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Will We Ever Have Proper Broadband In Thailand?


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I know that this subject has been done to death but when, if ever, will the public here put enough pressure on all those involved in this country to provide an acceptable broadband service?

The service has deteriorated significantly over the past 20 months and I can’t now even download local pages at a decent speed, even in the morning. As for VOIP calls it is getting to the stage when the only practical alternative of making calls overseas is to use the mobile phone or land line. I don’t mind paying more to get a guaranteed and satisfactory service but when reading other threads this seems to be just throwing money down the drain.

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"The Public" will start agitating for 'proper broadband' shortly after they have 'proper medical care', 'proper social care' and 'proper democracy'. If your sole concern is a quick internet connection Japan or Taiwan may be more your style.

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I know that this subject has been done to death but when, if ever, will the public here put enough pressure on all those involved in this country to provide an acceptable broadband service?

The service has deteriorated significantly over the past 20 months and I can’t now even download local pages at a decent speed, even in the morning. As for VOIP calls it is getting to the stage when the only practical alternative of making calls overseas is to use the mobile phone or land line. I don’t mind paying more to get a guaranteed and satisfactory service but when reading other threads this seems to be just throwing money down the drain.

Sure, I have it :o But you will have to pay a bit more as the 600 thb packages and be prepared to spend a couple of hours on the phone with the help desk to tune your line.

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Even the cheap lines are pulling in 2 - 3 Mbps now.. Just got to make sure you dont get the over shared packages.

My el cheapo 1090 package which is thier slowest option gets me a 1.8 - 2mbit international tested speed all day every day..

Sure its not 20Mbps but its OK for Thailand.

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Even the cheap lines are pulling in 2 - 3 Mbps now.. Just got to make sure you dont get the over shared packages.

My el cheapo 1090 package which is thier slowest option gets me a 1.8 - 2mbit international tested speed all day every day..

Sure its not 20Mbps but its OK for Thailand.

Now we know who 'eat' the entire international bandwidth of CAT :o

If that is in fact the truth, you definitely don't represent the majority of DSL users in Thailand. Most are struggling at best to get a somewhat decent international connection.

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Even the cheap lines are pulling in 2 - 3 Mbps now.. Just got to make sure you dont get the over shared packages.

My el cheapo 1090 package which is thier slowest option gets me a 1.8 - 2mbit international tested speed all day every day..

Sure its not 20Mbps but its OK for Thailand.

Now we know who 'eat' the entire international bandwidth of CAT :o

If that is in fact the truth, you definitely don't represent the majority of DSL users in Thailand. Most are struggling at best to get a somewhat decent international connection.

I pay for a 2mb connection from TOT. In Thailand it has never tested above 1.7mb and internationally tested rarely higher than 300kb.

Edited by koheesti
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Same here, I have the 1090 Baht Package also and I have no problems with it. P2P, usenet, and ftp transfers all get full international speed.

In fact my experience with DSL in Thailand has been mostly good for the last 4 years.

Even the cheap lines are pulling in 2 - 3 Mbps now.. Just got to make sure you dont get the over shared packages.

My el cheapo 1090 package which is thier slowest option gets me a 1.8 - 2mbit international tested speed all day every day..

Sure its not 20Mbps but its OK for Thailand.

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you might be on TOT to speak like that, i'm using maxnet and for the price, the quality is very good.

i can listen to my online japanese radio, surf, download anime and movies, i really don't have to complain about the quality of the services.

i'm also using voip for oversea calls and you can't blame only your internet provider as your voip provider is maybe missing some bandwith.

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I have the fastest true package which is 4.8 mbs per second, nice and youtube is not blocked, but I am in Bangkok, dunno about the provinces.

Same here, I regularly download 1Gb+ demos to my PS3 pretty rapidly. I really don't have a problem with the internet here in Bangkok. Outside of Bangkok might not be the same, but I think you pretty much get what you pay for. It's worth paying extra for the top package.

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