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Are you women bored with all the discussions on this forum (not the ladies section) where women have just as valid points as men on Thai politics, Buddhism and other subjects but are never given the 'attention' or kudos that men are given on TV. I'm personally sick of it. The men on TV - just like the men that start wars - stick together and fight amongst themselves. I vote that women need to stand up more and be counted and stop hiding in Ladies - Ladies has it's uses but we women want to be part of the normal discussion

If this forum was a true, democratic forum there would be no need for a seperate womens forum - women should be included in the main forum as women and respected if they say things which are relevant to the topic in question. It is very old fashioned to create a seperate area for women/black people/disabled people etc etc etc


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I’m not a frequent in the Ladies forum, but love cruising the General with my baseball bat.

Yes, the general, I admit, most of the times are either quite boring, too biased of one loopside, or just a marry poppin going around-around in a musical chair game, however I do pick and choose my topic to participate carefully among the weeds. Once I feel strongly about the subject, that's when I normally jump into it and No I don’t have many problems with the guys much, they do listen to me (even tho if they don‘t , at least I come to say what I want to say)…….the key here is you just got to know what you’re talking about and be fair about it and look at the issues from both sides, not just from your own sex’s point of view only.

So no I have no problem in the general and the men. Of course most of them there I probably wouldn’t want to touch with the 20 meter pole in the real life, but when they’re using their brain/common sense to answering the question and making some good points then I do respect them. Many times I learnt things outside my own sex and outside myself through their point of views/experiences and discussions with them.

Manytime, It is not even about good or bad,....true or false,... it is just different.

I don’t take things too personal and….. it takes a lot of negativities to dent or damp my spirit. :o

Just me

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Dear Nampeung,

Just hold on to your hat for another 221 posts and you can join us in the "mature" private sub-forum.

I'm not permitted to say too much about it, but once you pass 500 posts you can join us in our heart-felt, honest little community. We're outside the box, really.

Kind regards,



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Dear Nampeung,

Just hold on to your hat for another 221 posts and you can join us in the "mature" private sub-forum.

I'm not permitted to say too much about it, but once you pass 500 posts you can join us in our heart-felt, honest little community. We're outside the box, really.

if it's the forum which i think it is then you haven't missed much recently Nampeung :o

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occasionally i am in the mood and i will delve into the discussions, but you have to wade through so much off-topic, abusive b.s. on this board that most of the time i don't even bother. i think a lot of the men get bashed as much as the women, there are definitely a lot of farang-women-haters here too. i prefer the thorn tree board, though it's been dead lately.

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BUT!.. do you really care? Do you really need validation from men on this forum that you have a valid point?

To a certain extent, a lot of the male posters on TV, dont just hate women, they tend to hate everyone. It is as though they suffer from "only miserable child, never had a playmate, never shared a toy" syndrome.

So.. whats the hurt if they do not acknowledge other view points?

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Sending you lots of stars Teacup - Chan mai roo tdao majac nai, jum mai dai nah kha x


Before you dry up in here, let’s go clubbing at the “Beefcake Club”….it will definitely CHEEEER you up. Hurry B4 those ladies turn the club to a PG-13 place!

Come w/ your “HOT” boy, it’s the only way to get in,…..more than one, the better. :D

We may need to borrow your STARs at the judging time

I will be there later, once I’m done w/ the works.

P’ Tc :o

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i'm very active in a lot of online communities, and a moderator in some, but personally, i rarely post on thaivisa at all... most of the threads seem filled with many argumentative types with chips on their shoulders talking about things that aren't very interesting in the first place.

and for me, i figure there's no point in wishing i fit in better with the menfolk on here. i likely wouldn't care to talk to them in real life either. so keeping away from them in cyberspace is entirely consistent.

i do most definitely check in to the ladies forum here, though, because it reminds me that there are some truly awesome women who live in thailand.

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The Ladies Forum should be set to private - only Ladies Fo registered members can get in! lol!

Don't know how practical this would be as we don't know which members are actually woman. :o I have been mistaken as a woman as my nick is 'sue' gha. :D

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The Ladies Forum should be set to private - only Ladies Fo registered members can get in! lol!

Don't know how practical this would be as we don't know which members are actually woman. :o I have been mistaken as a woman as my nick is 'sue' gha. :D

They do this at Ajarn forum, their ladies' forum is locked and only women can get in. Not even the gays.

P.S. I'm a gay male.

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if we had to make ths a locked area then it would just mean we aren't be diligent enough moderating it. We keep the <deleted> out & come down hard on trouble makers & stirrers to make sure this place is open to all, male, female, gay straight, thai, foreign, everyone is welcome as long as they play nice. A few idiots wont stop that as long as we keep our moderation strict :o

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I actually prefer to have some men (gay or straight!) posting in here. It can add to a lively and intelligent conversation. And polite men with good manners are always more than welcome.

Thats why we love Suegha :o

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Don't know how practical this would be as we don't know which members are actually woman. :o I have been mistaken as a woman as my nick is 'sue' gha. :D

Haha, sounds sorta like the general Thai english pronunciation of "Sugar", which suits you well, cuz ur just as sweet :D

(Edited to put in bold :D)

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Just like on any forum, there are divisions of subject matter, or it'd get crazy. So on TV there's a women's forum, just like there's a gay forum and a BKK forum.

In saying that...

...in the bad 'ole days, 'out there' got pretty rough and nasty (especially towards western women) so having an 'in here' with the rules the gals put in place was like having a calm, polite island amongst the storm.

As far as posting 'out there' goes, it's just like any forum. Until you and your opinions are known (unless you are an outrageous flamer or just outrageous), then you are pretty much ignored. It's sort of an invisible forum rule really (and no, I don't understand all the reasons as it's not always so every time).

And thinking about it... I don't post often enough in here (I'm usually out there, if anything). So when I do, my comments generally fall to the wayside pretty quick. Not that out there is a sure bet as I either get a chuckle back, or nothing at all, or someone trying to make points off my points. Because yes, out there is more of a points game.

All I know for sure is TV is unlike any forum I've even belonged to.

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The Ladies Forum should be set to private - only Ladies Fo registered members can get in! lol!

Don't know how practical this would be as we don't know which members are actually woman. :D I have been mistaken as a woman as my nick is 'sue' gha. :D

It wasn't cos of your nick... :o:D

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