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PAD Lay Siege On Government House, NBT TV Station


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Channel 9 now reporting that the police will NOT go in to arrest the 9 PAD leaders, instead asking them to come out and surrender themselves.

I think I will jump on a plane tomorrow and participate in active democracy :-)

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Samak said people are allowed to leave but no one is allowed in... and I've not heard or read of any news that that hasn't happened. People are tired... frankly, I'm surprised they are as enthusiastic as they are... the stage presentations have been non-stop during this time. There are realistically risking their lives by their presence... with these considerations, I would consider anyone still there as "fervent".

Somehow, I don't think they are able to keep people from going in - the PAD has repeatedly announced that members from whatever province were coming in, that universities were coming in or on their way... etc... if they could not get in, what's the point? All that would happen is that that area would come to a complete standstill - and by the pictures we've seen so far, there does not appear to be any major disruption.

There's 2,000 police surrounding Government House... they can easily stop anyone from coming in. Barricades are up all around by both the PAD on the inside and police on the outside. The arriving uni students can join the 30,000 PAD members on the outside of Government House. If they create an outer ring around the police that have created a ring around Government House that could create an interesting situation. Would more police come to create an outer ring to the outer ring to the ring around Government House?

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Channel 9 now reporting that the police will NOT go in to arrest the 9 PAD leaders, instead asking them to come out and surrender themselves.

I dont think that there is a hope in hel_l of them surrendering onethailand do you. It seems to be a strange tactic by the police, but i am glad that things are still peaceful.

Cheers, Rick

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There's 2,000 police surrounding Government House... they can easily stop anyone from coming in. Barricades are up all around by both the PAD on the inside and police on the outside. The arriving uni students can join the 30,000 PAD members on the outside of Government House. If they create an outer ring around the police that have created a ring around Government House that could create an interesting situation. Would more police come to create an outer ring to the outer ring to the ring around Government House?

The police are powerless to stop legal gatherings - and I presume they are powerless to stop people from entering the premises as well, lest they create a commotion which could incite a riot.

NBT reports that all 7 entrances are now barricaded, however.

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About the subdued crowd.

I guess most were just pawns really, and thinking about it the barricades prevent anyone from leaving too. So they are already in prison in a sense.

Maybe it's dawning on them that they are in for a beating, so you wouldn't expect them to be tap dancing I suppose.

Not sure where you are getting your news from. People are coming and going in and out. Two sets of university students just arrived. There is music, and lots of upbeat dancing right now

I'm watching NBT. They show pictures of barricades being built of what looks like slates. Also showing pictures of people inside just looking thoroughly bored- guess the Sumtam has run out.

Can't see the point of building barricades and then having people just come and go at will.

I'm surprised police don't just turn the hoses on them. End of....

As it is I suppose we're going to see some heads get cracked, but it's about as boring as watching Arsenal play at the mo.

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Channel 9 now reporting that the police will NOT go in to arrest the 9 PAD leaders, instead asking them to come out and surrender themselves.

I dont think that there is a hope in hel_l of them surrendering onethailand do you. It seems to be a strange tactic by the police, but i am glad that things are still peaceful.

Cheers, Rick

Probalby just means that they will attack in the middle of the night again.

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There's 2,000 police surrounding Government House... they can easily stop anyone from coming in. Barricades are up all around by both the PAD on the inside and police on the outside. The arriving uni students can join the 30,000 PAD members on the outside of Government House. If they create an outer ring around the police that have created a ring around Government House that could create an interesting situation. Would more police come to create an outer ring to the outer ring to the ring around Government House?

The police are powerless to stop legal gatherings - and I presume they are powerless to stop people from entering the premises as well, lest they create a commotion which could incite a riot.

NBT reports that all 7 entrances are now barricaded, however.

Yeah,and legality is what this goverment stands for.

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NBT is reporting that the human wall is being trained at Entrance 4 on how to sit, stand, and form an effective barricade :o

Yes i just saw that and also saw a few guys carrying single golf clubs. Do you think that they might be having a tournament later to beat the bordom? lol.

Cheers, Rick

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I need some more of that good music, so I don't fall asleep.

Which makes me wonder....where is Carabou in all this....looks like the only thing he stands for these days is Carabou Daeng and beer commercials :-(

Amazing how quickly money becomes #1 in Thailand :-( (and many other places for that matter)

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SJ writes : 'I would consider anyone still there as "fervent".'

MOMMYSBOY writes : I would consider anyone still there as ruddy trapped.

let's write - ehm let's consider: mommysboy is still here, so he is 'ruddy fervent'..........

Edited by scyriacus
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Apparently, people who want to leave can still do so. Not exactly sure how, but there must be some opening somewhere which will allow people through in at least one direction.

A sensible strategy mght be to feign cramp and back scuttle through said escape tunnel. Better that than truncheon pie.

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Have just returned from government house - and even more people than last night AND yet again I didn't see a single police officer anywhere (approx. 11.30 pm - 1.15 am).

Razor wire has been erected across Phitsanulok road at the Nakon Sawan junction with stacks of tyres.

Thousands of protesters inside the government house compound and several thousand more outside. TV also there in force.

All this talk - earlier this evening - of the police evicting the protesters by force - was obviously just another scare tactic that appears to have back-fired.

Spotted many ambulances parked in front of the horse racing stadium on Phitsanulok road.

Also surprised by how many young people were there.

In short - Samak hasn't a hope in hel_l's chance of ever removing these PAD supporters.

Still no mobile toilet facilities.

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I need some more of that good music, so I don't fall asleep.

Which makes me wonder....where is Carabou in all this....looks like the only thing he stands for these days is Carabou Daeng and beer commercials :-(

Amazing how quickly money becomes #1 in Thailand :-( (and many other places for that matter)

Carabao loves money as much as Thaksin does. So, if you tune in to NBT, you will see a video of Jakaprob, Nattawut and tyhe other Thaksin zombies in all kinds of comical situations, like being arrested, being released from jail after inciting rioters to attack police lines and on and on, all this played on a Carabao song made especially for these thugs. You`d swear afterwards you were watching PTV.

NBT by the way is into misinformation big time, that`s why they love to cut from pre-recorded footage to live footage and mess with peoples brains without telling them. NBT is also the station where 3 anchormen all agreed on air at 6 o clock that members removed from Samak`s cabinet had resigned because of health issues. :o That`s Thaksin`s Thailand for ya.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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I need some more of that good music, so I don't fall asleep.

Which makes me wonder....where is Carabou in all this....looks like the only thing he stands for these days is Carabou Daeng and beer commercials :-(

Amazing how quickly money becomes #1 in Thailand :-( (and many other places for that matter)

Add Carabao sold out on the Songs for Life movements founding ethos years ago and became a Toxin groupie. As you correctly state, the Carabao Daeng venture turned him into a hard-nosed businessman and he became more interested in making money from the masses than helping them. Just like his mentor.

Money, money, money, must be funny in a rich man's world. :o

Other songs for life artists see him as a bit of a tart for having sold out his principles. :D

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I think something must be going on at the rally site now.

The current broadcast on ASTV isn't 'Live', it's a replay of footages broadcasted at around 23:00 - 24:00 and made to seems like it's broadcasting 'Live' at the moment.

Sonthi couldn't have taken the 'Live' broadcast off the air when they needed the media most.

Checked out TOC and they aren't broadcasting anything at the rally site either, just advertisement.

My guess is the police has started moving in...

Looks worrying...and isn't gonna be good.


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