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Renewing 90 Day Multiple Entry Type 'o'. Possibility Of Changing Later

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Realise this will have been asked umpteen times already?

So please accept all apologies for rehashing a basic? Question again

Have a 90 day multiple entry, type 'O' visa, first issued in Cardiff last year. Query is ??

Q. Do I have to return to the UK or can it be renewed at say Jomtiem??

I am 53, have all my wage slips showing an amount in excess of 65,000bt, have a lease showing I am living here.

Q, Can I change my visa to extension of stay (retirement) instead, can that be done at Jomtiem??

On another tack?

Want to bring/import personal effects, books PC, ornaments two very small items of furniture. Read if a Thai imports the goods then free of import duty? My Thai GF has her name on the lease also

Or do we need to be married, or does she need to be returning home to Thailand from abroad.

Again please accept my apologies for rehashing old questions, but, on reading all the posts and answers there always seems to be a difference with peoples circumstances?



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Q. Do I have to return to the UK or can it be renewed at say Jomtiem??

I am 53, have all my wage slips showing an amount in excess of 65,000bt, have a lease showing I am living here.

Q, Can I change my visa to extension of stay (retirement) instead, can that be done at Jomtiem??

You can get a years extension of stay at Jontiem.

You will need a letter from the UK Embassy verifying your income.

Apply about 3 weeks before your current stay finishes.

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Thanks guys.

With the way my 'off' time is limited this leave, will go for the 90 day renewal and then change it at Jomtiem at my leisure.

Another query??

Since my lease names a property in Pattaya. Am I unable to go for the retirement visa in Korat??

Reason being the GF comes from Sia Khao, she and I spend most of my leave up there with her parents, can their address be used??

Sorry for the constant questions?



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