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Thai Men- Crazier Than The Average Farang?


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I think I'm going to sign over all of my property to my wife today, then I'm going to go for some cheese lasagna...

feeling CRAZY!


Don't do it Heng, take the meds first and see if that works. :)

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I think the old saying that, "If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas." may apply here. Of course, I don't hang out at bars and karaoke joints, so I miss out on the sophistication of that clientele.

Yes, depending very much with whom, when, where under which circumstances!

And it does apply universally!

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Thai Men- Crazier Than The Average Farang?

Given the high percentage of missfits and 'damaged goods' within the Farang communtity - I doubt very much that Thai men come even close.

And please get real - Missfit and damaged goods farangs proclaiming judgement on Thai guys?!

Don't know how you have concluded that I am a misfit and damaged goods farang, but anyway, I honestly believe that the average farang has more control over his emotions than the average Thai. I'm not the first to draw this conclusion. Thais are always having to save face and keep up appearances. Farangs in the West are far less concerned with this. So while we can constantly vent, the Thais hold it all inside and wait for the moment to snap. Again, a generalization, but I see it more here than on my trips back to the US.

As a generalisation you are right. Though I have Thai male and female friends I keep my guard up but have no problems. Have no knowledge of the south so I will not comment.

I would not worry about the Thai apologists on this forum or those that knock farang.

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Many Farang guys come here, buy land and house they can never own, most can't speak the language, many have problems with Visa regulations, many end up bitter and twisted , hating everything about Thailand, many join an internet forum and spend nearly every waking hour in front of a PC complaining to total strangers on an anonymous internet forum about how bad Thailand is.

Yep, those Thai guys are Crazy. :)

Edited by Maigo6
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I know for myself, if I couldn't own property, had questionable immigration status, was old/bald, or young/with a wealth of dreams (and not much else), and had limited communication with my significant other (usually along the lines of identifying which foods were spicy and talking about where I/you/he/she "go"), I'd probably be rationalizing how "crazy/jealous/xenophobic/etc." the local "competition" was too. And to emphasize the point: the motorcycle taxi dudes, boat crew guys, and whoever was hanging out in front of the nearest and cheapest karaoke joints would automatically be the prime examples.


Thank u for summing up what I was trying to say... LoL

If one truly feels like everyone is acting crazy towards them, maybe that person should reconsider how they are acting themself... instead of assuming everyone else must just be crazy.

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Thai men are crazy. My example would be Heng (well, okay Chinese / American Thais...).

Foreign men are crazy too; the longer they have been here the crazier they become: Maigo6, how long have you been here?

It's not their fault, it's something in the water. Oh, yeah, it is also to do with the extremely %$#@ ed-up society, lack of education, extreme rates of alcoholism, the proliferation of incredibly low IQ's (check the studies before you throw stones...), class oppression leading to a permanent state of simmering violence, perceived financial divide with foreigners and some other stuff it's dangerous to discuss (like my missus' PMS :) ).

It's a slow day at the office...

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Its not that Thai men are crazier than farang men, its that people below the poverty level are more likely to be an alcohol or drug abuser, to have had a history of being exposed to violence, and to have had a personal history which negatively affected their personality in a way which makes them predisposed to violence/blow ups. Therefore, the OP misplaced correlation with causation. Certainly, the Pattaya beer bar crowd are more likely to "go crazy" then the well dressed Thai male office workers lunching in Paragon.

Class dismissed.

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Keep telling yourself that your dark skinned 30 something Issan girlfriend with two children is desired by Thai men, eventually you might convince yourself it is true!

Why worry about what Thai men think of your wife? It's what you think of her that matters. What others think of her is between you and your insecurities. :)

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Keep telling yourself that your dark skinned 30 something Issan girlfriend with two children is desired by Thai men, eventually you might convince yourself it is true!

Why worry about what Thai men think of your wife? It's what you think of her that matters. What others think of her is between you and your insecurities. :)

I find the op very offensive to thai women whos skin is dark.Also if i was thjai i would be very very offended too.

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^ just offensive to thai women with dark skin? I think you overlooked some things there doodee...

So the post is even worse then,maybe a ban is in order EEK.I said thai because he referred to Issan women and i did think they were thai,unless i have missed something????

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I know for myself, if I couldn't own property, had questionable immigration status, was old/bald, or young/with a wealth of dreams (and not much else), and had limited communication with my significant other (usually along the lines of identifying which foods were spicy and talking about where I/you/he/she "go"), I'd probably be rationalizing how "crazy/jealous/xenophobic/etc." the local "competition" was too. And to emphasize the point: the motorcycle taxi dudes, boat crew guys, and whoever was hanging out in front of the nearest and cheapest karaoke joints would automatically be the prime examples.


Thank u for summing up what I was trying to say... LoL

If one truly feels like everyone is acting crazy towards them, maybe that person should reconsider how they are acting themself... instead of assuming everyone else must just be crazy.

No worries, I have buried hundreds of similar time capsules of wisdom all over through this forum, enjoy! The other 6,000 or so posts though are just me winding folks up.


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I've met my fair share of Thai crazies in the past but the out and out barking nutters I've run into have always been westerners. It amazes me how they manage to dress themselves in the morning let alone buy a flight ticket, get to the airport, get on a plane, come to LOS, get through immi and find their way to where I am.

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Keep telling yourself that your dark skinned 30 something Issan girlfriend with two children is desired by Thai men, eventually you might convince yourself it is true!

Personally, I couldn't give a stuff if my (beautiful) dark skinned 30 something Isaan g/f with two (lovely) children is desired by anyone, Thai or farang.

With regard to the OP I know there are dangerous crazy violent people everywhere (I've seen more in East London where I grew up and live)

some farang (5 english guys wo attacked my g/f for example) and some Thai. Dangerous generalisations based on skin colour social class/background give more away about the people who express those views than those they are reffering to. In my opinion.

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Dangerous generalisations based on skin colour social class/background give more away about the people who express those views than those they are reffering to. In my opinion.

Yes, and it seems to me that this and bonobo's response to this year old thread pretty much cover it all.

The nasty generalizations about Thai men, Thai women and western men in this thread will merely provoke further nastiness, abuse and warnings to be handed out.


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