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A Very Thai Coup: It’s Already Happening By Stealth !

Hermano Lobo

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A very Thai Coup: It’s already happening by Stealth !

Ladies and Gentlemen, right before your eyes, a new style of Coup d'État . Achieved by stealth, craftily by the back door. The Longest Day ? No, the longest coup in history.

Stage One:

The courts ban members of Thai Rak Thai from political office, especially the main target, Thaksin Shinawatra.

Next set up an election so that the Democrats and the greasy haired Abhisit are in pole position. Things are now going well. Plenty of positive publicity for the stooges set up to take over.

The Election is planned for 23rd December 2007. Although Thailand does not celebrate Christmas, important countries do, in a way Thailand recognises the time of year for the farang. That will keep some of the focus off the election.

Stage Two:

Whoops ! That was not supposed to happen. The Thai public have voted for PPP and other pro-TRT political groups.

Samak becomes PM, wait a minute he is a friend of Thaksin. Samak wants to change the constitution to help Thaksin recover his money, and then be rehabilitated.

This was not supposed to happen ! Abhisit and the Democrats were supposed to win !

The Thai people outside Bangkok are not as simple as they are portrayed, even without a decent education they have seen through the ruse and in effect voted for TRT in a new guise.

This was not supposed to happen ! Our media advisers assured us that the public can be brainwashed by a strong publicity campaign.

Stage Three:

Plenty of anti-Thaksin publicity from the media. PAD are reformed, back to the streets then and protest against the Democratically elected Government that the dirty old men of Bangkok didn’t want !

Clad the PAD, in yellow shirts to show their loyalty and patriotism to a ‘Democratic’ Thailand. Ignoring the fact that the PPP were elected.

Ignore the democratic process.

Ignore the 14 Million, soon to be disenfranchised, ordinary voters. They are simple folk and their opinion doesn’t really matter.

Thaksin back in Thailand with his football team ! What next ?

Start a heavy media campaign that makes Samak look like a short tempered buffoon. Begin court proceedings( or speed them up) against Thaksin Shinawatra.

Thaksin’s presence is rallying the 14 Million, they believe their man might be rehabilitated soon.

This cannot happen.

Start rumours of a coup !

Get the protestors out on the streets again. Pay them, con them, rely on their naivety to get things moving. Use your henchmen Chamlong and Sondhi to front the issue, show them as strong, independent and pro-Thai.

“Patriotism is the last refuge of a villain” – Samuel Johnson.

Samak is a stubborn old fool and things are moving slowly. Get Thaksin’s wife Potjamon in court and sentenced A.S.A.P.

Stage Four:

Potjamon sentenced to three years on a dodgy land deal(we all do that but we haven’t been found out).

The stressed out Thaksin family are seen coming out of court. Things are going well. Now for Thaksin himself.

Whoops again, Thaksin says he will name names if he appears in court. We cannot have that. Quick let him out of the country. We will screw him later !

Start more rumours of a coup again.

Up the activity of PAD on the streets, we have kept them ticking over with protests on a regular basis.

Samak is being stubborn again, can’t he take the hint ? Pity he has friends in high places.

Stage Five:

Grab 76 Million Baht from Thaksin. Continue the court proceedings in his absence(he won’t be able to name us if he’s not in court !).

Things are going well again, Thaksin is having problems at Manchester City.

Begin a media campaign for a National Government because a crisis is brewing. Try and make sure Abhisit heads this Government, continue the bad publicity against Samak.

Samak is being stubborn again. Rack-up the PAD demonstrations. Break into a TV station. Invade Government House, increase the Demonstrations. “We are being patriotic. We want Democracy even though nobody votes for us.”

Wear those yellow shirts.

Samak is Thaksin by Proxy, let it be known !

Now is the time to act !

Samak is being stubborn again. He’s ordered the arrest of the PAD leaders. Not to worry we will get them off with a public slap of the wrist.

More demonstrations, let’s dare Samak to send in the heavies to knock the demonstrators about to get them out of Government House. Blockade the airports. Upset the tourists(we don’t like that scum anyway).

dam_n! He hasn’t taken the bait !

Get the unions to strike, set up Samak for a fall.

Get the press to discuss a Post Samak regime.

Hey this is like before the election. Our boys are in position and ready to take over.

Samak is being stubborn again ! He has gone to visit the VVIP.

Talk of a civil war, frighten the public. Insist on a Government of National Unity(our boys really).

Announce that Samak will be gone soon.

Samak is still stubborn.

Increase the media campaign against the PPP and Samak.

Laugh at Thaksin and Manchester City. dam_n ! City has been sold to rich Arabs.

Continue as before until Samak and PPP is forced out. Abhisit will then take over and 14 million voters can go back to the rice fields.

Will this sneaky way of organising a coup send a trend ?

I have probably missed a few points, but the main thrust of the argument is that a coup is already taking place behind the scenes. If I were one of the 14 million who voted for the PPP, I would not be pleased at all.

Some of the 14 million(PPP supporters) have been involved in a fight with protestors, sadly one of the PAD has been killed.

Some parts of the media are alleging that the police allowed the PPP protestors a free passage onward for the conflict. Thereby giving the excuse for Samak to declare a State of Emergency.

This may or may not be true, more importantly who supports whom at the top. Is the military divided, likewise the police? PPP or PAD/Bangkok old money.

Cock-up or Conspiracy ? Probably a bit of both.

We know who in the long run the losers will be, the Thai people.

14 Million with a feeling of being disenfranchised. Did anybody vote for the PAD. However bad the Samak Government is, they were voted for.

Will the State of Emergency cool things down, or will the fight for Thailand, because that is what it is, a power struggle. Run on and on :o

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I was thinking "lobo" like for "lobotomy" ? But I like this post better than the previous one. And a quite accurate description of the recent events.

But I wouldn’t be so pessimistic, you say it yourself at the end of each stage : “Whoops ! That was not supposed to happen.” History is not written yet.

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Thaksin’s presence is rallying the 14 Million, they believe their man might be rehabilitated soon.

Abhisit will then take over and 14 million voters can go back to the rice fields.

If I were one of the 14 million who voted for the PPP, I would not be pleased at all.

Some of the 14 million(PPP supporters) have been involved in a fight with protestors, sadly one of the PAD has been killed.

14 Million with a feeling of being disenfranchised.

So much about the PPP's 14 million voters. 14 million this and 14 million that.

Are you aware that 14 million people also voted for Abhisit and the Democrats? In fact, more voted for the Democrats than voted for PPP, did you know that? No, I didn't think so.

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I was thinking "lobo" like for "lobotomy" ? But I like this post better than the previous one. And a quite accurate description of the recent events.

But I wouldn’t be so pessimistic, you say it yourself at the end of each stage : “Whoops ! That was not supposed to happen.” History is not written yet.


Obviously you are well known for your perceptive sense of humour !

Oldman river just keeps moaning along-

I suppose you counted the votes yourself ?

You do not believe in the so-called Democratic Process I take it?

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So much about the PPP's 14 million voters. 14 million this and 14 million that.

Are you aware that 14 million people also voted for Abhisit and the Democrats? In fact, more voted for the Democrats than voted for PPP, did you know that? No, I didn't think so.

This is a good one.

No one in PPP want to talk about another 14 million voted fo Democrat.

Below is the result of popular vote in the last election Dec 23, 2007.

Democrat: 14,084,265

PPP : 14,071,799

Many people are not aware of this fact, I guess.


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And these "backdoor coupes" will continue until either Elite completely regain their stranglehold on Thailand or their is another revolution that kicks them out once and FOR ALL!

Personally I don't think I want to be around for the ensuing bloodbath, but it is getting pretty close.

The end is nigh.....

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So much about the PPP's 14 million voters. 14 million this and 14 million that.

Are you aware that 14 million people also voted for Abhisit and the Democrats? In fact, more voted for the Democrats than voted for PPP, did you know that? No, I didn't think so.

This is a good one.

No one in PPP want to talk about another 14 million voted fo Democrat.

Below is the result of popular vote in the last election Dec 23, 2007.

Democrat: 14,084,265

PPP : 14,071,799

Many people are not aware of this fact, I guess.


The world would be a much nicer place if political parties were elected based on the total number of votes received.

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