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La Miggy Is Female Afterall :o


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well, I just hope the footie boys dont see this.....

(will ruin my reputation of the red and white Arsenal jersey!)

but finally the MiGster has some female questions :D

(never thought the day would come :o)

1. How to remove oil stain from fabric?

Its cooking oil, and I think the fabric is chiffon.

its a dark shade of purple, new dress that I was going to wear to a friend's wedding. so really hoping can fix it! (its new!! dont ask how the oil stain got there HAHA...clumsy me!)

someone in the shop suggested to put flour on the stains and leave overnight so it can absorb the oil?

Ive put baby powder for now (theres no cooking flour at home!)

any other suggestions?

something that is sure to work?

2. I need some suggestion on how (with what) to wear a dark brown dress?

its a dark chocolate brown lace dress (very much the same colour as a bar of dark 70% cocoa chocolate) its ermm whats the word.....like a tanktop? bare shoulder? so I need to wear it with a jacket of some sort. question is - what colour would work?

Ive got an almost same tone of brown jacket (which would detract from the dress), then Ive got a golden-ish shade of brown jacket, but this seems to clash cos its a bit too bright against the dress. the other option is a subtle shade of green meshed with maroon shawl. colour wise seems to work, but a shawl can be hard to manage...

ohh also idea on colour of shoes too!!

black shoes black bag?

brown shoes, brown bag?

so over to you ladies?

I will see if I can post pic in the next couple of days. Need to work something out before Friday with the brown dress

(prefer not to have to buy new accessories, as Ive just spent too much buying too many things in the last few days :D )

once I put up pic of first dress - again will need ideas on matching accessories colour. its a very unusual shade of purple (well unusual for me as I dont normally wear this shade much)

thankyou thankyou :D

La MiGgy

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lol, this ought to scare the guys off miggie :D

baby powder or talcum powder should work. let it sit overnight and then rinse it out, you might try then putting dishwashing liquid on it before washing it (is it washable?)

As for the brown dress, black shoes and bag would be fine, better than too matchy matchy with the dress. Its not Jackie O's 1960s anymore :o

shawls are tough, and kind of a pain in the bum. You don't say what the waist is like but a bolero type jacket (aka shrug) in black could look good depending on how the waist of the dress lies.

ie kind of like this:


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I think short jackets dont work on me

was trying to see if I can find dress online, or something similar, but I dont know what type of dress its called!

so can I wear black jacket with the dress then? to match bag and shoes?

good question about the purple dress...lemme read the label......MYGOSH!! what is this thing?? a torture machine??? its says:

COLD HAND wash!! COLD!!! as if its not freezing cold enough already :o

so cold handwash separately, do not soak bleach or wring. drip dry without delay. do not tumble dry.

does the list stop??? :D

so dishwashing liquid instead of detergent? you mean like sunlight stuff?

Im truly hopeless arent I :D

the other day I was at a work function...getting dressed with a few other girls at work in hotel room....they were all busy with make up...I quickly showered, put lipstick on and voila done! then one of the girls asked me if I want to put mascara....and I said... ermm ahh errrr maybe? but I dont know how :D

so she did it for me :D

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well, I just hope the footie boys dont see this.....

(will ruin my reputation of the red and white Arsenal jersey!)but finally the MiGster has some female questions :D

(never thought the day would come :o)

La MiGgy


To late, shall I cut and paste this? And put in in the Bangkok Beer and Football thread? :D

Edited by MiG16
removed the original post. no need to quote the full text you know toadie :whistling: by MiGgy
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you know that I have powers in here dont you LOL

this is the ladies forum....they actually lemme MOD this one :(

I can delete you/////oops I mean your post LOL

now shoo shoo away :D

[or was that 'shoe shoe' away? :o ] -- personal joke :D the toadie will understand :D

and those that are about to say MiGgy is gonna abuse her power...save your keyboard stroke...haha......

(AKA I will kill him if he did that....OUTSIDE the forum!) :D

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you know that I have powers in here dont you LOL

this is the ladies forum....they actually lemme MOD this one :P

I can delete you/////oops I mean your post LOL

now shoo shoo away :D

[or was that 'shoe shoe' away? :o ] -- personal joke :( the toadie will understand :D

and those that are about to say MiGgy is gonna abuse her power...save your keyboard stroke...haha......

(AKA I will kill him if he did that....OUTSIDE the forum!) :D


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I didnt realise the dress was that unique???

but have been trying to search for pics of dress that might be similar....but couldnt see any!

well similar..but not quite....

so you have to imagine it.....

its dark brown (very dark brown) stretchy lace

the top looks like the black one (but without the strap) and the end of the dress is kinda a mix between the red and the green dresses HAHA (well its not straight at the end...and has a bit of an irregular triangular thing at one end)

not sure if that answers your question what the waist looks like though :o




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a shrug would actually work well with this style miggy, try to get a sheer material or some kind of crochet (gold or black colour would match) material, a long jacket will destroy the dress, or else a very sheer, like chiffon, shawl.

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ooh, i usually just lurk here, but a fashion question? yay!

i wear a lot of dark brown, and there are a lot of colors that work with it... i really like brown with baby blue or aqua, or pale yellow, but rusts and oranges work as well. it really is a neutral color, so choose the other color as what looks good on you. personally, i think wearing black with it will make the dark brown look dull.

the texture of the top piece is as important as the color... if your dress is lace, you want to make sure whatever you wear over it isnt' too heavy or textured... i agree that a shrug works very well with what i'm picturing your dress is like, because it covers you up without changing the lines of the dress. (lol at the photo of the shrug over the psychedelic op-art top someone posted, yowzah!)

i'm not a big fan of matchy-matchy, but black shoes usually work for anything except the palest lightweight things, and even then black can work.

a lightweight meshy kind of top would work. and the colors of the shawl you have sound good... remember, you can always use a pin to keep the shawl where you want it to be.

with dark purple, i love love love red.

and thanks for the tips from people about the oil stain... can you still use the flour idea if the stain is dried, or is that only if it's still fresh? i usually end up just throwing stuff out, and that's not very practical. ;^)

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Hi miggy,

I too have heard that the baby powder/cooking flour etc is the way to go when you have oil stains. Maybe you just need to leave it on longer as others suggested?

Steps from the net say:

Step 1: Apply an absorbent such as talcum powder or cornstarch to the affected area, then brush away. If the stain is heavy or old, proceed to

Step 2: if fresh, skip to Step 3.Place stain facedown on paper towels. Blot back of stain with a dry-cleaning solvent. Replace paper towels as they soak up the stain.

Step 3: Spray with laundry pretreatment.

Step 4: Wash in the hottest water that's safe for the garment.

Step 5:Air dry.

With the style of dress you seem to have, i also think a shrug-style jacket would look lovely and best suited. For bag/shoes, i do think baby blue is lovely with brown too, also a flash of orange or yellow, as already suggested, can add a lot of interest to a soft colour, but might not be a colour you have in your wardrobe already. You could always go with black (or better brown, if you have) and add a blue (or another colour) accessory if you want to break up the colour a little. Even if placing a beautiful but inexpensive broach on your bag and/or some topaz stone type earings. (Oh i would also suggest a clutch bag, small without straps.)

p.s: the style of dress looks gorgeous! Im sure you will look a knock-out! :o

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I didnt realise the dress was that unique???

but have been trying to search for pics of dress that might be similar....but couldnt see any!

well similar..but not quite....

so you have to imagine it.....

its dark brown (very dark brown) stretchy lace

the top looks like the black one (but without the strap) and the end of the dress is kinda a mix between the red and the green dresses HAHA (well its not straight at the end...and has a bit of an irregular triangular thing at one end)

not sure if that answers your question what the waist looks like though :o

Try to wear a metallic(silver or light-golden) shoes and a small matching bag will be perfect.

if the dress's fabric is plain without any embroideries ;you can try to put a very sheer shawl in a dark chocolate+lighter colour printings to highlight the face too ,same as the ones of your bag .


You can try wearing a nice necklace with several loops and a dark colored stones or crystals . I am sure all would look perfect on you.

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awww girls thankyou

Ive left talcum powder on the stains...will leave it for another day or so. the stain was not fresh so I thought I would leave it for longer. this dress is not needed for a while yet so still have time to plan what /how to wear it. will post pics soon. left my camera at work so couldnt take photos last night.

will do the same with brown dress, without me in it though :D this is for Friday, so I dont think I will have any yellows or orange (have yellow bag and orange shoes at home!)

turquoise is a good idea eek/hammock. Ive got turquoise necklace and earrings, and turquoise colour bag, but no shoes! hmmmm what shoes would you wear? or swap to black shoes and bag and use the necklace in turquoise? that could work.....

plus I have to go straight from work....hence the thought about a jacket...can use a shawl....but will still need a jacket cos its **CENSORED** freezing cold here right now!

more soon! actually this is quite fun :D I feel like I have my own personal stylist....and P Teacup hasnt even begun yet!!

kisses all round ....to the girls ofcourse! (is feeling in generous mood today) :o

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There's been a lot of helpful advice from the ladies I see. But what this thread is lacking. What it needs is a fresh shot of testosterone. Manly advice...or "manvice" for short.

1. Stains on clothing? As a man, this is a very common occurrence. When having a 'manmeal' there simply is not enough time for the 'little things' such as eating utensils or napkins. As another example, when changing the oil in my car or motorcycle, sometimes you just don't know how much oil is actually left. Stains on clothing are simply a part of life in the 'manverse'.

My solution? Just don't worry about it. Wear the clothing anyways. Having stains on your clothing simply tells the world that you are 'manly' and not afraid to get your hands dirty. And, there is also a great bonus as stains on your clothing are a GREAT conversation starter. For example, "Hey Submaniac, how did you get all those bloodstains on your shirt?" Response: "Well, let me tell you an interesting story about that...." See what I mean?

And I can tell you from a "manspective" that stains on a woman's clothing are very, very sexy. For example, if I saw a girl with oil stains on her outfit, I would think to myself "Wow. There's a girl that changes her own oil on her car. That's sexy." As a specific example, if I saw you with cooking oil stains on your clothing I would think "Wow. There's a girl with cooking oil stains on her clothes. She knows how to cook. That's sexy." See what I mean?

2. How to come up with a great outfit? Often times I get asked "geez Submaniac, how come you are always a snazzy dresser?" Well, I will share a bit of advice that I have learned over the years. From my experience, what goes great with ANY outfit--and on ANY occasion--is a jersey from your favorite sports team. No matter what you are wearing, and whatever colors you are wearing, that sports jersey will fit right in. And it works on ALL occasions from business power lunches to funerals.

Now as to your specifics, that lacy brown dress of yours sounds great. What would really spruce it up is football jersey. And since you are an Arsenal fan, the old red and white would go great with a brown dress. Ask any man, and he will give you the same response. If he saw a girl in a lacy little dress WITH a footbal jersey, he would be IN LOVE. And on the plus side, since you don't want to cut back on your purchases, you can just grab it out of the closet.

Finally, I will give a third bit of advice, that you did not ask, but should prove helpful in the future. When you post in your thread topic "boys do NOT read", the thought that will pass in a man's head is "hey, maybe I should read this." Yes it is true. It is only when you tell a man to do something, that he will ignore you. And oftentimes he will do this surreptitiously so that it appears that he is actually paying attention when, in fact, he is not. The prime examples of such behavior can be seen when a man is driving a car and directions are needed. Another example is when a man has made a purchase of furniture, toys, or other items that need assembly, you will rarely see him reading the instruction manual. Why, you ask, does such behavior occur? The simple answer is a real man simply does not need nor like being told what to do.

Well that's my advice for this weeks column. Be on the lookout for future columns and the forthcoming self help book. Have a mantastic day! :o

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I am not actually a fan of black and brown. I think if you could find some bronze/gold shoes it would lift the dress a bit. I like the sounds of a shawl or pashmina type thing with some gold/bronze thread running through it to pick out the shoes. Perhaps an orange/rusty colour?

I think baby blue looks gorgous with chococolate brown as well.

What is your colouring like? That is a major factor in what colours you choose...I have fair skin and cannot wear any shade of yellow but really suite red, so I wear a lot of it..what colours do you tend to wear?

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You know, I think submaniac has something there. But he surprised me with the football jersey advice. I would have thought most guys advice would have been along the lines of "less is more"


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some interesting thoughts there....

thanks to the girls for practical advice :o

thanks also to the boys for very entertaining advice :D

(I shoulda thought about the tell someone not to do something is like a challenge! DOH me!)

I took some pics of the dresses....but in the lighting I have at home I realise now that the it doesnt pick up the colours of the dresses too well

still, here they are.... the brown lace dress looks more like black in the pics, no matter what flash I try with the camera. the purple dress looks a bit too blue in the photos.....but hope you get the idea....

(by the way...Im ok to spend some more money on the purple dress for the wedding, which is still another 2months away. but for the brown dress I dont wanna buy new shoes and bag....its this Friday and not such a big event....) :D

but thoughts provided will still be handy as I can then pick up these items for later use (I have lots of browns)

someone asked my colour......hmmmm I guess Id say tanned (more so now since Ive been in sunny Aus!)







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lots of great advice!

how cold would it be during the wedding? out or in doors? rain? sun? or even this friday...?

if it's outside then think twice about wearing high slim heals...they get stuck in pavments and grass and a hassel walking on gravel....

the seconed pic from the left (with what looks like a green pashmina/shall) was very nice. nice, elegent, classic. Good idea with terquise jewlery. not much of a fashion genius, so not sure about the hand bag and shoes. allthough as someone had said, black would go almost with everything.

Too hot in Israel for jackets, but the jacket in the pic that i think sbk posted would look nice as well.

It really depends on the weather and what your most comfertable with, right?

As long as you are comfertable, you'll look and feel beautiful!!

(((( sending some sunshine so you can defrost a little ))))

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^ Looks good teacup.

From all your pics migs, I would go for the shawl. The jackets, although would look good on their own, just, i think, dont work well with the dress (Length not quite right and weight of fabric seem to be too heavy. If you need to wear something warm, then a full length coat would work better then wear your shawl or a shrug-type cardi when you get indoors).


forgot one pic

just for submaniac :o

^ :D

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ok its settled then

dress with shawl (P teacup that colour looks great...but I only have that one at home in bkk! so will have to go 'green' :D)

dont think I can wear the turquoise jewelry with the shawl though :D will try pearls....dont get to use it much since Ive been here so that might be a good idea

will wear my long coat while outdoor. (it totally isnt the right style for dress but hope its still look ok.....its jeans with light brown coloured faux-fur down the length of the jacket and at collars and sleeves. they have a cloak room so I can leave it there once I get to the gallery :D

sarah - thanks for the warmth...hope it works. weather forecast predicts rain! grrrrrrrrr

now girls put your ideas to the purple dress will you. I still have 2 months to plan for this. I kinda thought metallic silver shoes and accessories? Ive done that with a softer lilac tone dress...this one is a much stronger purple though...so not sure how well the greyish/silver tinge would work with it? It will be spring by then, so the cold wont be an issue...but I think I would still like to take a shawl or wrap of some sort (not used to strapless without anything else on). the wedding will be outdoor at beach (this is what it says about the place: Features a small island with rocky outcrops accessed by bridge from the beach.) and then dinner at a restaurant which will be indoor.

Attire: cocktail :D

am I overly excited to plan so long ahead? I wonder if the bride has her dress ready :o

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