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Wanted - Ferang Company Who Can Fix Laptop


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The Girlfiends Niece arived home with a cheap tacky Thai made laptop a few weeks back, purchased in Khon Kean. Seems to be farked allready. Long and short - its a blue screen jobby on boot up. A friend who is pretty clued up with this sort of thing couldnt fix it, and so i think i may need specialist help.

Im sure there is a guy on this forum who repairs laptops for a living? If your reading this, could you nudge me? I need to fire it down to you for a looksee.

Its brand new, loaded with XP I believe. Im afraid I dont have the disk to re-load it, if that is what is required.

Can you help, whoever you are?



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The Girlfiends Niece arived home with a cheap tacky Thai made laptop a few weeks back, purchased in Khon Kean. Seems to be farked allready. Long and short - its a blue screen jobby on boot up. A friend who is pretty clued up with this sort of thing couldnt fix it, and so i think i may need specialist help.

Im sure there is a guy on this forum who repairs laptops for a living? If your reading this, could you nudge me? I need to fire it down to you for a looksee.

Its brand new, loaded with XP I believe. Im afraid I dont have the disk to re-load it, if that is what is required.

Can you help, whoever you are?



Hi Stan

I'm sure my mate could fix it (cheaply) but WHERE ARE YOU IN THE WORLD????????????


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Hi Dave

Im in Kanchanaburi.... pretty far from Surin! I wouldnt have any issues posting it though - if you know the guy well and he is a bona fida ex pat? I mean... you know; as aposed to nipping over for a couple of months each time. Ahh.. you know what I mean. Would it be safe to do so?

I feel bad for the girl as this is the equivalent of a Ferrari gifted to her (she hails from poor village in Khon Kean and is now down with us for a year or two) - and the thing packed up after her brother pissed around wth it on day one. She's gutted, and genuinely needs it for studying. At least, word processing.... i can teach her computer basics.

A friend of mine came up for the day and spent a good few hours looking at it. He tried to re-load XP (not the original, a copy from work) but the issue is something to do with the boot menu; it wont boot from the DVD drive from start up, or something. He also downloaded a special boot programme that is supposed to solve it, but that didnt work. We tried all the usual stuff, such as booting from last known time all worked ok etc. Nothing worked.

He is convinced it will work though.

I did try and explain to the Mrs that all we have to do is post it back to the shop in KK where here Aunty purchased it. But thats proving an effort. Its supposed to be worth 26K but looking at the thing, i doubt it. It looks like a real cheap make although it is dual core processor with blue ray (actualy they are probably standard these days.)

Jesus. Im totaly waffeling her. had a few beers.....

Ok - that would be great if he/you could help, for a fee of course.

Let me know mate?



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