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Official Required Proof Of Address For Immigration....? What If...

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Ok everyone has been dicussing ways to go about submitting proof of ones residence and there have been three mentioned. 1. going to the Amphur office... had my wife check on that and that is a negative, striclty reserved for Thai.. 2. Embassy..Ok

3. Possibly Immigration office... 50/50 not yet proven from what I have read on this site.

Question....What is really accepted by the Immigration office? A letter signed sealed and delivered from ones embassy.

All financial letters given from any countries embassy includes the declarers address on it. This letter is an official document but not one that represents his or hers address, although the address and the proof of income are accepted as an official document.

Shouldn't the Thai Immigration accept this letter as official proof covering two things, a. financial statement b. proof of ones address???

I have to submit papers in two weeks and I am at odds at paying for something that is officially on paper already.

Question 2. How updated does each residence paper have to be each time. Ok, at first for re-filing for extension, new within a month, but can the same letter be used every 90 day check in for the years period, or does it have to be re-done every single check in time?


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Ok everyone has been dicussing ways to go about submitting proof of ones residence and there have been three mentioned. 1. going to the Amphur office... had my wife check on that and that is a negative, striclty reserved for Thai..

I have never been asked for proof of residence at immigration.

In reference to letter from Amphur, I and wife were able to obtain letter as proof of residence from Amphur when I applied for drivers license.

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This is a new requirement that is now required at Jomtien immigration when one does ther 90-day notifications. Any official document that has one's name AND address on it will do, e.g., utility bills, car registrations, magazine labels, etc. One could probably use a delivery receipt for a major appliance purchase too. I just had to pay my yearly cable TV contract and intend to use this receipt for my address proof.

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I just got a residence certificate, (required for a driving license). I went to the immigration office with my wife and my passport, (took loads of other papers but they did not need them). 20 minutes later i came out with the certificate. It cost 9 baht and that was for the photocopies.

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I received my new retirement extension at Jomtien this Monday, and the senior officer who sits at the back of the office (behind the fellow at Desk 8), asked for identification with my address on it. I happened to have a TOT phone bill with me, and she accepted a photocopy of that.

I read someplace somebody speculating that they want some document with the farang's address written in Thai, so they know they have the real thing written/spelled out and formatted properly. Heck, I know my mailing address by heart, but don't have clue what my Tambon/Khwaeng, Amphoe/Khet or Changwat are.

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Thank you very much. If needed I will ask one of my kids to draw a picture of Daddy, write our address and Daddy's name down in Crayon. This should be official enough if ever needed.

For the Amphur thanks for the info. My wife straight out asked for a residence verification letter. Drivers liscences would be another story.



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  • 11 months later...

trying to get a new Thai Driver's license right now & I am going thru hel_l jumping thru their hoops

first to Immigration for a proof of address

they tell me my landlord has to sign two forms & fill in his details as well as attach signed copies of his ID card & House registration

I've never had much luck getting any of my Thai landlords to provide their ID card or House registration. They always assume you are trying to open a loan in their name someplace

off the licensing office & they ran me thru the tests & a training video. I thought it was a done deal & they handed me a letter to give to Immigration telling them I need a proof of address. So back to square one.

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