good and bad in all. Nobody has the monoloply on this.

look for good,and you,ll ususally see it, and feel better for doing so

I always here nasty things said about thais, even by thai,s to thais, seems likke issan is place not liked by many thai,s in bangkok ( anyone care to tell me exactly why)

There is snobbery in Thailand , too.

Bangkok people tend to look down on Isaan people.

But, they will eat the Som Tam and Gai Yang, Khao Neeaw from Isaan.

It's superficial.


Why bash the Brits?

We're not all stupid and uncivilised.

If the truth be told, there is not a single nation without its anti social element.

Why bash the Brits?

We're not all stupid and uncivilised.

If the truth be told, there is not a single nation without its anti social element.

I walked past a pub in a fairly rough part of town the other day and there was about 8 women stood outside on the street smoking cigarettes and drinking pints of lager with about 15 kids in tow.

When i were a boy this sight would never have been seen or accpeted, and i think Britain i the only place in the world where you would see such a sight.

The future is looking bleaker then the present on the drunken hooligan front IMO.

Why bash the Brits?

We're not all stupid and uncivilised.

If the truth be told, there is not a single nation without its anti social element.

I walked past a pub in a fairly rough part of town the other day and there was about 8 women stood outside on the street smoking cigarettes and drinking pints of lager with about 15 kids in tow.

When i were a boy this sight would never have been seen or accpeted, and i think Britain i the only place in the world where you would see such a sight.

The future is looking bleaker then the present on the drunken hooligan front IMO.

1. The NYT article in the OP is a typical summer-article as they are published by the hundreds all over world in the months of July and August, in papers and magazines accompanied by 'tasty' photos, showing drunk youngsters.

2. Not being a Brit myself, I have to defend the Brits here by saying that it's not a typical British thing; many nations from Europe, and also the US and Oz (!) have their own groups of youngsters, misbehaving (in the eyes of the beholders and elderly) on their holidays, meaning drinking, boozing too much. They're on holiday and excessive drinking/boozing seems to be a kind of standard nowadays. Whether that's a good thing is doubtful, but certainly not limited to Brits.

3. A few years ago I visited Bali with friends (for the first time on Bali) who took me one evening to a club............... :o:D :D

I've seen boozing youngsters qite a few times but what I saw here was abnormal behaviour by hundreds of young people and they were for 90% Ozzies. The thing what shocked me the most were the 'girls' boozing and completely drunk, shouting and yelling.

I've NEVER ever seen anything like that before.

That doesn't mean that the situation I witnessed is normal behaviour for Ozzies. Maybe it was an isolated incident, I don't know.

I couldn't stand the club for more than 10 minutes and urged my friends to leave.


So, it's not just young Brits, misbehaving on holidays, whether Thailand, Europe or elsewhere.


1. The NYT article in the OP is a typical summer-article as they are published by the hundreds all over world in the months of July and August, in papers and magazines accompanied by 'tasty' photos, showing drunk youngsters.


Agreed - another media beat-up.

Throw in some completely meaningless statistics to confuse the simple minded ........

"A recent report published by the British Foreign Office, “British Behavior Abroad,” noted that in a 12-month period in 2006 and 2007, 602 Britons were hospitalized and 28 raped in Greece, and that 1,591 died in Spain and 2,032 were arrested there."

1,590 Britons killed in drunken brawls & 1 died of old age. :o

601 Britons hospitalized for alcohol poisoning & the rest for jellyfish stings. :D

More of the usual racial stereotyping that is commonly found on TV - it was Americans a couple of days ago, today the British & it will probably be Thais tomorrow (again).

1. The NYT article in the OP is a typical summer-article as they are published by the hundreds all over world in the months of July and August, in papers and magazines accompanied by 'tasty' photos, showing drunk youngsters.


Agreed - another media beat-up.

Throw in some completely meaningless statistics to confuse the simple minded ........

"A recent report published by the British Foreign Office, “British Behavior Abroad,” noted that in a 12-month period in 2006 and 2007, 602 Britons were hospitalized and 28 raped in Greece, and that 1,591 died in Spain and 2,032 were arrested there."

1,590 Britons killed in drunken brawls & 1 died of old age. :D

601 Britons hospitalized for alcohol poisoning & the rest for jellyfish stings. :D

More of the usual racial stereotyping that is commonly found on TV - it was Americans a couple of days ago, today the British & it will probably be Thais tomorrow (again).

1.591 died in Spain....

Well, Britain has a population of 60,943,912 (July 2008 est.)*

With 10.05 deaths/1,000 population (2008 est.) = about 1% deaths...

that means that about 609,450 Brits are dying each year....

* numbers according to CIA :o


So, it depends how many Brits are going/living to/in Spain but I assume that the dead Brits are not a surprising number.

May they RIP :D



"So, it depends how many Brits are going/living to/in Spain but I assume that the dead Brits are not a surprising number."

I am not doubting for a minute 1591 Britons died in Spain considering the number of tourist that go there & the number of retirees living there.

How many died from drunken brawls? This is what the article was about.

The only relevant statistic is that 2032 Britons were arrested, but even this is meaningless without total number of visitors.

Conviently left out is that nearly 17million Britons visited Spain in that year. This is from the same report - the only conclusion is this article is the product of lazy journalism.

The inclusion of these statistics was deceptive & dishonest designed to bolster a poorly researched 'story'.

Why bash the Brits?

We're not all stupid and uncivilised.

If the truth be told, there is not a single nation without its anti social element.

I walked past a pub in a fairly rough part of town the other day and there was about 8 women stood outside on the street smoking cigarettes and drinking pints of lager with about 15 kids in tow.

When i were a boy this sight would never have been seen or accpeted, and i think Britain i the only place in the world where you would see such a sight.

The future is looking bleaker then the present on the drunken hooligan front IMO.

Well that's all down to the anti smoking brigade. Two years ago they'd have all been in the pub and you wouldn't have noticed them. :o

But you did say you were in a fairly rough part of town (which town?) so I think it's a little unfair to judge a society by it's dregs.

I have always wondered about this. I've got some friends from Britain and they are nice chaps, but they can get paid and drink themselves into absolute oblivion, missing work and not really sober up until the money's gone. I go out with them for a few hours and then I go home and they head out. Some have ended up in hospital, at the police station and I won't even get into car/motorcycle accidents.

It is not so much the fact that they get drunk a lot, in fact i dont usually have a problem with that, but its actually the attitude, the show-no-respect-here-i-come-i-am-loud-i-know-best-i-am-the-man-attitude that in combination with heavy drinking is what bothers me.

On several occations i have seen brits causing a lot of drama in broad daylight too, not necessarly in combination with alcohol. But as i said before, of course not all of them are like this.

Clearly you have an issue with Brits based on several other posts you have made, it would be interesting to know what nationality you are?

I'm quite happy to say that I'm a Brit, but i find what you are saying a trifle blinkered. Whilst, there are a number of Brits who like to get pissed and act obnoxiously, this is hardly the domain of British people, and certainly not representaive of the whole nationality. Those idiots that come here and act like that are no different in what you find in many other countries, in fact some of the most obnoxious people I've come across in Bangkok in fact, have been of Asian origin.

I have lived here in Bangkok for three years, but have previously worked in asia for another four, and I really can't say that I've encountered many people that you are saying exist. I assume it depends on where you hang out.

I'm not defending those Brits that are <deleted> (they are an embarrasement), but let's have some sense of prespective, because clearly you don't. Refused a visa per chance? :o

Still think this thread should have been closed, if it was about Americans it would have.

OH! What happened here??


OK, it is the media slow season, anybody reported a bout UFOs yet? :o

Plenty of sh*t from the Brit Bashers flying about and those Brit Bashers are usually Aliens :D


Why don't us rugby hooligans get a mention. We drink far more than the footy thugs could ever dream of.

I've been to Ibiza, Mallorca, Costa del Sol etc as a young lad, and it seemed that unless you acted like a <deleted> you weren't accepted.

As I said before, these idjuts don't come here as it costs more than £99 for a week's package deal.

On the other hand I have met plenty of middle aged British tosspots here, normally getting pissed with their Ausie or Kiwi mates.

We are the kings of pissheads in Europe, but certainly not here. I have met more Thais who can't handle their beer than Brits. Luckily Yanks can't fight very well without guns, so we don't see too many of them after 11pm :o

Why don't us rugby hooligans get a mention. We drink far more than the footy thugs could ever dream of.

Because as everyone knows Rugby, being the opposite of footy, is a hooligans game played by gentlemen

Luckily Yanks can't fight very well without guns, so we don't see too many of them after 11pm :D


When i were a boy this sight would never have been seen or accpeted, and i think Britain i the only place in the world where you would see such a sight.

You should travel more my friend.

No need to travel far.


Most of the nations and cultures around the Mediterranean have done this for ages.

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