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Los g/f can it work out ?


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Having met "Girl of Dreams" I'm just wondering if it can work out well or whether it's just a pipedream !

I've met the lady and are now starting out on a long distance relationship, planning to visit her every 3 months, she's 30 & I'm 29 and she says time is important to her but she'll never change and can wait for me. Hopefully in a couple of years I should be able to live over there nearly full time all going well.

I'm just after advice, she tells me all the usual script and texts me every day. I phone her and we talk normally for about 30mins a day although sometimes 2hours! I don't send her money and she never asks for it, I can always phone her

in her room after work.

She tells me a lot of things about her life and that she has a

"friend" in the UK that comes to visit her sometimes (who I can meet, I think he sends £ and that she is not "prostitute", she doesn't drink.

I am under no illusion she is an extremely beautiful girl and has

done some advertising work in the past, it would be easy for her to get a boyfriend I'm just wondering if the long distance can work for a while until we can live together and if anyone has any good experiences of this ??

Thanks a lot,  ???

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Suggest you go to www.stickmanbangkok.com and read the "Reader's Submissions" column. Take your time and wander through them all -- it's very rewarding. Good luck. I hope your dreams aren't shattered afterwards. It's a cruel world out there, my friend, but heed the advice of those who have been there before you. The bottom line is that there is no "girl of my dreams" out there just waiting for a farang on a 2 week holiday to come along to rescue her. That's the world of fantasy, sorry. And in case you're sitting there at your computer and wondering whether writers like myself just might, maybe even a little bit, be wrong -- no, we're not.
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It depends on how she sees the relationship as well.  Also how long have you two known each other.  From what I've read in your other post, it hasn't been very long.  That could make things more difficult.

Can it work?  Yes, it can.  But will it work for you?  That will depend on lots of factors.  If she really really likes you, there's a higher chance that things could work out.  But at the same time, one has to be realistic.  In my opinion, you two haven't really got to know each other long enough to give it good survival rate.  That's just my personal opinion (speaking from experience that is).  

I had a bf in America a kong time ago.  We started going out when I was about to go back to Thailand.  We were only together for a few months.  Then we tried to make the long distance thing work.  Well, it didn't.  It's not like any of us were unfaithful (well, I wasn't anyway).  But we just grew apart.  Maybe it was dued to the fact that we were only young then as well.  But with my partner now, we've been together for years and years.  So, when we have to be apart, I feel that it is easier than my previous long distance relationship in some way.

So, really, I would say it can work.  But don't wear your heart on your sleeve and jump in at the deep end.  Take it slow and get to know each other.  Bear in mind that any relationship can break up (as much as they could work out). One thing I find rather amazing with quite a few farang/Thai relationships is that most seem to have been swept away in a whirlwind romance!  That's not necessary a bad thing but it sometimes can make you lose the plot. So, once again, proceed with care.  

Good luck!

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Cheers all, D80 I've only known the girl a short time but she knows I'm serious about her I seen her at the end of June, and will be goin back end of sept & end of Dec, there's never

a time I can't get hold of her or she goes "missing".

She's had a long term farang b4 for 3 years who lived teaching in BKK and he left her for wanting a better life back in europe,he hurt her a lot and she doesn't want someone just coming over and wasting all there money without securing there financial future- which I should be able to do in 2years and she knows about this plan. She says I give her a lot of hope so maybe this is why and we are of similar ages, she has been hurt a lot in the past and wants someone who really loves her - which she knows I do.

I'm losing the plot here, but she never asks for money and I think whilst I keep it like that then she is prooving something to me? (Although we are trying to get a tourist visa for Uk so maybe she just wants an airfare!)

Thanks again.............???  :o  :D

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Hi Muay Thai,

'Respectable' Thai women do not ask for money from their boyfriend.  I know you have heard a lot about Thai women ripping their farang partner off.  But really, from what I have seen, proper relationship with a Thai woman away from the bar scene or dodgy scenario doesn't work like that.  If anything, the women will be more careful not to be seen as taking advantage of their partners.  My family and I were very cautious of the issues and don't usually let my then boyfriend pay for anything while in Thailand.  So, it's not surprising that she has not asked for money.  It's only a decent thing to do anyway.

As I said before, there is every chance that the relationship will work.  And I hope it will.  I was only speaking from experience that usually it will be very difficult for it to work.  Nevertheless, it'll be up to the two of you.  So if you are both serious about making it work, then I dojn't see why it wouldn't.

Again, good luck!  :o

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Hi Muay Thai

Hang in there!!

It's true that a majority of these relationships do not work, and believe me this is all I was told when I was in your position last year. If you feel this girl is as honest in her feelings as you are, go with your heart. It may not work out but the same can be said of all relationships.

There are many out there that can give advice, having had bad experiences and their viewpoint is fair. But there are some who can tell you where it has gone right.

See how your next visit goes in September and take it from there. If you would like any more info, would be only too happy to help.

Pubboy :o

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Nobody, but maybe yourself, can answer your question.

The only advice I can offer is to take it a step at a time and only invest in the short term what you are prepared to lose. I am sure there many questions to answer - who is he who sends her GBPs and why? etc. and I am sure you are asking yourself them and eventually will ask your g/f.

I have seen situations where it works - and some where it fails. Your situation depends upon you - and her! The long distance thing does take more commitment and resources (time and money). Good luck.

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I suggest u make as many thai friends as possible and introduce ur gf.Ask for their opinions becos sometimes only thais can tell if she's honest with u.Also try to talk or hang out with her friends :o Love can always make u blind.I think the question for u now is not wheter the long distance thing will survive but what is this girl doing when ur away?!!I've heard too many sad stories between thai girls and western guys and i dont want u to be the next victim.Anyway i had been in a long distance relationship for 7 months before he decided to end it.I wasnt even that sad because at that time i didnt even remember what he looked like and the memory had faded away little by little from the beginning i guess.I did not regret it at all cos at least we gave it a try.I am now in a long distance relationship again so wish me luck!! I wish u the best.
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Well it could if you don't mind sharing her with others farangs. Where did you meet her ? Kho San road ? a lot of pro go there now and have sex for free with some farangs and pay for their own drink and everything, just to catch them later with interests for a big pay off. I have a personal lady friend I have known for years (10 years) and she is a pro (not my style though, never did it with her and she is a very very good friend). She had many boyfriends and usually the unexpected guy fall in love with her. She never ask for money first and then discretely using Thai style techniques, she asked for little sums, over and over. Usually, she has an "official" sponsor to take care of the "daily" expenses, and then she has her "favorite" guys who are not charged for anything until the big "sponsor" cut her loose and she needs the money again.

So if you don't mind sharing, it could work. That guy from England is probably the "official" sponsor. Don't be surprised if she has to go to the country to see her family for a few weeks, you know what it means.

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It sadden me to see so many post about Thai women being 'a pro' and taking money from their western bf by faking a relationship.  I know they exist and am not going to argue about that.  I try to be open minded but I have no respect for this sort of women.  Prostitutes are more respectable than them in my opinion.  At least prostitutes are honest about what they do (No matter how disillusioned their customers may get sometimes).  

Playing with someone's feeling just to get material gain like the girl Butterfly is describing is totally unacceptable in my book (sorry Butterfly, I know she's your friend but what she does is really against my principle).  Ach!  I don't kow.  It's just so CHEAP!  Where is the self respect!?

I don't know what Muay_Thai's girl of dream is like.  But if she is anything a standard, 'ordinary' and 'respectable' Thai woman, he would not have to share her with other farangs in that manner.  If he does, she is bad news and should be dropped immediately if you want a serious relationship (but if you want a rented gf then that's another story).  

Seriously, I don't know how many of you will believe me.  There are Thai women out there who just want decent relationship and not expecting you to pay them.  These women look for good characters not a walking ATM.  I appreciate that there is a risk here and it should be heard.  But from some posts (not just from this topics), I get the impression that all Thai women just want money and that's it!  It's just absurd!  

Outside the internet, I heard stories from Thai friends of some decent Thai women getting involved with farangs in LOS and got taken for a ride too (the Thai ladies got ripped off by the farangs).  I wonder why these stories have never really been told here.

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I agree 100% with you. I think that part of the problem is that the majority of farang men get involved with women who do not fit your description of "a standard, 'ordinary' and 'respectable' Thai woman".

It is sad but true that so many get involved with women of the night and therefore judge all Thai women by that standard.

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Playing with someone's feeling just to get material gain like the girl Butterfly is describing is totally unacceptable in my book (sorry Butterfly, I know she's your friend but what she does is really against my principle).  Ach!  I don't kow.  It's just so CHEAP!  Where is the self respect!?

I agree with you 100% on that one but this is not really what she is doing. She actually likes the different guys, it's just that she can't make up her mind  :D

No, she is not playing with their feelings because those feelings are actually shared but she has the possibility to meet different people all the time and she enjoys having new boyfriends: something in this century that shouldn't be the monopoly of men.

I actually support her and don't judge her. I give my occasional feelings on the boyfriends I meet so she does not get involved with some nasty guys. There are a lot of "bad" farangs here who play with (and abuse) "Thai" women extreme emotional sensitivity (yeah even the bar girls are very sensitive despite what most people think and that explain very much their "tough" reactions to men). We don't hear much about these stories but I tell you that there are a lot of "shit" farangs here who abuse those little Thai women because they can't do it in their own country.

It's also difficult for her to take some men seriously when she stay with them for less than 2 weeks and they already want to get married and start a marital life with her. Even farangs girls wouldn't take seriously someone like that so why should Thai women do ? because they are more "feminine" ? that does not make them any dumber.

So after 2 weeks when the guy leaves and they both shared a wonderful time together, what is she going to do ? wait for him to return ? pleeeaaassseeeee !!! most guys forget their summer love once they return to their daily routine. How many guys said they will come back and never did ? see my point ?

She is looking for a long term relationship with the right guy but at the same time she is getting very much self-sufficient and independant thanks to the money she is getting from the "sponsors".

It's funny, somehow prostitution or "undercover" prostitution is giving a sense of self-dependance to many of these girls in a "feminist" kind of way. Now how ironic could all of this be ?  :o

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I wouldn't have said anything about what your friend was doing had there not been talk of 'official sponsor' and how she gets her 'boyfriend' to pay for things (and really, it applies to both men and women).  Asking money from one's boyfriend or girlfriend in a 'normal' (perhaps middle-class) and 'decent' Thai relationship is actually frowned upon.  From what I have experienced, most couples (Thai-Thai and Thai-Farang) who are serious about their long term relationship don't do it unless and until they are sure they will settle down together.  This is just from my experience, some people may differ.  

The impression I got from your previous post was that your friend goes around and sees lots of men (that, I have no problem with), lead them to believe they are in some sort of a relationship with her and get money from them (ie. them becoming her 'official sponsor'-this, I disagree).  I apologise if I got it wrong.  But it's hard to see it any other way when you said:

'a lot of pro go there now and have sex for free with some farangs and pay for their own drink and everything, just to catch them later with interests for a big pay off . I have a personal lady friend I have known for years (10 years) and she is a pro...' ---->So, I (maybe wrongly) assumed she was/is a pro who try to 'catch (farangs) later with interests for a big pay off' and what is this big pay off if not the money she discretly asked for.


'She never ask for money first and then discretely using Thai style techniques, she asked for little sums, over and over' ---->From this, I (again maybe wrongly) assumed she actually asks and gets money from her men while dating them.  


'Usually, she has an "official" sponsor to take care of the "daily" expenses, and then she has her "favorite" guys who are not charged for anything until the big "sponsor" cut her loose and she needs the money again.'---> Ummm... This sounds pretty bad to me... It seems as if 'official sponsor' doesn't know he is sharing and once he knows, he cut her loose and that is when she is charging some other poor guy for money (I hope I am wrong). So, effectively, the official sponsor is funding her relationship with another guy.  Why does she need an official sponsor anyway? Does she not work?  Sorry, I don't agree that she is 'self-sufficient and independant' as she is doing so 'thanks to the money she is getting from the "sponsors"'.  People become self sufficient and independent when they earn their money themselves.

I try not to judge people and as I said before remain open minded.  Had your friend dated lots of men just to see what's available or just for fun sexually, I wouldn't even say anything as I believe it's her own life.  It's great that she gets to meet lots of different people.  I agree with you that being able to date different people shouldn't be exclusively for men (as long as all parties know the score, otherwise it's just pure playing around with other's emotion-this applies to both men and women).  But I don't agree with dating lots of other people and at the same time asking for money or getting them to fund your relationship with your 'favourite'.  It's just not right.  

I would say good luck to your friend and the men she was or is seeing if they all know the score.  If all the farangs she met pay for everything knowing that they are 'sharing her' with all the others and even sometimes 'sponsoring' her other relationship, then who am I to judge?  Great deal for them!  Everyone’s happy.  I couldn't care less if adult women or men of any nationalities want to (safely) shag each other's brains out, paying or not paying in the process,as long as they know they are all just having fun.  But if they are pursuing a relationship with your friend, thinking they are the only one and that she really loves them when in reality there are these 'favourite' and 'official sponsor' scenario, then that is so not right.  Again, I may have got it all wrong.  So if she is not the sort of 'a pro' I am talking about, then my apology to all.

I can see that it would be silly to expect a person to take some guy who pop the question of marriage after 2 weeks seriously.  I wouldn't take them seriously either and it's not likely that I will be interested in such sort of men.  But should one give them hope, get romantically involved with them and ask for money/things from them?  I wouldn't.  Not only that I would not want to encourage them and cause myself some headache, it would be taking advantage of their feelings to do so.  It feels somewhat cruel.  I wouldn't want someone to do that to me or people I care about, so why should I do it to these people, just because they are silly and emotionally immature enough to behave in this way?

I would still say, if I were looking for a serious, long-term relationship, 'sharing' the girl/guy of my dream with others is not a very good start.  It would be ideal if what I'm looking for is an open-ended relationship where we all just, knowingly, have fun and play the field.  Then again, each to his own.  I just want to say that for most ordinary serious Thai relationship that I know of and have experienced, you don't share the love of your life with other men/women.  In a very casual, open ended ones, sometimes you do and even then it is rare and not acceptable to ask/accept money from your casual bf/gf (I'm just talking about the Thai-Thai and Thai-Farang relationships that I know).  I personally wouldn't be able take the guy I am with seriously if I know he goes off with many other girls and getting money from them, just like I wouldn't take him seriously if he pops the question after 2 weeks.  I wouldn't want to be his 'favourite' or his 'official sponsor'.

I hope I did not cause any offense hese.   If I did, I sincerely apologise.  :o

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Interesting bit of reading, I didn't meet her on Khoa San and we never went home first night or have even slept together yet. (Don't ask!)

I've seen the type of scenario being described here from a girl

who was a friend in Phuket who had an english guy paying her £150 / mth to not work & she would go into the "quiet room" to take his phonecalls, whilst she had a german man she was living with. So I've got a notion what to lookout for.

She's never asked for money, and once I did offer a one off bung and she refused twice. It's strange, she has always told me that she is not interested in money with me and she always prooves it. Unless she is waiting for the big pay day.


She's also arranged for me to meet a guy from the UK who is in a relationship with her best friend so I can talk to him and get some advice, etc. Things like this make me feel she is genuine, but there is always going to be that doubt until I move over full time. So I've decided that after xmas i'm going to look at moving over for a 3-6month stretch to see how it goes, and take it from there.

Thanks all for your advice, best of luck to you guys also !!

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Having met "Girl of Dreams" I'm just wondering if it can work out well or whether it's just a pipedream !

Hi Muay-Thai,

We all know it COULD be a pipedream.

You seem to be seeking assurance that

it is also possible that things can work out well.

And I would say yes - it is possible.


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Been thinking a lot just to how it can work, and I trying to get assurance and ideas for the best way forward I suppose.

Now toying with the idea of living in Singapore which she tells me she would be happy with, and once settled she can go to see her family whenever. So looks like we are going to check that out in September.

Suppose it's a bit of give and take but deep down I know or maybe just don't want to have to leave her every few months to go and work and don't want her to have to put up with that type of relationship neither when I know she'd be happier just settling down.

Thanks for everyone's advice and input suppose it's just one of life's experiences I've got give it me best shot !!  :laugh:

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I hope I did not cause any offense hese.   If I did, I sincerely apologise.  :o

From your post it seems that your a female, a female farang or maybe a Thai woman (western background) ? just curious.

No offense, but you are actually making a "moral" and "value" judgement here and not being open minded as you claim. Yes, her lifestyle is different from yours and her economics is based on "having" different boyfriends. How is this different from the load of farangs girls (younger generation, post-feminist) who wouldn't go into a relationship if the guy does not have a certain of level of income or provide them with a certain level of material comfort ? nothing wrong with that but I do see parallell in both cases. One is obvious while the other one is "hidden" and "discrete" and not so "obvious". Frankly, when you take the decorum out, they both have the same objective: lay a man who can support them emotionally and financially.

No, I am not sorry for those poor men who get abused. If they are looking for a ride, they should take responsability for it. If they don't have the emotional balance to deal with "love" or "sex", then they should stay home and watch TV

Also, I don't agree with the assumption that Thai only relationship are NOT based on money. This is so untrue. Maybe it was true 100 years ago, but certainly not today. Thailand is very well known for its class system, which means that people get involved emotionally and sexually only with people in the same class. Thai college students (the rich ones) will not mix with "low class" farangs or Thai and money and "class" is everything when a couple is involved. They might not show it in public but "money business" in a relationship is very much present in Thai couples. Because you don't see it does not mean it does not exist.

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I'm only here to try to answer your question(s) and comment (s).  I may not be able to address them all but I will try anyway. I guess it wouldn't be too off topic since we're talking about LOS g/f.

Since you've asked, I am a Thai, female.  I don't know whether I have a western background or not (it seems pretty Thai to me).   My mum & dad are Thai.  My family is not super-rich, probably middleclass if you must put a label on it, but we work hard to achieve what we've got. My partner (who is English) is from a working class background (so really, that no mixing between the classes thing has sometimes been much exaggerated-well, at least it doesn't seem to be so bad in my very humble social circle and limited experience anyway...but then again, I've got friends who are minor royalties who still mix with other classes on equal basis...).  He works hard and, like my family, achieves the goals in his life through his own ability.

I respect your point of view.  However, I think people in general make moral and value judgement throughout their lives anyway.  Even if one said one is more acceptance of a certain lifestyle, that in itself is a type of moral and value judgement.  It just depends on what you decide is acceptable or unacceptable.

I do try to keep an open mind and be acceptance/non-judgemental towards most things.  But I have my boundaries on actions that are dishonest and are hurting others unnecessarily.  If that means I am narrow-minded, then I supposed I will have to be.  It is my principle that one should avoid being the cause of suffering of someone else as much as possible.  So, if I can avoid taking money from one guy who's fallen for me to sponsor my relationship with another, I would.  Because I know that will cause such heartache all around and I do not want to be someone responsible for it.  I don't think the guys deserve it just because they want to try some sort of a relationship with me.  I don't think I would like it very much if some guy start a relationship with me in such a manner that I believe I am the only one, rendering me to start sharing my financial security with him only to find out that I'm his official sponsor to his relationship tournament!   :o

I could like lots of guys and go out with all of them, making no promises.  There's nothing wrong with not being able to choose or not wanting to choose who you want to be with. But I don't have to (and wouldn't want to) take their hard-earned money while they think they are the only one when I know otherwise.  I don't have much respect for those who do so (of course I would not treat them badly or anything silly like that).  On the point of honesty, I have more respect for prostitutes who at least fool no one about what they do.  If their customers choose to take the risk and try to form a romntic relationship with them, at least they know (or would know if they care to look) what is likely to be in store for them.  And as we have heard from this webboard, some relationships do succeed while some don't, mostly due to the issue of honesty.

On the other hand, if everyone is being truthful to one another of what deal they are getting i.e. A becomes an 'official sponsor' to B while in a 'relationship', knowing that B also sees C and sometimes uses the money he 'sponsored' on the relationship with C and so on and so forth.  If they all know this and are happy then, as I said before 'who am I to judge?'.  Good for them, I'd say.  

An English friend of mine has done the same thing as your friend, complete with the secret favourites and the official sponsors.  Here in England, she doesn't get much respect from others either, including the men she’s done this to.  Unfortunately, the money thing gets into her a bit too much and she's lost many close friends because of it.  Some of her friends (including me) still care about her and will be there for her if she gets hurt.  We do not support her action and she knows it.  If it works for her, then fine.  But I don't believe I have to agree with/give support to all of her actions just because she is a friend.  

You are quite right, Thai relationships do care about money and material things like all others.  But also like any others, too much care given to the subject will likely to result in relationships that are 'shallow' and 'materialistic', where your partner 'jump ship' at first sign of distress.  I, for one, wouldn't want that to happen in any 'serious relationship' of mine.  Despite lots of painful relationships which fail because of money issue told in this board, I believe serious relationships where a person loves another because of who he/she is not what he/she makes still exist in Thai society.

To me, a serious relationship is when the couple go through both good time and bad time together.  A relationship based solely or largely on money is pretty shaky in this sense.  And for most serious Thai-Thai/Thai-farang relationships that I know of, money is NOT the main part of the whole thing.  I did not say that money has no place in it.  Nor did I say anything about the existence of the sort of relationship where money plays an exclusively important role.  I even said in my first post that I am not going to argue about such existence since I know they are out there.  What I said was:

'Asking money from one's boyfriend or girlfriend in a 'normal' (perhaps middle-class) and 'decent' Thai relationship is actually frowned upon.  From what I have experienced, most couples (Thai-Thai and Thai-Farang) who are serious about their long term relationship don't do it unless and until they are sure they will settle down together.  This is just from my experience, some people may differ.'


'for most ordinary serious Thai relationship that I know of and have experienced, you don't share the love of your life with other men/women.  In a very casual, open ended ones, sometimes you do and even then it is rare and not acceptable to ask/accept money from your casual bf/gf (I'm just talking about the Thai-Thai and Thai-Farang relationships that I know).'  

In all these comments, I've only talked about 'what I have seen and experienced'.  I explained the value generally held among Thai people I would describe as 'decent' (for want of a better word).  I also stressed that other people (meaning those that I do not know of)'may differ' and indeed they do differ.

So, in conclusion, I personally don't really care much what people want to believe in.  I know other views exist and I agree/disagree with some of them.  I have already said why I disagree with certain behaviours.  If a person wants to ignore the consequences of his/her action and the effects it could have on other people's lives then it's his/her choice.  I hope I have explained some of my points if not all.  To me, personality, character and, to some extent, ability is more important than the instant 'here and now' material things.  For others, each to his/her own.  :cool:

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good words and I agree mostly with what you say here. Perfect English so you are definitely above average in terms of western culture and I bet that living in England for quite a while has positively "changed" you in that sense.

I am not supporting this kind of behavior either but her "choice" to do so. It's difficult to explain in words but I know she is not "hurting" the guys directly because she makes sure they never find out and she is so charming :o

For me she is not worse than the spouse cheating on the other spouse, and this has become so "widespread" now not only in Thailand but everywhere else, that I find difficult to condemn her for this, when everyone else is not "clean" on the topic of "cheating". The world is a dirty place, and the farangs are far worse than the Thai in that respect. I find it difficult to support "anti-prostitution" claims when I see farangs being so "dishonnest" about themselves and who they are "cheating" on. Just a strong opinion. I hope you don't mind.

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Muay in reply to your original post I suspect that you are my friend who I travelled to Thailand with in June.   If so, I feel there is something I must tell you about the girl in question...............  whilst in bangkok, for the few days after you left, I also enjoyed a passionate relationship with the beautiful girl in question.  We had such a special time together that I found myself falling for her in a very big way and have also been in touch with her on a daily basis since I returned home.  I didn't know you had such strong feelings for her or had indeed even been in touch with her because not only was I obviously keeping quiet about how my own long term relationship was building pace with her, but I thought you were a happily married father of two!  Now that I know how you feel for her I am very confused as she never told me you were in touch with her and I wonder now what is happening?  She says she loves me and I certainly love her with all my heart......  I think we must talk, I haven't said anything to her yet as I am still in shock and I don't want to lose you as a friend.  I thought what me and her had was very real but know I just dont know................ call me mate please
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MOST EXCITING POST in thaivisa - guys please let us know how it works out!

Don't lose your friendship over someone who is playing your hearts.

Butterfly - prostitution is an honest exchange, though dangerous for the body and difficult for the heart.  Having a few lovers overseas and being honest about it is a thing most foriegners can handle.  

Breaking hearts, deceiving, and destroying peoples belief in love and all that is good in order to make money has heavy karmic consequences.

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yeah you guys are probably right, sounds too good to be true... too bad, it had all the makings of a good soap opera. the most interesting post in a long time. so, muay thai, what's the story, fiction or...? :cool:
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Jaylord ! I can't believe that you could do that to me knowing that I was with her b4u, what happened to our code of conduct I know she's a looker but mates are mates! Or not now so it seems!

Well I don't know what ur going to say to her but I'm seeing her in 4weeks and I'l bide my time until then! If you want to sort our friendship out u'l keep your mouth shut about this until I've spoke to her!

As for call me mate, I'd rather you wasted your money on phoning her until I've got my head round this one.??

PS. Don't bother phoning me as I aint answering!"

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