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Half Life 2


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So I scurried down to Pantip on release day to buy a legit copy, got it home and cannot register it through steam to play the offline single player.

The connection to Steam times out, I think it may be the campus LAN here.

Anyone have the game working here? Anyone want to let me use their connection so I can register my copy to play? :o

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For steam to work the following ports need to be open:

UDP 1200 (used for friends service)

UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive

TCP 27030 to 27039 inclusive

If you have bought the shop copy you only need to authenticate only the one time

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I went through the install and registration process last night. It was ###### slow, took about 45 minutes or so. The progress indicator on STREAM is pretty slow, so its hard to know if it has locked up or is grinding away.

Happy to help out (so long as it doesn't mean buggering up my own install - I'm not going through that again) - but I'm not sure how or what you have in mind. I'd suggest trying to run it in early in the morning when all the students are sleeping...

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I went through the install and registration process last night. It was ###### slow, took about 45 minutes or so. The progress indicator on STREAM is pretty slow, so its hard to know if it has locked up or is grinding away.

45 mins to register? Bad move Valve, this will only encourage people to use hacked versions.

Anyone tell me how this program runs on a mid level machine? Doom 3 runs like a dog on my box!

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no way to open those ports or even make sure they are indeed closed here. disappointing. apparently the maintenance of the network is contracted out.

need to lug my machine somewhere to an internet connection. :o

I heard half life has modest sys req compared to doom3.

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I went through the install and registration process last night. It was ###### slow, took about 45 minutes or so. The progress indicator on STREAM is pretty slow, so its hard to know if it has locked up or is grinding away.

45 mins to register? Bad move Valve, this will only encourage people to use hacked versions.

Anyone tell me how this program runs on a mid level machine? Doom 3 runs like a dog on my box!

I brought yesterday from Zest,surprised there was no copy's available in Panthip,that must be a first,I also agree, took ages to register the steam.

Does not run very well on my PC,everything is on low,and its still jerky.I have 240 Ghz and 256 of ram,and at least 12 mg of free space,must be my graphic card Nvidia 5200 tornado.

My other problem is that I cannot play in offline mode,even though I ticked for it to remember user/pass.Anyone got any ideas on that? please

Overall the game looks great,I just wish I could play it on full.

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I went through the install and registration process last night. It was ###### slow, took about 45 minutes or so. The progress indicator on STREAM is pretty slow, so its hard to know if it has locked up or is grinding away.

45 mins to register? Bad move Valve, this will only encourage people to use hacked versions.

Anyone tell me how this program runs on a mid level machine? Doom 3 runs like a dog on my box!

I brought yesterday from Zest,surprised there was no copy's available in Panthip,that must be a first,I also agree, took ages to register the steam.

Does not run very well on my PC,everything is on low,and its still jerky.I have 240 Ghz and 256 of ram,and at least 12 mg of free space,must be my graphic card Nvidia 5200 tornado.

you have a funny computer 240 ghz lol, oh yes we have the year 2547....

256 Ram is to less for nearly everything. 12 mg free space lol

My other problem is that I cannot play in offline mode,even though I ticked for it to remember user/pass.Anyone got any ideas on that? please

Overall the game looks great,I just wish I could play it on full.

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The STEAM thing really is beginning to sh1t me. I am entirely happy to sit through an online registration process to help the maker of such a great game stay in business - so long as I only have to do it *once*.

But I'm pretty sick of every ###### thing sticking another icon in my system tray whether I like it or not and sucking up my resources - and intrusively connecting and updating itself with excruciating slowness. I've only had the game for a few days, I want to play it not sit around updating STEAM again. Argh !!!

Lucky there's an SMG and lots of bullets waiting for me at the end of this...

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The STEAM thing really is beginning to sh1t me. I am entirely happy to sit through an online registration process to help the maker of such a great game stay in business - so long as I only have to do it *once*.

But I'm pretty sick of every ###### thing sticking another icon in my system tray whether I like it or not and sucking up my resources - and intrusively connecting and updating itself with excruciating slowness. I've only had the game for a few days, I want to play it not sit around updating STEAM again. Argh !!!

Lucky there's an SMG and lots of bullets waiting for me at the end of this...

I totally agree,the steam thing every time is a real pain,only once has it let me play offline.Always takes about 20-30 min to get to the actual game play

Yesterday I upgraded my pc to 120 M,512 ram,now its running perfect on almost all high settings.

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The registration was very slow even i use true adsl (well maybe not even...) Then I switched to true2m [*] and in 1mn it was done ... bluffing ... I d advice you to do the same and check.

Hope it helps

[*]: the internet boost for truehisp: normlly your login is xxxx@truehisp you remove truehisp and put true2m: xxxxxx@true2m

Each hour in this mode costs you 25 bahts more.

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