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Employment Visa

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Hi there.

Just arriving in Chiang Mai on a tourist visa, I've been offered a job and get an employment contract for 1 year at the time.

I know that when my tourist visa expires i have to go to Vientiane anyway, but with the offered contract in my pocket, what to do and what type of visa to apply for?

Do i need a work permit in advance (or not at all), and then I've been told I have to pay 20.000Bath for the permit alone??

Pls. help.


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non-B single entry (wich is not an employement visa as this doesn't exist in LOS) as you don't have a work permit papers required : www.mfa.go.th

the work permit will be paid by the company unless stated opposite in the work contract .

you'll of course need to apply for the work permit before leaving the country and get the non-B as the WP3 recept is a part of the required papers.

list of documents to submit at the labour departement :

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You can apply in Thailand for a change to a non-B at an immigration office if you have at least 21 days left on your permitted to stay stamp. (And of course have al the required documents as mentioned above).

The workpermit isn't 20,000 and should cost only 3,100. Immigration will ask for another 1,900 to change your visa.

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<br />You can apply in Thailand for a change to a non-B at an immigration office if you have at least 21 days left on your permitted to stay stamp. (And of course have al the required documents as mentioned above). <br /><br />The workpermit isn't 20,000 and should cost only 3,100. Immigration will ask for another 1,900 to change your visa.<br />

this is only if he can qualify for an extension of stay and this can't be done without a work permit aswell as other requirements.

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You can apply in Thailand for a change to a non-B at an immigration office if you have at least 21 days left on your permitted to stay stamp. (And of course have al the required documents as mentioned above).

The workpermit isn't 20,000 and should cost only 3,100. Immigration will ask for another 1,900 to change your visa.

Believe the WP's are valid for two years now and believe they can charge you up to THB 20,000, understand this came in this year

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They changed the law and can now charge upt to a maximum of 20,000 baht per workpermit and the WP can now be given for 2 years instead of 1. But they haven't raised the price yet and they still only give 1 year.

Note that under the old rules they could already charged 10,000 but only charged 3,100.

As for my remark above about the cost to change the visa, this is 2,000 baht, not 1,900. Sorry.

Edited by Mario2008
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Correct, if you have more than 21 days left on your permitted to stay stamp you can apply for in Thailand it self. would be in English. But have your employer contact the labour office to see which documents they require. It is he who has to do all the work. In the mea time you can have a few nice photo's taken for immigration and labour department and go to the hospital for a health check (cost 30 or 50 baht).

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So if I understood I can change my TV into a non-B visa without leaving the country?

I also need to have the workpermit site translated because can only get it in Thai!

Go to this page ตท.3 then click on the Download link at the bottom of the page (not the top).

The first page of the pdf is in Thai, but the rest is in English.

As I understand it, you can only convert your tourist visa to non immigrant as part of the process of applying for an Extension of Permission to Stay. These extensions on the basis of business under Section 7.1 of National Police Order 606/2549 are almost imposible to get, particularly if you work for a small or newly formed company.

Better you go abroad to get a non immigrant B; Apply for the WP, awaiting the visa and copy of you new passport stamp. Here is the list of required paperwork http://www.mfa.go.th/web/2482.php?id=2492 The letter of authorisation refered to is the WP3 receipt that you will get from Labour when you/your employer applies for your Work Permit.

Edited by digitalchromakey
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  • 3 weeks later...

If you had employment contract in your hands,every thing including the work permit details will be submit and taken care by your employer itself.You no need to worry about that.After 1 year if your employer not going to extend your job than you have to leave for your place or else you can apply for work permit for some where else from your place.



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