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Problems Getting My Netgear Wireless Router Working


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I have an internet connection with TT&T and have recently purchased a NETGEAR DG834G wireless router to replace the standard single port ADSL2+ router that TT&T provided.

I have configured the NETGEAR router and can access maybe 2 - 3 websites, all other sites that i try to access automatically re-route me to the Routers configuration page.

The following list details the troubleshooting i have already performed, any help would be appreciated.

1. NETGEAR configured with TT&T username, password, PPPoE, LLC, VPI/VCI settings

2. NETGEAR configured for wireless with no security and my wireless laptop successfully connects to the router

3. I can connect to www.citibank.com and do my internet banking

4. I can connect to www.google.com

5. Any other website i try to connect to defaults to the NETGEAR automatic setup page

6. Running NETGEAR automatic setup, it runs for about 10 minutes and then says i have no ADSL connection

7. Switching back to my TT&T router is successful 100% of the time so no issue with the carrier

8. When the NETGEAR router is working on the 2 successful websites, my laptop connecting through wireless will also default to the NETGEAR configuration programme when trying to connect to any website.

Any idea ?

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Give an example of "any other website"...or better, two or three examples.

I am curious if you could connect to same sites using the IP address rather than URL....maybe a DNS problem.

Any webiste really, but examples of the ones i have tried - www.bbc.co.uk, www.dailyfx.com, www.me.com. You may be correct that its a dns problem because the ones that have been successful are ones that i have accessed when the PC was connected to the original TT&T router and may still be in the cache. But this would be a problem with TT&T because they handle all the DNS configuration..

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ok, try to connect to www.bbc.co.uk

if that fails, try

post your results back

Yep your right this works.

So the websites that worked are those that i had accessed on the old router before i switched across to the NETGEAR router and hence were still cached locally.

Trying the websites that previously worked again, they no longer work.

This also explains why an application i use to receive financial information has always worked, as it must use a different protocol which does not need DNS.

Thanks for your help, i will try the helpdesk at TT&T again.

Once i have an answer i will post it here as the Router i am using is very common !

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In your netgear router, how are you getting DNS, auto-discover or user-discovered? (That is the nomenclature that my TT&T Hatari modem/router uses, yours might be different).

I am guessing that in copying the config to your new router, you might have inadvertantly hard-coded a DNS server that is not reachable.

If you do not get some satisfaction from TT&T...

You can try opendns.com....for your DNS, configure, if there is a spot for a secondary put

Might take care of your problem.

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I would just add openDNS servers to your DNS servers on your netgear as 1st and second forget thai DNS servers

Thanks folks, works now !!!!

This is a NETGEAR DG834G Wireless ADSL2+ Router. The automatic config option does not work with TT&T and you have to manually configure the settings through the interface.

Maybe worth pinning this, i suspect i am not alone.

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