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15 Day Tourist Visa Forms


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I am traveling to Thailand for a holiday with my partner. I am from the UK and she is from Poland. I belive we will need different visa on arrivals. I can get a 30 day one she can get the 15 day (we are staying for 14 days). I have all travel documents (e-mail tickets) and print outs of different hotels bookings we have made. She has 2 passport photos (would I need two as well?). So I have a few qustion that maybe someone could help with....

1. Do I need to print off the visa form and have them filled in before we fly? If so where can i print them from.

2. We are flying to Bangkok airport, would we have to go to a sperate area to make the application?

3. The 10,000 baht, would we actually have to have that in cash for each of us? Is there another way we can prove we have more than enough spending money?

4. Are there any other problems we need to be aware of?

Thank you for you help


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As a UK national you will get a "visa exempt entry", which means you will get a stamp in your passport allowing you to stay for 30 days. No photo's or forms are required for this. On board the plane they will give you a arrival card, that is the only thing you will have to fill in. Just go to the normal immigration lines.

Your partner will have to apply for a "visa on arrival". You apply for that at BKK airport itself. Your partner just has to follow the signs for visa on arrival and fill in the paperwork there and go through immigration.

The 10,000 baht is rearly checked and can be in travellerchecks etc. If need be you can use an ATM at the airport.

No other things necesarry. Have a nice stay.

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