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Settlement Visa Success

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Hi All

Just wanted to let all who may have followed my story or offered advice know that today my wife picked up her passport complete with brand new 2yr settlement visa, and we are both extremely happy after an anxious couple of week of not hearing anything from the emabssy.

Not even an interview or a phonecall - just 2wks after submitting the application we had a message on the UK Vac website saying the application was ready to collect. Initially we thought it was a rejection as it seem to emphasise that the application was ready to collect rather than the passport more importantly. My wife jumped in a taxi after i called her to tell her something was ready to collect, but that it may well be bad news. Instead she collected a large envelope containing all our papers along with passport and complete with visa!!! Amazing really and im still a little shell shocked at how easy it has been!

To be fair i put a lot of effort into the supporting documents and if anyone would like me to upload them please let me know. I will be happy to edit out the personal bits so people can see the template we used and use it if they like.

One quick question - are we able to purchase a one way flight from thailand to UK or will she still need a return to satisy passport control?

Cheers all!!

Edited by jaylord
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Yes. Congrats. I'm currently in the process of applying for a Partner visa for my GF. I would think the world of you if you did upload those supporting documents. It would help me so much as a base line of how I need to format it.

Many thanks.

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Hi All

Just wanted to let all who may have followed my story or offered advice know that today my wife picked up her passport complete with brand new 2yr settlement visa, and we are both extremely happy after an anxious couple of week of not hearing anything from the emabssy.

Not even an interview or a phonecall - just 2wks after submitting the application we had a message on the UK Vac website saying the application was ready to collect. Initially we thought it was a rejection as it seem to emphasise that the application was ready to collect rather than the passport more importantly. My wife jumped in a taxi after i called her to tell her something was ready to collect, but that it may well be bad news. Instead she collected a large envelope containing all our papers along with passport and complete with visa!!! Amazing really and im still a little shell shocked at how easy it has been!

To be fair i put a lot of effort into the supporting documents and if anyone would like me to upload them please let me know. I will be happy to edit out the personal bits so people can see the template we used and use it if they like.

One quick question - are we able to purchase a one way flight from thailand to UK or will she still need a return to satisy passport control?

Cheers all!!

Great news and well worth the wait!

Best get the food shopping done before setting off on the trip to the uk!

All the best

roy gsd

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Hello All

As promised please find attached copy of the letter I used for my wife's settlement visa application. As you can see the outlay of the document as based heavily on the format offered on this forum by Rob (who i must thank for being kind enough to put on the site). The only real difference is in the 'relationship history' section obviously.

As you will read, i have been frank and honest in this section. I tell of how our relationship was pretty much non existant before we married as i could see no other way of explaining the last year. As out success shows - honestly is the best policy.

Please also note that we submitted as much support documentation as we could - which ended up with the application being a very hefty package!! It cost £20 to post to Thailand but was obviosuly worth it. But we figured it was better to submit something rather than leave anything in doubt. basically i tried to answer any question the embassy may have either in my letter or with supporting documentation.

My wife commented that when she submitted the application there were several other couples there with very thin folders and she was lugging in this encyclopedia thick wad of papers!!!

I hope some people may find it of use and please dont laugh at the end where it does get a little soppy! If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask i will do my best to help based on our experience.

Thanks all


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Hi All

Just wanted to let all who may have followed my story or offered advice know that today my wife picked up her passport complete with brand new 2yr settlement visa, and we are both extremely happy after an anxious couple of week of not hearing anything from the emabssy.

Not even an interview or a phonecall - just 2wks after submitting the application we had a message on the UK Vac website saying the application was ready to collect. Initially we thought it was a rejection as it seem to emphasise that the application was ready to collect rather than the passport more importantly. My wife jumped in a taxi after i called her to tell her something was ready to collect, but that it may well be bad news. Instead she collected a large envelope containing all our papers along with passport and complete with visa!!! Amazing really and im still a little shell shocked at how easy it has been!

To be fair i put a lot of effort into the supporting documents and if anyone would like me to upload them please let me know. I will be happy to edit out the personal bits so people can see the template we used and use it if they like.

One quick question - are we able to purchase a one way flight from thailand to UK or will she still need a return to satisy passport control?

Cheers all!!

hi jaylord. i would like to upload your settlement documents. how do we go about it. thanking you in anticipation. jbd
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Hello All

As promised please find attached copy of the letter I used for my wife's settlement visa application. As you can see the outlay of the document as based heavily on the format offered on this forum by Rob (who i must thank for being kind enough to put on the site). The only real difference is in the 'relationship history' section obviously.

As you will read, i have been frank and honest in this section. I tell of how our relationship was pretty much non existant before we married as i could see no other way of explaining the last year. As out success shows - honestly is the best policy.

Please also note that we submitted as much support documentation as we could - which ended up with the application being a very hefty package!! It cost £20 to post to Thailand but was obviosuly worth it. But we figured it was better to submit something rather than leave anything in doubt. basically i tried to answer any question the embassy may have either in my letter or with supporting documentation.

My wife commented that when she submitted the application there were several other couples there with very thin folders and she was lugging in this encyclopedia thick wad of papers!!!

I hope some people may find it of use and please dont laugh at the end where it does get a little soppy! If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask i will do my best to help based on our experience.

Thanks all

Great result, I appreciate the time put into it as I did a similar thing for my wifes permanent visa into Australia. It's well worth the time and effort to spell it all out in full detail, in our case and I think it was due to the work put into the application as it was processed in a very short time.

Another thing that can help is a couple of Statutary Declarations from friends especially from your home country if they have had to chance to meet your wife / girl friend confirming your commitment to each other etc.

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